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Thread: The Clone Wars TV Series

  1. #11
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007
    Wollongong, NSW


    when is it on and which channel?
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Another great episode indeed!

    This is certainly old school Star Wars in style and feel of the story telling as well as character portrayal. Unlike Animated and most other modern cartoons, it does not talk down to children. Some of the humor is childish but it doesn't overwhelm the main plot and feel of the episode. Its story telling is actually more mature than the prequel movies themselves.

    Take this from a Lucas Basher since the prequels and a Transformers fan: I am loving Clone Wars and its superior to Animated in every way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiby
    when is it on and which channel?
    Its out in US cartoon network on Fridays at 9pm.

    Don't ask how we are watching it but you should have an idea

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I just watched "Shadow of the Malevolence." I think it's similar to the feel of the Clone Wars movie where they're putting more exposition and individuality into the clones themselves, rather than just making them nameless drones that you don't care about. Like the movie, the episode makes you care for the clones - although I think the movie did a better job (I have a soft spot for Captain Rex who's now my acquisitions mascot ), but this episode does a good job in making the audience emotionally invest in individual clones like Matchstick.

    To me the story blends in with the prequel movies. In Episode II we see the clones being treated as nameless and faceless hordes but by Episode III we saw individuality instilled into the clones, such as adopting individual callsigns like Oddball, Gree, Cody, Bacara, Bly etc. In Episode III we also saw the clones being more caring toward each other -- in Episode II, the beginning of the Clone Wars, clones were completely expendable and nobody cared if a clone fell in battle. But by Episode III there is one scene where you see a clone fall, and another clone runs up to check his life signs and quickly calls for a medic.

    So to me, the Clone Wars movie and the TV series all tie in well with the overall Star Wars saga continuity - I don't see them as being separate or one being necessarily better than the other.

    The voice actor for the clones doesn't seem to be holding up his attempt at an Australian accent so well here. Ditto the voice actor for the Kaminoan. They seem to struggle more with their received pronunciation - particularly on the /ɑː/ vowel which they pronounce with a more American-sounding /æ/. I find the actor for Obi-Wan has trouble with that too, although it doesn't seem too bad here, but then again, Obi-Wan doesn't have too many lines in this episode.

    This episode seems to rely quite a bit on the theatrical movie... I wonder how people know who the hell Ahsoka is and how she developed a bond with Anakin without having seen the movie. I don't think seeing the movie is utterly essential, but I do think that this ep makes more sense if you've seen it.

    The movie is far more action-packed and rolls along at a consistently faster pace... but this episode works well too even at its slower pace.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I just watched "Shadow of the Malevolence." I think it's similar to the feel of the Clone Wars movie where they're putting more exposition and individuality into the clones themselves, rather than just making them nameless drones that you don't care about. Like the movie, the episode makes you care for the clones - although I think the movie did a better job (I have a soft spot for Captain Rex who's now my acquisitions mascot ), but this episode does a good job in making the audience emotionally invest in individual clones like Matchstick.

    To me the story blends in with the prequel movies. In Episode II we see the clones being treated as nameless and faceless hordes but by Episode III we saw individuality instilled into the clones, such as adopting individual callsigns like Oddball, Gree, Cody, Bacara, Bly etc. In Episode III we also saw the clones being more caring toward each other -- in Episode II, the beginning of the Clone Wars, clones were completely expendable and nobody cared if a clone fell in battle. But by Episode III there is one scene where you see a clone fall, and another clone runs up to check his life signs and quickly calls for a medic.

    So to me, the Clone Wars movie and the TV series all tie in well with the overall Star Wars saga continuity - I don't see them as being separate or one being necessarily better than the other.

    The voice actor for the clones doesn't seem to be holding up his attempt at an Australian accent so well here. Ditto the voice actor for the Kaminoan. They seem to struggle more with their received pronunciation - particularly on the /ɑː/ vowel which they pronounce with a more American-sounding /æ/. I find the actor for Obi-Wan has trouble with that too, although it doesn't seem too bad here, but then again, Obi-Wan doesn't have too many lines in this episode.

    This episode seems to rely quite a bit on the theatrical movie... I wonder how people know who the hell Ahsoka is and how she developed a bond with Anakin without having seen the movie. I don't think seeing the movie is utterly essential, but I do think that this ep makes more sense if you've seen it.

    The movie is far more action-packed and rolls along at a consistently faster pace... but this episode works well too even at its slower pace.
    Of course they are within the same continuity of Episode II and the Clone Wars movie which is actually the Pilot of this series. However unlike the prequel trilogy, these series have the Star Wars 'charm' that I enjoyed and once made me a fan.

    The characters, plot and 'feel' of these TV series is much higher than the prequels when it comes to quality story telling, characters and dialogue.

    In other words, an excellent execution of great ideas.

    The problem with the prequels is that it was a bad execution of good ideas. The series seems to have turned this around with its own story telling and positive character tuning which do not impact continuity but gives off an old school feel of Star Wars with the new characters and plot.
    Last edited by kup; 12th October 2008 at 10:04 PM.

  5. #15
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    You should like the Clone Wars movie then if you liked this series - they written in a similar vein. The movie very much a swash-buckling adventure, which is what the original Episode IV was like. Ziro the Hutt is incredibly annoying though... he's about half as annoying as Jar Jar Binks - by that I mean that as a character I find him just as annoying as Jar Jar in Episode I, but unlike Jar Jar Ziro does contribute (quite significantly) to the story... his only saving grace. I'd kick Ziro in janglies... but erm... I'm not sure if Hutts have janglies. (>_>)

    Maybe they're like Ballchinians...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    So far so good, but at the moment I prefer the Animated clone wars series from a few years ago.
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Finally got around to watching Ep 2, it has PLO! freaking sweet, there better be a fig of him released!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    So far so good, but at the moment I prefer the Animated clone wars series from a few years ago.
    That was good too but it was somewhat limited in its style of story telling. It felt like an sponsored fan video with some cool scenes (Republic Commandos) but not much more but overall very good for a series of shorts.

  9. #19
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    27th Jan 2008


    I was of the whole "oh yeah, here we go, Lucas needs another excuse to whore out more toys" so I never bothered going to see the movie in theatres and I didn't expect much of the tv series.

    But i've been proven wrong.

    The animation is good, more so when you compare it to something like, oh ... Transformers Animated!

    Story line is shaping up quite nicely. There are actually little "prequel" comics available on the SW website before each episode, might have to start checking them out.

    I like the individualisation of the Clones, i'm actually starting to warm up to the comedy routines of the droids.

    The one thing that irked me about this week's episode is the amount of fire on the Malevolence. Given that it's a droid ship I seriously doubt there'd be enough oxygen to sustain such a large fire. Sure, there may be SOME oxygenated areas for any fleshbags that are along for the ride but that much? Trivial I know, but it's really the only fault I can find with this series so far.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    ep 3 is out fyi

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