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Thread: Firestorm's Fan Characters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009

    Default Firestorm's Fan Characters

    Welcome to my new thread. here I will be posting drawings I do of my various fan character creations.
    I'm not the best artist around. especially not when it comes to digital colouring. but I'll no doubt improve over time.

    "If on Decepticon turf you happen to rumble, look out robot, 'cause here comes TUMBLE?"

    Names: Rough and Tumble
    Allegiance: Autobots
    Alt Mode: Monster Trucks
    Motto: Two heads are better than one, and four fists are better than two
    Bio: Autobot twins Rough and Tumble may not have the brightest of minds, but their child-like enthusiasm and monstrous strength more than make up for their lack of intelligence and clever planning. at least they think it does.
    constantly roughhousing with one another, the twins may not always get along but all those tussles have made them skilful fighters, able to put their strength to use ploughing through decepticon forces like the gladiators of old. when they're getting along and not fighting each other....

    the first character(s) I'm gonna post in this thread is a two for one.
    I've had the concept of a Monster Truck transformer with fists made out of his massive wheels for some time now, and last night since I couldn't sleep, I decided to finally put pen to paper. the design became much more Super Deformed and "Chibi" than I was going for, but you can see what I was aiming at I hope. (although now I'm considering keeping the chibi-childlike looks despite them obviously being huge since they're monster trucks)
    after drawing the design, I started trying to come up with a name for the new Truck-bot. unable to think up a good one that conveys the brawler personality and physique of the character, I eventually came to the idea to make what was once one Decepticon into twin Autobots. and thus Rough and Tumble were born!

    still not sure on their colour schemes though, I fear the red mixed with the head design comes out looking too much like Knock-Out from Prime.
    Plus I'm not really happy with the simple designs of their arms, legs and shoulders. so I may redesign them eventually. but for now here they are.

    Alternate colour scheme Idea.

    original sketch

    and no, I'm not sure which one is Rough and which is Tumble

  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    They are all sorts of awesome

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Hahah, nice. They're like ROTF Skids and Mudflap, only better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    and no, I'm not sure which one is Rough and which is Tumble

  4. #4
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    They are all sorts of awesome
    Hehe, thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Hahah, nice. They're like ROTF Skids and Mudflap, only better.

    I certainly hope they're better than Skids and Mudflap. Thanks Gok

    TIGRIR all the way!
    or is it RIGTIR...
    or RIPTIG?



    Name: Cleansweep
    Allegiance: Autobot
    Alt Mode: Street Sweeper
    Motto: "Time to clean up crime!"
    Bio: Cleansweep dreams of being a great hero. Joining the Autobot cause, he expected to be making a difference and fighting for peace in the universe against the forces of evil. these dreams however, are a little out of reach of the little sanitation-bot.
    Lacking much in the way of physical strength, combat skills, or weaponry beyond being able to expel high pressure blasts of water from his palms. Cleansweep isn't really "soldier material" and thus wound up as part of Optimus Prime's Deep Cover division. maintaining his civilian appropriate alt mode and spending his days pretending to be an actual street sweeper in a far off city somewhere in the world. to be able to report any Decepticon activity
    Cleansweep knows that this is just a pity mission, to keep him out of the action whilst making him feel useful. but it doesn't help curb his ambitions. someday he'll be a big hero, someday.
    Until then. at least he can fight against the crime of littering.

    Here we have Cleansweep. one of the first transformers I ever designed, back when I was a kid. I always enjoy designing characters with less-common alt-modes.
    I plan on someday using Sweep here for a one shot fan-comic. which is where a lot of the bio I wrote would come in to play. I wanted to create this character as a sort of average Joe turned unlikely hero type of situation.
    His design has remained fairly consistent over the years, with only minor alterations. I'll probably be sticking with his current design going ahead.

    I think next time I'll try to post a Decepticon instead. try and even out the ratio after 3 Autobots.

    Original Sketch

  5. #5
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    a little sketch I did

    Some people just don't appreciate Cleansweep's talents

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Cleansweep is awesome! And it's great that you came up with this concept years before IDW did it with Tailgate. As much as I like IDW Tailgate, he is a deviation away from his original persona (someone who thinks that all vehicles are living). I totally agree on seeing not just less common alt modes, but mundane alt modes that don't stick out and draw undue attention. Everyone loves exotic sports cars, but they really do draw loads of attention to themselves, which isn't good if you want to be in disguise and blend -- especially if your mission is to gather intelligence. I always find it interesting when see someone driving something like a Lamborghini down the middle of a busy street and everyone turns around to look at it. It's an understandable reaction, but yeah, not a great choice of alt mode if you want to be able to freely move around unnoticed.

