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Thread: Vintage Console and Handhelds restoration Projects

  1. #41
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    It should be pretty easy to get the letters straight. Just cut them out individually and stick them on a bit of tape to align then tape the whole thing to the surface and rub the transfer. Fonts look pretty generic and you should be able to pick up a sheet from an art store or stationery shop.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    I really enjoy reading this thread Great work there, Kup.
    One question though, where were you when my xBox decided it could fly?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by gamblor916 View Post
    It should be pretty easy to get the letters straight. Just cut them out individually and stick them on a bit of tape to align then tape the whole thing to the surface and rub the transfer. Fonts look pretty generic and you should be able to pick up a sheet from an art store or stationery shop.
    I tried finding the letters, even ordered a sheet on ebay but upon arrival, the letters were 1mm too small and at that size, makes a huge difference and looks off.

    Finding the font for this is much harder than expected, I may have to consider a re-shell which is a shame.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    The font is Helvetica Neue Bold. I'm not sure if you're redoing Select/Start, but if you are, the letters are made slightly closer together than default for Select, and slightly further apart for Start.

  5. #45
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    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    The font is Helvetica Neue Bold. I'm not sure if you're redoing Select/Start, but if you are, the letters are made slightly closer together than default for Select, and slightly further apart for Start.
    Thanks but as it's the case, I cannot find any place that has the rub on tampos of the right size and font. As mentioned, I found only one provider of sheets with matching font but they were 1mm too small.

    Yeah Select/Start is what I am doing as well as A & B labels.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    My latest addition - The Atari 2600 - Light Sixer model. Everyone knows about this console and it's place in gaming history but to me, it was my very first console ever as I think we had it before I was even born

    Although I have a feeling that I owned a Sunnyvale Heavy Sixer model as a kid, this is likely the closest I am going to get as the shipping costs from US for that lead monstrosity would be horrendous. Plus the Light Sixer looks almost the same anyways.

    All that it needed was a thorough cleaning. I also ended up with three old Quickshot/3P joysticks and two busted up controllers for parts.

    This completes my vintage Console collection as I wanted it. With the addition of the Atari, I now have regained all the consoles that I owned and meant something to me as a kid .

    Although I first gave it a go on an LG Plasma TV that is much newer than mine, it refuses to work properly on my Panasonic so I just used the old CRT I had for this sort of thing.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    My parents had a 2600 (clone i think) probably from before i was born too! I discovered it while rummaging through a box in the shed, and that was when it all began! Actually i'd say after Super Mario Bros. 3 which my cousin had... That cemented me as a gamer. A 7800 was the first console i remember my parents buying though!

    My fav games on Atari... Circus Atari and Warlords (with paddle controllers), Adventure, Pitfall, Asteroids, Space Invaders, Ghostbusters (don't cross the streams!)... Midnight Magic, some wrestling game, Summer Games.. Shit i'm pretty much listing everything we had cause they were all good!

  8. #48
    CoRDS is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    18th Jul 2014


    unlike transformers. i still have ALL my video gaming things from growing up

    all the way from current back to atari 2600. and they all still work

  9. #49
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by CoRDS View Post
    unlike transformers. i still have ALL my video gaming things from growing up
    Heh, complete opposite for me. But I think it's because my interest in video gaming has dwindled since I was a kid, whereas my passion for Transformers has never ceased.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Several months ago, I bought a junker 'Simpsons Edition' PSP with the intention of attempting a restore. This proved to be very difficult not so much due to the repair/restore job but more so because they kept sending me broken screens! Finally today I received a good condition screen and I can finally conclude this ongoing Project!

    As can be seen by the earlier pics, the PSP had been taken through the mill. There were scratches everywhere, the silver disc at the back was scratch to crap (the camera flash makes it look better). The screen also had some distortion defects that got worse with movement. After a bit of a clean and polish, I got the shell to look respectable - Also replaced the worn silver disc. In addition, the button bar at the bottom of the screen was also broken and needed to be replaced.

    At the end, I ended up with a pretty nice looking and fully functional Simpsons PSP. Yes, the only thing that makes it Simpsons is that it's yellow and it came with the game

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