Series – RID
Subline – Combiner Force
Size/class - Deluxe
Wave - 2
Released here – Not yet
Approximate Retail Price – Prob $29
Approximate Size - 15cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode – VTOL Jet
Main Colours – Red, Black, Yellow
Main Accessories – Sword, Sword Sheath

Robot Mode

Windblade is sporting here her battle mask and due to her having such a distinctive face it is a shame it cannot be removed, detracting somewhat from the figure overall. A nice touch I found was the different options you have with the sword and sheath. You can either have her holding her sword with the sheath on her hip (as pictured) or the sheath can act as a giant second sword. Also the sheath splits in two so you can have half on each hip if that is the look you like. The way her wings affix to her body looks far superior to the Generations version with which she shares the more lithe arms with.

VTOL Jet Mode

What is disappointing is that her wind turbines are covered by caps on the top in her VTOL jet mode. With the Generations version you could actually blow on the turbines and make them spin, here they are not even visible in her vehicle mode. It’s not a badly proportioned jet and is very indicative of the screen character. Her sword sheath can be affixed underneath but I only recommend this as a way to not lose the piece – otherwise it looks simply terrible and certainly ruins the aerodynamic look of the jet which is somewhat already hampered by the way the robot arms jut out from the sides, much like many of the Combiner Wars figures.

Quite easy - like the majority of Transformers these days

If you had a choice between this Windblade and the one that was released earlier in the RID line I would definitely pick the earlier one. But this toy is good for the likes of me that missed out on it.

For more info on Windblade and other Combiner Force figures, please check out my blog HERE
