View Poll Results: Worth buying?

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Thread: Toy Review - Siege Apeface

  1. #11
    Join Date
    25th Jan 2017


    According to a video review, the primary flaw with Apeface is his upper chest section doesn't dock particularly well when he transforms into either ape mode or jet mode. The review showed the clip holding up his ape head disengaging several times.

    These are my personal concerns:

    1. No nosecone compartment for Spasma to pilot the jet. Instead, he's inside a rear compartment hidden under a spoiler wing. Seriously, what is the point of making that compartment with a transparent plastic cover if the spoiler wing completely covers it???
    2. I don't like the ape mask, would have preferred it to be disengaged so he's truly headless.
    3. As already mentioned, the battle damage is silly. Like the former example, I'll probably paint those panels black just to remove the paint effect.

    Overall, I'm not terribly interested in this figure, I'm just buying him as a precaution, in case they release Snapdragon later, to make the pair of BeastTripleChangerHeadmasters.
    I know from bitter experience if I change my mind later, the scalpers will ask an exhorbitant amount for a 25$ toy, so it's better to buy them at sale price even if I'm uncertain and avoid not being able to get the toy long after the release wave is discontinued.
    Last edited by Tilarta; 6th January 2020 at 08:34 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post

    1. No nosecone compartment for Spasma to pilot the jet. Instead, he's inside a rear compartment hidden under a spoiler wing. Seriously, what is the point of making that compartment with a transparent plastic cover if the spoiler wing completely covers it???


    Overall, I'm not terribly interested in this figure, I'm just buying him as a precaution, in case they release Snapdragon later, to make the pair of BeastTripleChangerHeadmasters.
    I've seen people use the beast head mask thing as a seat, and you can fit a fully curled up Titanmaster in under the canopy. It looks sort of goofy but you get that 'head visible through the cockpit' action like on TR Megatron.

    Also I believe SnapDragon was a part of the Walmart leaked listings over the weekend.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    According to a video review, the primary flaw with Apeface is his upper chest section doesn't dock particularly well when he transforms into either ape mode or jet mode. The review showed the clip holding up his ape head disengaging several times.
    Mine works fine in ape mode, although it was a bit tricky to work out at first. The jet mode I find is harder to dock in, and even when I did it it just looks stupid. Gah.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    These are my personal concerns:

    1. No nosecone compartment for Spasma to pilot the jet. Instead, he's inside a rear compartment hidden under a spoiler wing. Seriously, what is the point of making that compartment with a transparent plastic cover if the spoiler wing completely covers it???
    That's actually a really good point and it was something that bugged me about the toy when I first handled it but I forgot to mention it in my review (oops). I think that the cockpit should be in the actual front section of the jet, even if it means Spasma docking in in head mode into the ape-mask. Having it up the back is silly, but you're right, having the stupid shield cover up the window is even stupider. Although even without the shield Spasma can't see anything other than directly up. It's just a daft idea. At least TR Astrotrain/Sentinel Prime have their cockpit in an elevated position with a clear front view for the pilot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    2. I don't like the ape mask, would have preferred it to be disengaged so he's truly headless.
    I agree, but it's a necessity to make Spasma easier to fit into the ill-placed cockpit. But yeah, you could just include the ape head entirely into Spasma, that way you don't need to accommodate space to fit the mask in jet mode and just have a proper cockpit up the front of the plane! Two birds with one stone!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    Overall, I'm not terribly interested in this figure, I'm just buying him as a precaution, in case they release Snapdragon later, to make the pair of BeastTripleChangerHeadmasters.
    Headmaster Horrorcons they're called. And as SharkyMcShark has said, Snap Dragon has been revealed in a leaked listing (although with the name separated into two words now, I guess for trad

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    I know from bitter experience if I change my mind later, the scalpers will ask an exhorbitant amount for a 25$ toy, so it's better to buy them at sale price even if I'm uncertain and avoid not being able to get the toy long after the release wave is discontinued.
    This is a Voyager Class figure so you're not going to find it for $25! (can't even find a Deluxe for that price these days)
    I think I paid about $75 for mine including shipping.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    25th Jan 2017


    I didn't mean a Voyager class figure, I was referring to Combiner Wars Rook and Blades. Couldn't find a Blades for sale, but found a few Rooks, listed at a minimum of 200$, one was $400.
    Saw a Rook for sale at 25$, but took long deciding to buy him and by the time I did make the decision, he was long gone from the shelves in the toy store.
    Tried for a Transformers Prime Bulkhead before them, was equally unsucessful at finding a reasonable price.