  7. #7
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    29th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Cleansweep is awesome! And it's great that you came up with this concept years before IDW did it with Tailgate. As much as I like IDW Tailgate, he is a deviation away from his original persona (someone who thinks that all vehicles are living). I totally agree on seeing not just less common alt modes, but mundane alt modes that don't stick out and draw undue attention. Everyone loves exotic sports cars, but they really do draw loads of attention to themselves, which isn't good if you want to be in disguise and blend -- especially if your mission is to gather intelligence. I always find it interesting when see someone driving something like a Lamborghini down the middle of a busy street and everyone turns around to look at it. It's an understandable reaction, but yeah, not a great choice of alt mode if you want to be able to freely move around unnoticed.
    funny you should mention Tailgate. reading MTMTE I saw a lot of similarities in him to Cleansweep. which is partially one of the reasons I came to like Tailgate in the comics.
    I don't know much about G1 Tailgate but based on TFwiki, yes, he's quite a deviation to that in MTMTE
    I've considered changing Cleansweep's personality a bit since he's pretty similar to MTMTE Tailgate, but this is how I had always envisioned him so it's how I'm keeping him.

    and I completely agree on Mundane alt-modes. one of my biggest problems with the Bay movies for example was that the Autobot's altmodes were all top of the line, fancypants sports cars that stick out like big glossy yellow and black sore thumbs.
    yes the appeal of all these sleek stylish expensive cars is part of the draw for the audience, but in universe it makes no sense at all.
    Really doesn't help one remain a robot in disguise when all eyes are on you because you stand out so much from the crowd.

    Thankfully Cleansweep is simultaneously uncommon, AND mundane. ... somehow.

    I'm hoping I can dig up some of my old sketchbooks that have earlier drawings of Cleansweep as well as easily a dozen other characters I designed as a kid. refresh my memory on some of the ones I had forgotten, and also show how some characters have changed and also to show how my drawing skills have improved

  8. #8
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    I've considered changing Cleansweep's personality a bit since he's pretty similar to MTMTE Tailgate, but this is how I had always envisioned him so it's how I'm keeping him.
    As you said, you've had the concept for longer than the IDW character, so I don't see any need to change it. Besides... Tailgate's a muscle car.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    and I completely agree on Mundane alt-modes. one of my biggest problems with the Bay movies for example was that the Autobot's altmodes were all top of the line, fancypants sports cars that stick out like big glossy yellow and black sore thumbs.
    yes the appeal of all these sleek stylish expensive cars is part of the draw for the audience, but in universe it makes no sense at all.
    Really doesn't help one remain a robot in disguise when all eyes are on you because you stand out so much from the crowd.
    This was the appeal of the original G1 Bumblebee. Having the most mundane alt mode made him the ideal spy (hence why his function was Espionage). One of my favourite scenes in Captain America Civil War was when (mild spoiler) Cap, Bucky and Falcon make their get away in a Volkswagen Beetle! Doing that in something like a fancy sports car or muscle car probably wouldn't have worked. Heck, Sam & Co. tried to cross international borders until Bumblebee's ridiculously attention-seeking Camaro mode drew the attention of security guards, and through them the Decepticons knew exactly where the Autobots were. They might've had a better chance of slipping by if they'd been in a more ordinary looking vehicle.

    The movie did occasionally have some more inconspicuous alt modes, including:
    * Bumblebee; 1970s Camaro ("It's custom faded?!"). I kinda wish that he'd kept that alt mode throughout the entire film instead of rescanning just to impress a human girl he hardly knows.
    * Frenzy; CD player, then mobile phone. Dude managed to infiltrate Air Force One!
    * Skids & Mudflap; the ice cream truck then as hatchbacks. Never sports cars, never muscle cars. Probably the only cool thing about these characters.
    * Wheelie; radio control car (a better spy than Bumblebee)
    * Brain; laptop computer
    * Dispensor; vending machine
    * Ejector; toaster (& various other appliance-bots)
    * Optimus Prime, Age of Extinction; run down Marmon 97 truck. He deliberately took this form to evade Cemetery Wind; staying as the chopper flamed Peterbilt 379 made him too much of an exposed target.
    * Bumblebee, Age of Extinction; 1960s Camaro. Again, took this form to remain hidden. Sure beats hiding in an abandoned paddle boat funnel.
    * "Alice"; human. Being a physically "attractive" female was deliberately chosen because seducing Sam was part of his plan. What? Just because "Alice" happens to transform into a female alt mode doesn't necessarily make him a female Decepticon!

  9. #9
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    28th Feb 2009


    Thunderhoof, John Deere tractor

  10. #10
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Who ordered the cold shoulder?

    Name: Coldsnap
    Allegiance: Decepticon
    Alt Mode: Snowmobile
    Motto: "Come near me and you'll be stopped cold"
    Bio: Coldsnap doesn't like being around anyone else, preferring to keep to herself out in the arctic. A survival expert. she spends her days honing her skills in combat and swordsmanship. if her sword skills aren't enough and the myriad of traps she has set around her arctic domain have proven ineffective she is also armed with her Cryo-Tech rifle with which she can freeze any oncoming threat solid, to let their spark slowly fizzle out, entombed in ice.

    umm yeah, here's my newest creation. between her and Cleansweep I seem to have a habit for creating characters that are cut off from society, I may need to create some that would actually be a part of the main forces of their respective armies at some point too instead of filling the world with a bunch of withdrawn hermits.
    I also tried to actually give this character some weapons that aren't built in like cleansweep's water or the twin's fists. so she can wield her skis are sabres and also her fuel tank, exhaust pipe and part of her treads form a rifle for her.

    Alternate Colour Scheme Idea

    Original Sketch

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