Every time a new wave is released ( such as Potp) there is always that 'urgency' to get the latest figure. The fear of missing out - paying overs or the impatient tax.

For those lamenting about not finding anything at the moment, here are some words of consolation.

I stepped away from buying any transformers after picking up Bruticus (combiner wars) end of 2016... I decided to get back into it at the end of last year and still managed to get every figure i wanted - all from retail, all on sale.

I was just reviewing the March acquisition section on this site, and see people fawning on picking up Brawn, Gnaw, Fangry etc.... Most of these are still sitting on shelves now.

I picked up 4 Gnaws the other day (for $7 each). In December, Trypticon for 149, Galvatron and Astro train for $30.

Maybe I'm just the Tortoise late to the party, but these toys are mass produced, mostly if you can wait, you will pick up for a bargain.

For the ones you must have, well go get 'em, and if you miss out at first, they will turn up later on sale.

I must admit, I still get swept up in the hype and had to rush out to get a Devastator (still havent opened) or Grimlock currently. PoTp will soon turn up in Kmart and you can have the last laugh when you get them up at a better price. Some lucky bugger found a 20% off sale at Toyworld and picked up all these POtp cheap.

Anyway, that is my rant, just trying to easy any stress. The fear of missing out is the best commercial tool pushed onto the public.