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Anyone else watch the final episode (Journey's End Part 2) of this year's season last Sunday?

Some thoughts about the overall two-parter: (SPOILERS)

+ Wow... talk about a whole massively long series of events coming together into a climax!! Kinda reminds me of the G1 comics (Furman) or Beast Wars... interesting how it crosses over with The Adventures of Sarah Jane and gives birth to the Torchwood TV series.

+ The Meta-Crisis creating three Time Lords was pretty cool as it was effectively seeing three Doctors at the same time! I thought it was a neat idea and something a bit more refreshing/original than merely having the Doctor run into past versions of himself (especially considering that this 10th Doctor has already met the 5th Doctor in the short episode Time Crash). Having said that, the fanboy in me would really love to see the Doctor meet up with previous versions of himself - especially all of them. Yeah, I know they would have to find other actors to play the deceased actors for the first three doctors and Tom Baker has always refused to play the Doctor again (and has never appeared in other episodes where the other Doctors met) - so they would have to find someone to replace the Fourth Doctor too (I'd recommend this actor, he's very convincing!).

+ Meta-Doctor was quite an interesting character... it's like seeing the Doctor devoid of his pacifism which I thought was cool, cos I must admit that ever since I was about 10 or 11, I did wonder what the Doctor would be like if he wasn't such a "wuss" (again, I was only 11 ) and the Meta-Doctor pretty much answered my question. Comparing the Doctor and the Meta-Doctor is like comparing Optimus Prime with Dai Atlas... and the Doctor's abhorrence toward the Meta-Doctor's extermination of the Daleks reminds me of the way that Japanese TF fans similarly criticise and dislike Dai Atlas for his ruthlessness. But I also like how the Doctor was able to sympathise and rationalise the Meta-Doctor's actions - as essentially being an aspect of himself still emotionally scarred/tormented from the Time War. I also like how the Doctor left Meta-Doctor in Pete's World for Rose to live with... allowing him and Rose to fulfill their unspoken love... awww... so romantic. And the fact that the Meta-Doctor, being partially human, would age and perish with Rose (unlike the Doctor, who if he chose to live with Rose, would watch her age and perish while he would regenerate and live on). But this also brings up the question of how the Doctor will change his stance on this issue when he eventually falls deeply in love with River Song in his future (especially knowing that she is destined to "die"... but I suppose that he did give instructions to his past self to "save" her). Hrmm...

+ Doctor Donna was quite interesting - it was really cool to see a female Doctor! At the same time, I liked the tragically melancholy fate that was sealed on Donna as a result of possessing the Doctor's mind.

+ Nekkid Meta-Doctor! *teeheehee* David Tennant is widely considered to be one of the best-looking Doctors (rivalling Peter Davison (5th Doctor)). Free beefcake! Tennant is the second youngest person to portray the Doctor (youngest being Davison who was 29 when he began his role as the Doctor). Traditionally the Fourth Doctor has always been my favourite... but this Tenth Doctor has become my second favourite and could possibly overtake the Fourth Doctor as my personal fave!