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Thread: "Right In The Lugnuts!" The Ongoing Adventures Of Lugnut And His Amazing Friends.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    NUT CONVOY: Hi Pipes!

    NUT CONVOY: Aarrggh! Pipes! Someone ripped your face off and put it on the back of your head!

    PUFFER: I'm not Pipes, I'm Puffer.

    NUT CONVOY: Hey… you're that guy from the little box photo that's always above my stories!

    PUFFER: Yep. In the early days of third-season Transformers, Mexico didn't have the retooled Minibot moulds, so they released Pipes using the Huffer mould. I'm super-rare and Sky Shadow's ultimate holy grail.

    NUT CONVOY: Wow, you're awesome! You probably even know who killed Flash Lio Convoy!

    PUFFER: …No hablo inglés.

    NUT CONVOY: But you just…

    PUFFER: ¡No hablo ingles, señor!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    NUT CONVOY: Wow, you're awesome! You probably even know who killed Flash Lio Convoy!

    PUFFER: …No hablo inglés.

    NUT CONVOY: But you just…

    PUFFER: ¡No hablo ingles, señor!
    Best part

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    BURNING CONVOY: Detective Sergeant Garboil, are you any closer to finding Flash's killer?

    GOD NEPTUNE: Yeah, Garboil, we need his body for the funeral.

    GARBOIL: Soon, Neptune; Burning Convoy. I appreciate that you were Flash's best friends and you've been patient, which is why we have Max and Mol here right on it – the force's two top forensic experts.

    NUT CONVOY: Oh. Is one of them a serial killer who only kills other serial killers?

    GARBOIL: Of course not.

    MAX-B: Actually, I am.

    GARBOIL: Okay, Max is.

    MOL BURRO: And I do that too. On weekends.

    GARBOIL: And Mol, apparently.

    NUT CONVOY: So… if they're both serial killers who kill other serial killers, doesn't that mean they should kill each other?

    [MAX-B and MOL BURRO share an uncomfortable look.]

    MAX-B: Um… Anyway... you got the murder weapon wrong, Detective Sergeant. Flash wasn't stabbed twice in the chest by a sharp object.

    GARBOIL: He wasn't?

    MOL BURRO: No, he was stabbed once in the chest by two sharp objects. Two long, sharp, curved objects.

    BURNING CONVOY: What? What are you looking at?

    PUFFER: ¡Ay, no es bueno!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    heheheh, I love how Puffer talks like the Bumblebeeman. I knew a dude at uni who grew up in South America and had a lot of the Latino exclusives - maybe Puffer - his memories were pretty wonky as he thought they were just cheap KOs and ended up turfin' them before migrating to Australia!!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    2010 Ozformer Awards:


    5.7 Best Fan Creative Piece (Written or Visual)
    Winner: Skyshadow's "Right in the Lugnuts!" (13%)

    LUGNUT: Strika - this is for you, babe! But first, a moment to reflect on all the people we've lost this year. Flash Lio Convoy; Orcanoch; Universe Skydive; Icebird the polurkey. Sadly they couldn't be with us today, but I'm sure they're looking down from the Allspark, seeing my awesome trophy and knowing that their excruciatingly painful deaths were all worth it. Also, I'd like to thank Paulbot and the Ozformers Academy - without you, Transformers like me would never get the recognition we so richly deserve. And most of all, I want to say that I love working in our business - where else could find great friends like the ones I have celebrating with me tonight. I just feel so blessed that I'm surrounded by all the nicest people in the world. All hail Megatron!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune

  7. #27
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    "Me Grimlock not want play-at-homes, me Grimlock want more Lugnut adventures!"

  8. #28
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    What Him say!!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010

  10. #30
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    GARBOIL: Welcome to The Correctional Centre.

    NUT CONVOY: Your gaol is in a volcano?

    GARBOIL: Yeah, it crashed here four million years ago.

    NUT CONVOY: Really?

    GARBOIL: No, over-run, we built it here. We find that the concept of not-being-scalded-by-boiling-hot-lava-every-day is a great incentive for convicts to reform and become constructive members of society. Hey boss.

    PROWL: Welcome back, Detective Sergeant.

    NUT CONVOY: ZOMG, Garboil... your boss is Robocop!

    PROWL: Ha ha. Greetings, Nut Convoy. I hear you have the makings of a future policeman.

    NUT CONVOY: I want to be an astronaut.

    BURNING CONVOY: And I want to speak to my lawyer.

    GARBOIL: I think someone wants a bit more lava.

    BURNING CONVOY: Dude, I'm already on fire, what's a bit of lava going to do?

    GARBOIL: Sigh. Fine, your lawyer's already here to see you anyway.

    MAGNABOSS: Hey Burn, don't you worry, I'm going to get you out of here. How are you holding up?

    NUT CONVOY: Hi Voltron!

    MAGNABOSS: Oily pit...

    NUT CONVOY: I haven't seen you since you threatened to kill me right after I got the matrix.

    MAGNABOSS: Ahem. Um... that isn't quite as bad as it sounds.

    NUT CONVOY: Sure it is. Garboil, remember what Deathsaurus said?

    GARBOIL: Nutso, my wife is not a slu...

    NUT CONVOY: Not that.

    GARBOIL: That we were ignoring the elephant in the room?

    NUT CONVOY: The one with two long, sharp, curved objects.

    GARBOIL: Tusks! Plus Magnaboss had motive, means and opportunity.

    MAGNABOSS: I'm going to kill you, Lugnut!

    NUT CONVOY: Motive, means, opportunity and he really likes killing people.

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