Well hit my first snag in getting my nbn service. Called Aussie Broadband to see if it was possible yet to preorder the nbn through them.

As it turns out nbnco has put me on a temporary POI and very few companies are going to spend the money to connect their backhaul to any temporary POI since it will be going away in the near future and that money is basically flushed down the drain.

Fortunately Telstra is connected to the POI so I can get the nbn, but on the congested Telstra network.

At least Aussie BB was honest about the situation. Also they said that since I'm going to be on FTTN my area should be turned on in April when nbnco says it will be. Apparently nbnco have been keeping their dates for FTTN connections, but other connection methods are behind. *cough HFC cough*