    Sometimes I wish there was a market specifically for Transformer enthusiasts, not scalper greed monkeys. One where the prices of discontinued products was set fairly, simply because it's a for a fan, not an investor.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Tilarta View Post
    Sometimes I wish there was a market specifically for Transformer enthusiasts, not scalper greed monkeys. One where the prices of discontinued products was set fairly, simply because it's a for a fan, not an investor.
    Fortunately you’ll find people in this community selling older toys at good and fair prices (see Robzy’s current sale for example). EBay prices on many older figures are completely ridiculous. In some cases older toys will be more expensive and worth more than the RRP but Rook is never going to be worth $400!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    1st May 2008


    I see many people like it, but , to me it is too boxy, just a box with nose cone. still prefer unique toys one, much smarter design, even integrated the pilot seat into the transformation, and managed to do the job in a mini scale .

    Want Corssover Thor and Captain America

  7. #17
    Join Date
    21st Mar 2015


    It's a bit of a weird figure but it that is what makes it good kind of. Even though mine has a bent back leg, and some of the tabs are a bit hard to get in. I also don't mind the white plastic and spaceship mode, not as bad as they're said to be online.

    Oh and the instructions could be better.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Got mine delivered today and I have to say it's better than I thought. The white looks better in person than it does in photos, HOWEVER it is still pretty horrible to look at. It strikes me as odd. Ok, I get that it might be dense or whatever, but man it looks pretty bad.

    Another thing that is horrible to look at is the instruction sheet. Man, this and Spinister made me angry trying to work out what was going on in some sections. One bit I had to rotate the gorilla rear legs somehow, but i couldn't tell if I was supposed to be doing the G-legs of R-arms. FRIKKING USELESS.

    I actually don't mind the battle damage on Apeface too much. He's a dirty bad-mannered guy, so it kind of fits. Rest of the colours are pretty nice (bar the white). Sadly my robot face has some red bleeding over the mouth plate.

    Jet mode is ridiculous, however the original is as well, so I guess... it's ok (is it really??), although I agree with the others that the placement of the cockpit which is then covered up seems a bit odd. The white looks really bad looking down on the top of plane though. Gorilla mode is good, but getting the neck piece to fit is tricky, then making sure the back panels are all solidly together is a bit of a shuffle. I also found the rear legs hampered by the robot shins, so essentially the rear legs could only move from the knee. DId I mess up? Robot mode is good fun, but he looks like he has big clown shoes on and I don't think his heels are as effective as they should be.

    Overall not a bad toy, but not a good one either.
    Oh, he's also a LOT smaller than my legends Blitzwing, who is ALSO a triplechanging headmaster, from not so long ago....

  9. #19
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I opened my Apeface last night.

    What a mess.

    The robot & ape modes look nice... although the plane mode is a box with wings, as Gok alluded to.

    That ape neck is a pain to align correctly & the various pegs that hold the box that forms the ape torso / plane fuselage together don't clip together well.

    I have had absolutely no luck removing the silver paint spray, so while it looks awful on his robot shins, I've just given up.

    He does look fairly faithful to G1 though - stupid silver spattering aside - so will display well.

    I wouldn't say I regret buying Apeface, but for a toy of this size class I certainly expect better that what feels like an unrefined early prototype (right down to the nylon resin on the white sections).

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  10. #20
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    After playing around with mine a bit more, he's definitely grown on me.

    Getting used to the way the gorilla head plugs in and fiddling with that joint on the hinge makes a bit of sense and everything fit a bit smoother. I've discovered his rear legs have a bit more motion now as well (gorilla ones).

    Depending on t he lighting, the whit plastic can look O.K. And other times it looks like old chewing gum.

    It also looks like the whole toys uses that nylon-y plastic as well. Interesting....

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