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Thread: The Pros & Cons of Michael Bay - discussion topic

  1. #101
    Smint is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Comic strip is brilliant

    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    but if any one of those plans worked the others no longer mattered.

    Point of contention, I didn't think Bumblebees voice was fixed, it was worked on at the end of the first movie but it was still patchy and I didn't think he used it to even form a full sentence. as such, for Ratchets field patchwork to not hold isn't much of a stretch.

    Primes progression to angry killer in the movies hasn't seemed all that far fetched to me either. We are used to prime being extremely noble, but after millions of years of war, which has to be wearing, they are all on a planet that Optimus feels compelled to protect and at every turn the Decepticons are killing and maiming humans. In the third movie, the humans are even working with the Decepticons, such a low blow after all the sacrifices Prime and his team have made. And they've been keeping secrets from him.

    We don't know between movie 1 and 2 just how many people the decepticons have killed, perhaps the termination of Demolisher is simply carrying out a judgement.

    Sentinel Prime was their hope, his mentor of millions of years, the one who instilled his values and he has turned on it all killing humans and Autobots and trying to kill prime, he had it coming. Prime even gave him the opportunity in Washington to change his mind, and it nearly cost him his life. It's not like he just walked up to him and killed him in cold blood.

    by AOE Prime has discovered that Humans have turned against him and his people, for all the help and sacrifices they've made. I'd be pissed too.
    Sure i agree I'd be pissed too in the context of the story. But in movie world a character change like this needs to be explained.

    Example being Man of Steel. Not a great movie but they emphasized the point of Superman not being a killer and when he finally had to kill it had impact. In TF it doesnt have to be a central theme but a brief moment would sure help tell us about who Optimus really is.

    There are no story beats that say this is the turning point for Optimus or who he is or why he does what he does. Initially we get that he's noble and protects all life (because he literally says it) but what happens to him after that? It literally is explosions, explosions, explosions and toilet humour.

  2. #102
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    Ultimately, I don't think canon really matters all that much.

    The details of the events aren't really what matter. It's how it affects the characters and what it means for them that matter. Naturally, a story needs to have some coherence to convey that effectively but these are movies. Most movies tell a fairly self-contained story, or one episode in the lives of its characters. Consistency between movies is nowhere near as important as consistency within each episode.

    Most people who go to see the movie aren't thinking "gee, I can't wait to see what happens next in the Transformers saga". They probably can't even remember what happened in the previous ones. But that doesn't matter because what they ARE thinking is "gee, I enjoyed those other crazy robot movies, so I'll probably enjoy this one too."

    Even with the character of movie Prime. I don't think it really matters all that much whether he satisfies any particular person's idea of who Optimus prime should be. What matters is that the character is well-motivated and compelling whoever he is.

    That's why we don't need a reboot. We just need them to make the next one a better movie.

  3. #103
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    We shouldn't be too harsh. After all AoE did win an award. Just goes to show where the filmmakers priorities are at.

  4. #104
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonac View Post
    Didn't they fix Bumblebee's voice at the end of the first movie?
    Or did audiences think him being a robot Lassie was too cute, so it was retconned?
    nope thats how bad this movie line is.

  5. #105
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonac View Post
    We shouldn't be too harsh. After all AoE did win an award. Just goes to show where the filmmakers priorities are at.
    The toys are not winning me over either, if anything I bought Ironman figure over Tfs.

  6. #106
    Smint is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    The toys are not winning me over either, if anything I bought Ironman figure over Tfs.
    Dont get me started on the designs. Ugly is the word. But technically speaking they lack a focal point to draw the eyes. They look so busy they just look like millions of pieces of scrap metal stuck together. Couple that with Bay's "signature" fast editing and i cant tell head from arse.

  7. #107
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smint View Post
    Dont get me started on the designs. Ugly is the word. But technically speaking they lack a focal point to draw the eyes. They look so busy they just look like millions of pieces of scrap metal stuck together. Couple that with Bay's "signature" fast editing and i cant tell head from arse.
    pretty much it, junk metal, and the alt mode is decent.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Considering that they couldn't even fix Bumblebee's voice box & their limited resources spark storage doesn't seem like a viable option to me.

    I may be wrong, but weren't the Dinobots on the ship they needed to travel across the world? Freeing them onboard may not have been the best course of action if they were

    Prime does ask for their help first though "so, today you stand with us, or you stand against me."
    Grimlock decided to stand against Prime and once Jungle Law was applied and Optimus Prime proved that he was the Alpha Male, Grimlock and the other Dinobots fell in line. Happens in nature every day of the week

    That's what we want though, isn't it? we want to see Prime develop as a character. we want to see how he feels and reacts. He's witnessed his family get torn apart, blown up, melted, betrayed by humans and we still expect him to do cartwheels?
    If i see one more Prime sacrifice himself or die only to come back i'm going to headbutt something -it's cliche, it's tired, it's old. it loses it's edge when you've seen the same thing for the last 30 freaking years.

    rule #1 you must die and come back to life
    rule #2 you must sacrifice yourself at any given opportunity
    Quote Originally Posted by Yongeltron View Post
    Agreed. I can understand nostalgia, but what's the point of telling exactly the same story with exactly the same characters again and again for decades on end? Are the Autobots, Decepticons and their endless war really the towering literary and conceptual achievements that would justify such treatment? Even Luke and his pals only blew up the Death Star twice.

    I agree with all of the above

  9. #109
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    And I don't.

    If you are tired of Transformers maybe you should stop everything altogether.

    Who is going to complain about combiner wars robots that combined for 30 years? Exactly? What? Have Transformers but dont transform as a new point of direction? Ur no thanks.

    Hell yeah, I want to see prime die again.
    Bring on powermaster optimus. In fact I want to see Bay run out of options and finally throw in the towel, so bring it on. the faster he finishes this line, the better. I know he does a half arse job in the direction it has gone. Since TF 3 its been a great down slide.

    Episode 5 should just solely focus on how bumble bee gets his voice back. < can't see the point he can get a new car body everytime but can't fix his voice.

    This story line is sadly on a downhill slide, so only explosions and more Autobots dying is the way to go. Yeah comes to a point where humans are the decepticons and probably one where autobots have to work hand in hand with decepticons for their survival.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post

    If you are tired of Transformers maybe you should stop everything altogether.

    Don't talk stupid crap like that. Just because people enjoy new storylines and takes on characters doesn't mean they are tired of Transformers. And saying: 'If you are tired of Transformers maybe you should stop everything altogether' is like saying if a person is tired of this hobby they should just give up on life.

    Have an opposing opinion - that's fine - makes for healthy discussion. But don't spout idiotic one liners like that. It proves no point and makes you look rude and adversarial.

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