Last nights episode was...ok. I have to say though, when the Doctor shared his mind with the Dalek I thought "Ok, I bet that it starts off all nice and then the Dalek discovers that the Doctor is all angry and warmongering deep down". And surprise surprise thats what happened. Same as the first of the new seasons several years ago "You would have made a good Dalek". One of the things I've liked about Dr Who is it hasn't been that predictable, but you could certainly see where last nights episode was going.

It seems one of the few new personality traits of the new Doctor is he is a bit more, I wanna say callous but it's more that he is realistic, about human life. He was able to save one life from the original ship getting blasted but not all, and he knew the guy was already dead once the Dalek antibodies scanned him. He didn't get all weepy and "NOOOOOO!" about it, just accepted the reality of the situation and moved on. I don't mind this on the whole, though it makes him a tad drier and less melodramatic character which has its pros and cons.