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Thread: Ozmasters, The MOTU General Discussion Thread.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    A lot of people are complaining about it but I also think that it's a clever and fitting idea to commemorate the 30th anniversary of MOTU.
    Lol, are you surprised by that?

    I think its a neat idea. Kinda like getting a diaclone colouring/version for TF fans in a way.

    Don't think I'd buy it though

  2. #32
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    The extent to which people on who don't like the exclusive are complaining about Vycron is idiotic. It's not in any subscription, so no one is being forced to buy him. It's not like Spector, where if you have a 30th anniversary sub you're stuck with paying for him. It also annoys the crud out of me that idiots have decided that they're 'completists' so they have to have one of everything on display even if they hate it and thus complain to everyone else that they now have to buy three Vycrons.

  3. #33
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    Well, as I wrote on the org, I think it's a neat idea, but the execution is sloppy and lazy. The designs themselves are very 'un-4H-like' imo.

    As for the over the top complaining about Matty and Scott... well, I think it all stems from all the BS he's been feeding us for ages and all the problems we've had lately (QC, Stinkorgate, 10 weeks for int packages to arrive, crappy customer service, etc, etc, etc... ). In many ways, I say more power to them - I can't be bothered pointing out all the times Scott A$$lick lies to us in this line and others (I also collect Ghostbusters, and I can give you a HUGE list of crap we've been asked to put up with), so I'll just leave it to org members who have the time, gumption and energy to do it for me

    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    It also annoys the crud out of me that idiots have decided that they're 'completists' so they have to have one of everything on display even if they hate it and thus complain to everyone else that they now have to buy three Vycrons.
    Well, yes... I can't disagree with that one at all. Those people are effing morons!

    Maybe it's my fault... after all, according to Scott, I'm just a low-life, no good, rotten Cherry Picker!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post

    Maybe it's my fault... after all, according to Scott, I'm just a low-life, no good, rotten Cherry Picker!
    Us Cherry pickers don't have it so bad. there's Always BBTS which while costing extra only takes under two weeks for delivery and we don't have to put up with the BS of being a subscriber.

  5. #35
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    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    Us Cherry pickers don't have it so bad. there's Always BBTS which while costing extra only takes under two weeks for delivery and we don't have to put up with the BS of being a subscriber.
    I am beginning to think that I should have trusted my instincts and remained a Cherry Picker. I have ran into so many troubles since I became a subscriber that it's making me strongly regret it.

    The main reason why I went for a sub was Shadow Weaver, with the reasoning that I was liking much of the year's announced line up so I was going to get all anyways (unlike last year's 'muppet heads'). I did not count on an increase of DR shipping/Credit Card foul ups which have gone up 10 levels of bad since last year and massive increase of QC issues plaguing the line.

    Can you believe that they are trying to pass the Stinkor reverse forearms as intentional?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    Us Cherry pickers don't have it so bad. there's Always BBTS which while costing extra only takes under two weeks for delivery and we don't have to put up with the BS of being a subscriber.
    You may be on to something!

    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    I am beginning to think that I should have trusted my instincts and remained a Cherry Picker. I have ran into so many troubles since I became a subscriber that it's making me strongly regret it.
    Yeah, I've had this discussion dozens of times (in real life and online). Never, never will I buy a MOTUC Sub from Matt-El. Not even if Ram Man is the exclusive figure... I'd rather hunt him down on ebay, than commit to unknown (and possibly unlikeable) figures... such as Scott's Mighty Creation or Sir-Fails-A-Lot, or even Star Sisters. Hell, I even have the option of skipping Anatomically Incorrect Stinkor (TM) if I want.

    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Can you believe that they are trying to pass the Stinkor reverse forearms as intentional?
    I can believe they are trying... however, I don't believe what they're saying!

  7. #37
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    11th Apr 2008


    And Stinkor seemed Perfect. FISTO Perfect.

    seriously. Fisto is amazing.

  8. #38
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    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Toyguru
    2: Backwards Shoulders on Roboto and King Hssss...

    It hasn’t happened since King Hsss almost a year ago and shouldn’t be an issue going forward. ISSUE RESOLVED!
    Quote Originally Posted by Me
    Um... this issue isn't resolved - the shoulders are still reversed and if I recall correctly it was explicitly stated that there would never be 'corrected' releases. Also, it last happened ten months ago. At that point, you had made the same mistake five months before. Not making this specific mistake for ten months really isn't that impressive.
    And... we're back to zero months again. ISSUE UNRESOLVED!

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    FISTO Perfect.

    seriously. Fisto is amazing.
    Glad you like him Unfortunately, I've got an issue with his head... I think it's too thin/long. The original Fisto had a fat head and a broad nose. This Fisto's head is too long/thin. I actually think it works against the figure, cos it makes him look like his head's too small in proportion to the rest of his body.

    Others have noticed this as well, but it doesn't totally ruin the figure, it just bugs me.



    I had to post this...
    Scott's "Mighty Spector"... delayed!

    Yep, and anyone who buys him () or has him in a Sub will have to wait til he arrives... causing delays for your other Sub figures! So much for being the "Master of Time Travel"

    Seriously, I can picture Scott... alone in his office, after work... he closes his eyes and just sighs heavily upon hearing the news!

    They're having a field day with this over at the Org!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Courtesy of the second-most-annoying person involved with the MOTUC franchise, Mosquitor is coming: and a new fractional image:

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