View Poll Results: TF3 : DotM - worth watching?

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  • excellent, must see

    50 43.86%
  • good, see if you can

    35 30.70%
  • average

    22 19.30%
  • disappointing, avoid it

    7 6.14%
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Thread: Movie Review - Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon (spoilers)

  1. #81
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Ed View Post
    That's what I thought.

    So why did Hasbro release in a Commander Series, Blackout????
    Same reason they released the Twins and Jazz, to make use of the mold and make more money.

  2. #82
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Shirokaze View Post
    I totally agree with everything you've written, but it's like Azrael said, at the end of the day they aren't making a movie to appeal to us, it's gotta appeal to the entire world and that's why it's not the best storytelling in terms of TF lore.
    The problem there is the assumption (and it does seem to have been one made with the making of these movies) is that if the movies appealed to the fans, that they could not be accessible to the general public. As IDW proved with their reboot, that isn't the case at all.

    One of the most annoying things about the movies is that while everyone was swearing blind that you couldn't create a new, fresh storyline, talking about who it was intended for, alienating people, character vs action scenes, etc; the IDW continuity was doing it. Yes admittedly the wheels might have fallen off the cart with their reboot as time has gone on depending on your point of view (personally I love it though), but either way it's proven that all the claims about what the movie had to do or couldn't do, are simply unfounded.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    I liked the chains Megs had on, and his shotgun/musket. But why? Where'd his big ass gun go?

    Final point for now, if those scalpel bots were fixing Megatron, why does he play with them and crush them?
    He didn't need It, he has a shotgun and a hood. Seriously starting to think Poncho Megatron is the best thing to come from DOTM, I think he should have his own prequel series where he becomes a sort of antihero and drives over the Savannah hunting rouge cyberbeasts created by the Allspark cube that migrated to Africa, and also scaring Elephants. No doubt he would become and errie legend among the locals as the hooded giant, who fear him and make offerings to him.

    In the Spider side I kinda thought they were parasites, nibbling on his brain, Megs had been out in the wilds so long he got cybermites or scrapletspiders, perhaps beside the point but one things that's sorely lacking in most TF lore is any sort of life on Cybertron other than Cybertronians. Quintessa has cyberfish, and the rest of space has other mechanoid life and scraplets so why can's Cybertron get some other forms of life?

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    Okay, not every character needs to be developed, but at least a select core of characters should be - because it's characted development that drives the story. Let's take any of the new characters introduced in Dark of the Moon and describe them without talking about what they look like, what they transform into or what they do in the story. In other words, describe their character.

    For example, Sentinel Prime:
    Sentinel Prime is a stoic, respected and authoritative figure. Whereas Optimus Prime is driven by an altruistic sense of ethics (selfless concern for the welfare of others), Sentinel Prime is driven by utilitarian morality (the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few), although his utilitarianism is skewed by his belief that Transformers are inherently superior to the expendable fleshlings of Earth whom he believes should worship the Transformers as gods and work as their slaves (thus it could be argued that Sentinel's ethics is based on utilitarianism but diluted with some authoritarianism or totalitarianism (probably the former)). Sentinel Prime does feel inherent loyalty to the Autobot cause, but has had to compromise his standards in making a deal with Megatron and the Decepticons with the ultimate goal of saving Cybertron. So we can see that Sentinel's morality has also been "corrupted" into consequentialism (the ends justify the means) - which is something that the altruistic Optimus Prime refuses to accept (and thus continues to defy his former leader and mentor). Sentinel Prime can be seen as a somewhat tragic or fallen hero -- deep down we can see his utilitarian heart, but it has been "tainted". He may have been Sentinel Prime... but he had become Nemesis Prime.

    Okay, now pick ANY of the new characters introduced in Dark of the Moon (robot or human) and describe them without talking about how they look like what they transform into, what they physical capabilities/weaknesses are or what they actually do in the film.
    The Wreckers are a##$holes.

    But I do agree, though you so stole that from the Redletter media reviewer.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    14th Feb 2011


    (Spoilers obviously)

    After letting the movie sink in for a few days and getting over the initial buzz and excitement I've pretty much realised it's just the same old Bay film. Sure the plot is a little better and the action is pure eye candy. But still disappointing how little these movies have moved forward since 2007.

    Decepticons are a joke, I don't have a problem that none of them survived, I have a problem they went down like such chumps. As someone pointed out to me, Shockwave could have not of been in this movie at all and no one probably would of noticed, he added nothing to the movie and died in embarassing fashion (getting tangled in a parachute? Of all the crap ways to go...). Megatron must of been letting the sun fry his circuits in Africa too long because he had absolutely no presence in this movie, he didn't feel powerful he didn't have that dread and ferocity about him. And boy was his death humiliating, we were all set for this final climatic battle betwen Megs and OP and we get a mortal kombat fatality in 5 seconds... Soundwave and Starscream went out in weaksauce ways too.

    Bay said in Chicago there would be no military only "Bots vs Cons" he obviously was being a smartass and not including Epps motley crew, they aren't "military" but as per usual humans did most of the damage to the Decepticons.

    I guess the big difference is, this time around I accept it for what it is, rather than critisize it, for what it's not. So yeah overall it's a good movie and a decent end to the series, much better than the piece of crap which was ROTF.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Too many long comments for me to read as I'm lazy, All I can say I was disgusted with the treatement of 1 of my all time favourite G1 Icons NOOOOOooooooooooo after I saw that death it was all very cold for me sniffle

  6. #86
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I agree... Can we let more people have their say about their first impressions of the movie in these first few days, and limit the (essay) responses for later if someone isn't asking a question. I want to see what people think of it, without having to scroll through the same people responding to everything that gets posted.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I just watched i today, thought it was orite, lots of robot fighting and dying, which is always fun to watch

    two things bothered be though

    the very start - why did they need to tell us again about how the autobots and decepticons were at war back on cybertron, everyone knows. surely there could have been a better way of depicting the escape of the ark/subsequent crashing on the moon.... i mean even showing that scene with the in the moment wartime dialogue and battle cries, instead of the prime voiceover stating the bots and cons are at war, no schisse sherlock

    the very end - are they aiming to make the ending more and more abrupt as they go along. movie 1 worked fine, movie 2 looked like they didnt know what to do, so they copied movie 1 and had the voice over with an abrupt finish. but this one, its as if they only had like 30 seconds of film left, so they did a movie 2 ending in fast forward mode.

    *Megatron and sentinel die*
    *survivors come to view the carnage*

    no aftermath? please....

    but otherwise, i didnt mind the movie overall
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  8. #88
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    oh, and that Rosie Huntington Whiteley may not be a great actor, but if was Sam Witwicky, I definitely know what I'd be doing...
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  9. #89
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I thought Rosie Huntington Whitely's acting was fairly decent for a non-actress. I'm not saying her acting's great, but for an "amateur" it was alright. Buzz Aldren did okay too considering.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I thought Rosie Huntington Whitely's acting was fairly decent for a non-actress. I'm not saying her acting's great, but for an "amateur" it was alright. Buzz Aldren did okay too considering.
    I don't want amateurs!
    If I am paying to get a job done, I get professionals.
    I expect no less from a movie that I hypothetically am paying to see (I have no plans to watch this thing yet).

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