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Thread: Gun-Formers (imitation weapons) laws and requirements for Australia

  1. #251
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    Far fetched I didn't even bother wasting my time. Is red tape. You must be the dumbest person trying to use a Megatron for any robbery. The only danger is probably the teller died laughing.

  2. #252
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    It's because of idiots like this guy that these restrictions exist.
    Stupidity is always going to be there regardless, and if someone is that stupid, they're going to be that way even if they have sought the appropriate paperwork. In cases like this, punish the stupid, but don't assume everyone else is as stupid.

    The issue at hand is the differing laws across states. If all the states required paperwork, then no one would be complaining because it's a level playing field. The fact that some states don't require paperwork and some do is why it's just red tape.

    It reminds me of motorcycle helmet laws. A few years back Queensland changed their laws to allow the use of European certified helmets. Victoria soon followed but NSW did nothing.

    Basically, a Queenslander riding down to Vic to watch the MotoGP, had to carry another helmet that was legal in NSW just so they could wear it to pass through otherwise they'd be fined!

    Absolute bloody madness!

    Eventually NSW fell into line (after nearly two years), but it took considerable effort from the various motorcycle groups to get this change done.
    Last edited by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!!; 30th October 2016 at 10:28 PM.

  3. #253
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    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    The initial stages of getting the permit is a nuisance, but you just get it done and afterwards you don't even think about it. Not referring to you, but I've seen some other people who go on and on about what a hassle the permit process is for years. Yes, it's a hassle, but that person could've just spent a few weeks to get it over and done with rather than whinging about it for years and refusing to comply. And even better when these people suddenly get their toys seized by Customs and complain about unfair it is... despite the fact that a legal avenue has existed for years. Sure, it's not as good as being in SA and WA where it's completely unrestricted, but it sure beats being in places where it's completely outlawed. The permit process represents a compromise which some Police Ministries have reached with collectors. And really... first world problems much?
    $200 every 3 years to legally own a toy in Victoria. Not just a hassle - utter stupidity.
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  4. #254
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    1st Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkHyren View Post
    Should be fine if this (clicky) is the type of thing you mean, they are the same weight (approx) as an MP and most people with these units have 3 or 4 MPs per shelf. The Fantastic Furniture one is basically the same as the Ikea one so it should have the same tolerances (the picture on the website with the anime figurines in them seems to indicate this as well), but I don't have one so I couldn't say for 100% sorry.

    Not sure honestly as the laws change from state to state, best bet is just ask for clarification from the police dept.
    Thanks for the response. Yes that's the type of thing I'm looking at getting, as well as Soul Of Chogokin GX-72 Daijujin/Megazord and Golion/Votron.

    I actually had a look at the fantastic furniture one in store and apparently it can hold up to 6kg, according to the sticker on the shelf.

    There's also this one which looks like it can hold a 10kg, but I'm not sure how you would install one of the detolf argos locks, since it has a metal frame.

    Lock I found on ebay

    I'm sort of leaning toward the first fantasitc furniture cabinet at the moment, but it'd be great if I only have to buy that single cube from, as that'd be the cheapest option.

    I emailed the Licensing regulation again this requirement below if all I have to worry about. Hopefully they don't reply back saying I have to comply with the "Other prohibited weapons" section as well.

    Imitation firearms (including laser/infrared devices) are to be stored safely and securely in a manner to ensure that:
    • The devices are not readily accessible to others;
    • The devices are not available for possession, carriage or use by others unless they are also holders of a Chief Commissioner of Police Approval (Prohibited Weapons) issued for the same reason or are otherwise exempt (if applicable); and
    • When being transported between the usual place of storage and place(s) at which the devices are legitimately used (the reason of which is stated in this authority), they are stored in a manner that is not readily accessible to others and concealed from plain sight.
    Man I really hate having to go through all of this. Why does Victoria have to be so strict about getting a getting a toy gun? What's worse though is the fee I'm going to have to pay every 3 years.

