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Thread: 日本語会話: The Japanese Conversation Thread

  1. #131
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Goki-sensei, your assistance please.
    I stupidly offered to translate this comic strip without reading it assuming my Japanese skills would be enough to translate it.
    turns out there are regional dialects and unfamiliar kanji in it so I can't translate it. :/
    I'd hate to ask but since you're such a knowledge buff, if you know any Kagoshima-ben (that's what I am pretty sure it is after some research) do you think you could assist me? 頼む,先生!

    what I've got so far.

    Title: Thee Waddle Dee?

    Panel 1
    Text bubble: "These other Waddle Dee have been recolored allowing them to move" (or something like that)
    SFX yellow: Uuun/Groan
    Red's text: "Green and Yellow!?

    Panel 2
    Yellow Text bubble: "We're saved, we shall (SOMETHING) together (SOMETHING SOMETHING)
    SFX green: uunnnnn
    SFX Yellow: uumph/rise

    Panel 3
    I'm completely lost on this one

    Panel 4
    White text bubble: "The colored paint is making them act weirdly" (or something like that)
    Yellow text bubble: something about curry for dinner
    Green text bubble: no idea
    text near the fairy: "sooory"

    I'm appalled by how my Japanese skills have decreased compared to a few years ago. I plan on re-enrolling in a language school once I have the money to pay for it.

  2. #132
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I don't speak Kagoshima-ben at all, but I'll try...


    Title: The 3 Waddle-Dees

    Your translation is fairly accurate, I would just add "also" to the first text bubble of Panel 1, i.e. "The other Waddle-dees were active after being painted."

    I would translate panel 2's yellow text bubble as: "You have saved us. Would you like to travel with us? And yeah, the yellow dude is making a 'getting up' sound... I don't know how you would translate that to English. "Sshf"?

    Panel 3:
    Green speech bubble: "Tsk... we are indebted to you... we wish to repay our debt..."
    Yellow SFX: "We beg/ask of you." <---??? not sure about this one
    Green SFX: <the sound of abruptly standing up>

    Panel 4
    White text bubble: "Because I am painted in weird colours my character is kinda..."
    Fairy SFX: "...sorry"
    Yellow text bubble: "Would curry be okay for dinner?"
    Green text bubble: "Tsk... I want Chazuke."

    I think that's right anyway -- I'm really not familiar with Kagoshima-ben... in fact, the only dialect of Japanese that I speak is standard Hyoujungo.

  3. #133
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    I'm starting to wonder if anyone really speaks Kagoshima-Ben
    Glad to know my translations weren't ENTIRELY inaccurate.
    Thanks a bunch for the help Gok.
    Hopefully I'll be able to afford Japanese lessons again soon and won't need to ask for help. ... Hopefully I'll never have to worry about Kagoshima-Ben again though

  4. #134
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    You think Kagoshima-ben is bad? The current Japanese Extension HSC prescribed text is largely set in Yamagata, with a lot of characters speaking in Yamagata-ben! Both my students and I sometimes have fun trying to decipher what some of these characters are trying to say! Transcribing the prescribed extracts to give to my students (so that they can read the script for study at home) was fun... I made quite a few mistakes during some of the Yamagata-ben lines, which my students had a good laugh at (my mistakes more than the Yamagataben ). Off hand, I can't think of anyone I currently know who speaks Kagoshima-ben, but I might ask around at my daughter's Japanese school. It's interesting sometimes in class when kids start using their parents' own regional dialects in class and the teacher has to correct them in Hyoujungo... and parents are advised to be mindful to also explicitly teach their children Hyoujungo alongside their regional dialects to ensure consistency between home and class language. It's probably not as much of a problem for kids in Japan, but for Australian kids, their exposure to Japanese is much more limited and if the primary source of that exposure is a regional dialect, then obviously it will override their ability to learn Hyoujungo. It happens more with pre-school/Kindy aged kids -- most of them are used to switching to/using Hyoujungo by time they get to the K-1 class and above.

    I actually met a lady who was originally from Shanghai but moved to Osaka over 20 years ago. Because she migrated to Japan as an adult, she learnt all of her Japanese as Osakaben and was utterly incapable of speaking Hyoujungo! She could understand it, but not speak it (Received Multilingualism). There would be a few times when I just couldn't understand what she was saying to me, and she would have to explain it to my wife in Chinese, who would then tell me in English, and I would then confirm it back in Hyoujungo! She actually ran this quaint little Ramen/Gyudon restaurant across the road from our hotel.

  5. #135
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    You think Kagoshima-ben is bad? The current Japanese Extension HSC prescribed text is largely set in Yamagata, with a lot of characters speaking in Yamagata-ben! Both my students and I sometimes have fun trying to decipher what some of these characters are trying to say! Transcribing the prescribed extracts to give to my students (so that they can read the script for study at home) was fun... I made quite a few mistakes during some of the Yamagata-ben lines, which my students had a good laugh at (my mistakes more than the Yamagataben ). Off hand, I can't think of anyone I currently know who speaks Kagoshima-ben, but I might ask around at my daughter's Japanese school. It's interesting sometimes in class when kids start using their parents' own regional dialects in class and the teacher has to correct them in Hyoujungo... and parents are advised to be mindful to also explicitly teach their children Hyoujungo alongside their regional dialects to ensure consistency between home and class language. It's probably not as much of a problem for kids in Japan, but for Australian kids, their exposure to Japanese is much more limited and if the primary source of that exposure is a regional dialect, then obviously it will override their ability to learn Hyoujungo. It happens more with pre-school/Kindy aged kids -- most of them are used to switching to/using Hyoujungo by time they get to the K-1 class and above.

    I actually met a lady who was originally from Shanghai but moved to Osaka over 20 years ago. Because she migrated to Japan as an adult, she learnt all of her Japanese as Osakaben and was utterly incapable of speaking Hyoujungo! She could understand it, but not speak it (Received Multilingualism). There would be a few times when I just couldn't understand what she was saying to me, and she would have to explain it to my wife in Chinese, who would then tell me in English, and I would then confirm it back in Hyoujungo! She actually ran this quaint little Ramen/Gyudon restaurant across the road from our hotel.
    Wow that's a pain, but I guess you can't really blame he parents for talking the way they are used to. But yes it must make learning the proper language and also understanding your parents difficult haha.
    Osakaben usually isn't that hard to understand, I picked up a little of it while I was staying with a family in Osaka and can pick it out when I hear it now. But that ha given me the problem of occasionally almost using Osakaben haha

  6. #136
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Starting Japanese lessons again next week

  7. #137
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Good luck with those, Firestorm.

    Okay, so I think I've worked out how to say Avogadro's number (アボガドロ定数 = 6.0221367 x 10^23) in Japanese:

    And I think in English it might be...
    Six hundred and two thousand, two hundred and thirteen trillion, six hundred and seventy thousand billion.

    Or in American English it might be...
    Six hundred and two sextillion, two hundred and thirteen quintillion, six hundred and seventy quadrillion.

  8. #138
    Join Date
    11th Jan 2010


    Just want to say I love this thread so much.

    I'm currently using Memrise on my phone to learn - it uses memory devices to help with kanji and it's pretty effective so far.
    Last edited by Raptormesh; 23rd June 2015 at 05:04 AM.

  9. #139
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Just watched Mizuki Ichiro singing the Combattler V theme song on TV Tokyo!

  10. #140
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    ^This video shows Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" being played by 3 women with a shakuhachi and two koto.

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