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Thread: Kabaya Convoys Review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008

    Post Kabaya Convoys Review

    Just a quick pictorial review of the Kabaya Convoys. Only got the G1 and Classics Prime. I should have gotten Victory as well. Ah well. On with it...

    SIZE COMPARISON with RotF DVD. About twice the thickness of a DVD:

    THE BOX: Front, Back and Sides:

    Nice art for the featured Convoy with a boxout of what it looks like in both modes.

    Nothing much up back but I assume its bio.

    The side shows all the different Convoy's featured in the series.


    Out of the box:

    As you can see these are kits and not a complete figure. The instructions are printed on the inside of the box. The two things in the middle is the chewing gum.

    G1 Convoy contents:

    Classics Convoy contents:

    As you can see they require snap-on assembly. Might want to use some nippers or mini-pliers to take them off the gates. 3 different colour of ABS (good) plastic used. There is a sticker sheet for all the detail.




    Assembly is pretty simple with clear instructions for both modes. Everything is numbered including stickers. Conversion is good for the most part with the legs converting as you would expect with only the arms in both modes requiring some Legoforming.

    THE FINISHED PRODUCT compared with its bigger daddy:

    Looks pretty decent although they do have a "happy meal" feel to them. With the simple colours and the stickers help give a LOT of detail. But these are made well for the asking price (I think $2-$5 in Japan). Having the weapons and similar conversion from the originals are nice little details. They are bigger than Legends size but slightly smaller than Scouts. The back in bot mode are hollow tho. I will let the finished product above speak for itself really. Kit builders (Gunpla, Zoids, Kotobikuya) will enjoy it and these are certainly worthy for those who have a "Prime Shrine".

    The aftermath:

    Chewing gum was nice. Slightly fruity and sweet as for a good 30 seconds. Noticed its the good soft variety and not those rock hard ones that tear your gums.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    8th Aug 2009
    Bankstown, NSW

    Thumbs up

    Wow great review mate... u went all out with the photos and all!

    I bought a case of these and decided only to keep Star Saber and Classics Prime.

    Yeah I agree that these are pretty cool and the only annoying thing (at least for me) were all the fiddly little stickers.

    It's also a shame that the chewing gum flavor doesn't last longer than 30 secs...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy View Post
    Chewing gum was nice. Slightly fruity and sweet as for a good 30 seconds. Noticed its the good soft variety and not those rock hard ones that tear your gums.
    Can this be our first TF food review?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy
    Nothing much up back but I assume its bio.
    Yeah, the text in the blue box explains what Transformers are and the text beneath with box art are the bios which includes name, function and which series they're from. Interestingly they've described G1 Convoy as 初代コンボイ("Shodai Convoy") which means "original generation Convoy." It's a term that Japanese fans usually use for G1 but in recent years the English term "Generation 1" or "G1" has entered currency. I still refer to G1 as "shodai" when speaking in Japanese but it's not often that I see that term pop up in official media/print.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy
    Looks pretty decent although they do have a "happy meal" feel to them. With the simple colours and the stickers help give a LOT of detail.
    Well they are candy toys.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy
    But these are made well for the asking price (I think $2-$5 in Japan).
    Yeah, they look a lot nicer than previous gum kits (e.g.: Beast Wars, Car Robot) - especially Henkei Convoy. I know they had Gum Kits during the Unicron Trilogy but I didn't get any so I can't compare.

    It's a shame local Asian supermarkets in Sydney don't stock Transformer candy kits/toys anymore. I picked up all my Beast Wars Metals and Car Robot kits from local Sydney stores. These kinds of toys don't interest me enough to import them, but if I saw them in a local store I'd snap them up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    16th Apr 2008
    blue mountains


    i cant wait for a city commander of this guy! lmao

  6. #6
    Join Date
    1st May 2009


    Cool, great pix and a detailed review. Thanks for posting. Don't forget to brush.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I have all 3 and they are actually a pretty good scaling down and simplification of the larger figures. Several of them have 're-assembly' transformations but that's expected given their lack of proper joints. It's a good effort that they can transform to begin with give the price point.

    Without the stickers they are really plain looking but that changes radically when you apply them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    6th Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Can this be our first TF food review?

    Make this the second

    Knights of my untidy study

  9. #9
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007
    Sydney West

    Default RE stores

    Goki said
    It's a shame local Asian supermarkets in Sydney don't stock Transformer candy kits/toys anymore. I picked up all my Beast Wars Metals and Car Robot kits from local Sydney stores. These kinds of toys don't interest me enough to import them, but if I saw them in a local store I'd snap them up.
    I grabbed mine from the mob in World Square.(next to Coles) for a measly $10.
    I wasn't tempted to get Shodai Convoy, but I was tempted to get the other TF toys. I still swing randomly in case something comes thru. Oh Hobby dream in Technocity have them for $15 also..
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