  5. #255
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    It's easier to get illicit drugs through the mail than a toy :/

  6. #256
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! View Post
    Stupidity is always going to be there regardless, and if someone is that stupid, they're going to be that way even if they have sought the appropriate paperwork. In cases like this, punish the stupid, but don't assume everyone else is as stupid.
    The majority is irrelevant. The law needs to concern itself with protecting society from the stupid minority, because as mass shootings demonstrate, it only takes idiotic individuals to endanger wider society. The Americans have adopted a more trusting attitude towards firearms and as a result they have more than one public shooting every day in a year!

    I know that inoperable imitation firearms aren't the same as actual firearms, but as I mentioned before, our imitation/replica firearm laws are an extension of our overall laws on firearms. They haven't created separate legislation for replica firearms, rather amended existing firearm laws to accommodate collectors of replica firearms (hence why we fill out the same permit forms albeit with leniencies/exemptions granted).

    Quote Originally Posted by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! View Post
    The issue at hand is the differing laws across states. If all the states required paperwork, then no one would be complaining because it's a level playing field. The fact that some states don't require paperwork and some do is why it's just red tape.

    It reminds me of motorcycle helmet laws. A few years back Queensland changed their laws to allow the use of European certified helmets. Victoria soon followed but NSW did nothing.

    Basically, a Queenslander riding down to Vic to watch the MotoGP, had to carry another helmet that was legal in NSW just so they could wear it to pass through otherwise they'd be fined!

    Absolute bloody madness!

    Eventually NSW fell into line (after nearly two years), but it took considerable effort from the various motorcycle groups to get this change done.
    I agree. I personally don't see the need for Australia to have separate states, let alone state governments. Our states are essentially something that we've inherited from back when Australia was group of British colonies. American states need independent governing because their states have large populations and economies. The entire population of Australia doesn't even match the population of some of America's top states, and America's wealthiest states have economies which dwarf the entire economy of developed European nations. Australia is nothing like this, we have a relatively small population that is spread out in concentrated pockets along our coast with the interior being extremely sparsely inhabited. IMO Australia could definitely function under a single Federal government and legal system, and in fact, the Gillard government was moving towards having things falling under nationally consistent standards. But I don't see the current government having this on their agenda.

    Quote Originally Posted by Borgeman View Post
    $200 every 3 years to legally own a toy in Victoria. Not just a hassle - utter stupidity.
    Agreed. Perhaps Victorians can contact the VIC Police Ministry and submit that the fee is unnecessarily onerous for people who are applying for a permit to own imitation toy firearms which are inoperable weapons and can never be modified to be an operable weapon. They may also consider citing the precedent in NSW where this fee has been waived (reference link). I hope that laws in VIC will change to get rid of this needless fee though.

  7. #257
    Join Date
    21st May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by bakakun View Post
    Man I really hate having to go through all of this. Why does Victoria have to be so strict about getting a getting a toy gun? What's worse though is the fee I'm going to have to pay every 3 years.
    You could always move further south where I'm being told you have to be a member of a gun club to import fire arms real or imitation!

    I have this shelf from fantastic it has a shelve wight load of 10kg might be a bit pricey for what you are looking for.

  8. #258
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    I really just want final official conformation from Customs at this point as to if it is a replica or if it is inaccurate enough to just be a toy.

  9. #259
    Join Date
    7th Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    I really just want final official conformation from Customs at this point as to if it is a replica or if it is inaccurate enough to just be a toy.
    Customs have nothing to do with it. They merely enforce the relevant State law as it is up to each State Police to decide whether the gun is a replica/toy. State Police firearms are the ones who give you the permit to import (B709) just give the permit to Customs if they happen to "hold" your toy and they will release it to you. So assuming you're in Qld, you need to check with Qld Police.

  10. #260
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Bear in mind that Customs is a Federal body, so if they detect Megatron then they may seize it regardless of the destination state. The recipient is then notified and then it's up to you to arrange to have the toy released to you either by explaining that you live in a state where it's perfectly legal, or present your permit. I don't know how purchasing it from a domestic source might affect things. I assume that the toys would have already passed international customs but may still be subject to domestic border control.

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