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Thread: What are you reading/recommend a book

  1. #1
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon

    Default What are you reading/recommend a book

    Couldn't find a thread so thought I'd start one

    I used to read a lot more than I do these days. Now there are too many distractions competing for my time but I still do get to read some good books every now and then. Certain authors I make time to read when they release new stuff.

    At the top of my list would be the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. The first book of which is The Eye of the World. A fantastic series that I started in the late 90s when book seven came out and the last book in the series was released in January this year. I have re-read the series every time a new book is released and the last book is number 15. Fantastic story that in a lot of ways is similar to Lord of the Rings but at the same time is completely different and MUCH easier reading. I started re-reading in March to refresh my memory in preparation for the last book but am so far only up to book 4

    Another great fantasy author is Terry Pratchett. Love his work too. Very witty and clever with some characters that make you grin whenever they appear in a chapter because you know something good is going to happen . Any of the stories pertaining to the city's Night Watch and their antics is just pure gold!

    On the Australian front I highly recommend Matthew Reilly. He writes Action/Adventure stories (think somewhere between Indiana Jones and Mission Impossible) that are some of the most intense, fast paced books I have ever read. There is quite a bit of suspension of disbelief required but I always look forward to his releases. He has been compared to Michael Crichton but I personally think he is a lot better. The Jack West Jr Trilogy, starting with Seven Ancient Wonders, is my pick although none of his books are bad.

    Alastair Reynolds is a Sci-Fi space opera writer of whom I enjoy all of his work. It can be a bit dark and broody and doesn't necessarily have a happy ending but is good because he bases his stories on where he realistically sees the human race of potentially being in 200, 500 or even 10,000 years time. Very cool stuff.

    Anyway, that's all I can be bothered about for now. I will add more as I think of them and would appreciate others recommendation as well. I always struggle to find something good to read when I go to the library.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    I congratulate you for reading books! I on the other hand have not read a book in probably 20 years. I can't get past the first page without being compelled to do something else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    8th Nov 2012
    Beverly Hills, Sydney


    I read but most of it is just rereading my collection of Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibuses (Dan Abnett for those who want to know).
    Any figure that comes with swords demands wrist articulation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    25th Aug 2013


    Tell you what I'm going to be reading my receipt in horror because I see a lot of money being spent on g1 decepticons

  5. #5
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2012
    Melbourne CBD


    I recommend anything Chuck Palahniuk, especially Invisible Monsters.

    Also recommend Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    The last book i read was Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter. I purchased it on a whim from Kmart for $10. I was pleasantly surprised, i really enjoyed it. I've also been meaning to start reading the Stephen King Dark Tower series.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Apr 2008
    The Dank Side Of The Moon


    it's funny how many conversations get started after people see the wheel of time tattoo on my arm.

    I'd recommend 'Amtrak wars' by Patrick Tilley, but I don't think that's available in Australia. I know Amazon has the series for the Kindle

    Fiest has just completed the Riftwar novels, there are about 20 of them for you to plow though
    Recent Buys:

    Quote Originally Posted by roller View Post
    load of Bartrim manure
    Welcome to Grantmart!:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    feist is epic. david gammel has some great books.

    At the moment i am reading xenocide by orsen scott card 3rd book in the ender series, book 1 enders game is a movie coming out soon i totally recommand reading enders game awesome book.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Good on ya for starting this thread Trent !

    Like you, I used to read a lot more than I do now. I used to get through a new book about once a fortnight, though if it was really good I would sometimes just read it all in one night. But these days between a full time job, a full time baby and a full time hobby farm, I'm lucky to sit down and read the latest MTMTE comics my mate brings me from Bendigo.

    *The Discworld books are fantastic! Got the whole lot on my shelves. Sadly they have gone downhill in recent years as Terry Pratchet's sickness has progressed.

    *A great Aussie author is John Birmingham (no not the 12th man dude - thats Billy Birmingham). He wrote 'Died with a Felafel in his Hand', 'The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco', 'Dopeland' and 'How to be a Man'. I'm going to get Orion a copy of the latter for his 18th birthday, the first 3 were very relatable to for me when I was an early 20's uni drama bum

    *If you love Captian James T Kirk (and who the slag doesn't?!) Read the series of Star Trek books by William Shatner (in what has been termed the Shatnerverse). Bloody brilliant! The series of 4 or 5 books are all about Kirk alive in Picards time (The Borg brought him back after he died in Star Trek 7) and he basically kicks the entire universes arse in every single book, all while shagging most every female he meets. Lets see, he defeats the Borg, he defeats the Vulcan Sepretists, he beats the Romulans, he out-engineers Geordi, puts the smack down on Picard, gets in on with the Mirror-Universe Janeway - it's like Kirk in a point one percenter

    *A lot of the earlier True Blood books are an easy read, later on they just spend too much time referencing themselves. Think the author got lazy when it got made into a TV show so they became rich.

    *Read most of the Stephen King books, always great until the ending, for some reason the endings almost always suck in his books (look at 'IT' where at the end for no damn reason IT turns into a giant spider - WTF?!)

    *The Painted Man & its sequels by Peter. V Brett are very good. Currently waiting for my wife to finish with the latest one (The Daylight War) so I can have a go at it.

    *If I'd have to reccomend a book to read it would be 'Good Omens' cowritten by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman. READ THIS BOOK! GO! DO IT NOW! I DON'T CARE IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE FOR LEAVING WORK - GO FRIGGIN DO IT!

    *And of course, I have every Footrot Flats ever (Murray Ball) - love the comic strip of a Farmer and his Dog! Awesome movie too!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I haven't read much more than comics for quite a while now but I can highly recommend the Battleaxe Trilogy and its successor by Australian uthor Sara Douglass.

    I read it while I was at uni and it's one of few series of books where every waking hour has been spent reading it. not so good when you're supposed to be studying.

    I recommend books by Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke, very well written science fiction, if starting to date a little. the Foundation series is excellent.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
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