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Thread: The Food Thread - comments and recommendations

  1. #611
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    ^This video explains why organic food is actually worse for the environment than conventionally farmed and genetically modified crops.

  2. #612
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Dorito and tomato sauce sandwiches are every bit as good as I remember them.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  3. #613
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    What were they thinking....

    Unfortunately it was quite authentic with the flavour... not making them enjoyable as a snacking chip.

  4. #614
    XMan's Avatar
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    Have been avoiding Pringles for a while now. You should see their facebook page. It is beyond me that because 'ours' are made in Malaysia they cant be like the originals.

    So we get super crunch

  5. #615
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I stopped buying them after they downsized, now only getting new flavours to try when they are half price.

  6. #616
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    I rarely buy pringles these days. Expensive and not great anymore

    Speaking of chips, the Super Nova flavoured Doritos are pretty damn nice

  7. #617
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    Speaking of chips, the Super Nova flavoured Doritos are pretty damn nice
    I had no idea what you were talking about... and thought it was something made up so didn't look online to see what they were.

    Then while I was in Sydney last week (on the 20th, over 2 weeks after the posting above) I saw a small pack (25g) at a newsagent at the airport... charging $3.80!
    I bought one because I thought it might have been exclusive to only some states and not end up in QLD... and what do you know... the first store I visit just half an hour after returning to Brisbane....

    Typical... regular packs that are over twice the size of the one I bought at Sydney airport, at about two-thirds the price. (and this week, they are half price)

    Well, they are lime-pepper flavoured, and a very deep green. An okay flavour, but not great, so after one pack, I'm not too keen to buy another.

    (it's playdoh green... )

    On the other hand, I can't get enough of the Pepsi Max Vanilla... fortunately it looks like it might be a temporary flavour, as I'm developing an addiction to it.
    (also fortunately for me, both the Coles and Woolies near me have trouble keeping it in stock, as I tend to grab a bottle (if on sale) any time I see it)

  8. #618
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    24th May 2007


    When did (regular, non-gourmet) pies get so expensive here.

    There's nothing more Aussie than a meat pie... and so many franchise places make them these days, but the prices just seem to be insane, for something that can be found in supermarket freezers for a couple dollars.

    Pieface is a national franchise that I think make the worst pies I've ever tried, and they are expensive for MASS-produced pies... but this dedicated pie shop in Sydney (last week), had pies going up to almost $10!
    And they didn't even look or sound like anything more than the pies you get at the corner store Bakery for $3-4.

    Speaking of expensive... a new donut shop in Brisbane (so many popped up after Krispy Kreme showed up), selling plain cinnamon donuts for $4 each!
    You can get 6 or 12 at Coles/Woolies for about that price... and probably taste just he same when covered in sugar and cinnamon.
    Even Krispy Kreme aren't this expensive.

  9. #619
    Join Date
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    Ever seen one of those little Gummi pizzas, that often fill the Gummi Christmast stocking each year?
    Well... at Kmart you can get a full-size small pizza, made out of lollies.

    Even I'm not stupid enough to buy one of these... even just to try it out.

  10. #620
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    There's nothing more Aussie than a meat pie...
    One of the things i miss about Australia is meat pies, even the cheap supermarket ones were alright if you crisped them up in the oven! And sausage rolls... and reasonably priced large varieties of cheese, large blocks of chocolate, Shapes, Smiths chips... good old Vegemite. I guess there's a bit i miss! Though i had a fantastic pack of apple pie flavoured chips the other day!

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Speaking of expensive... a new donut shop in Brisbane (so many popped up after Krispy Kreme showed up), selling plain cinnamon donuts for $4 each!
    You can get 6 or 12 at Coles/Woolies for about that price... and probably taste just he same when covered in sugar and cinnamon.
    Even Krispy Kreme aren't this expensive.
    But this I don't miss! Back in Perth i'd occasionally get a jam donut on the way into work that cost $3.50. Could only afford that every now and then Japan though has such good quality and great prices at their bakeries. Most stuff is 100-150Y with more than 30 different kinds of stuff at any given time; a huge variety. Most Australian bakeries have.. bread and ... burger buns if you're lucky? lol actually burger buns are hard to find in Japan!

    Bakeries though, every time you go in there'll be something new to try. And i do This is just the bakeries tacked onto supermarkets. If you go to an "up market" bakery, you might pay 200Y for something even fancier, but it's always worth it. Even the Mister Donut has a great selection at good prices -

    I used to get a 600ml Coke in the mornings too, for a steadily rising price ... last time was $4.20 iirc. Japan's bottles are mostly 500ml, but they go for about 80c. They actually went DOWN in price the other week!

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