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Thread: Guinness World Record for the biggest collection of Transformers

  1. #31
    Galvatran Guest


    Same person (Louis Georgoui), another article (23 May 2018).

    Dad has world’s largest collection of Transformers memorabilia

    Meet the dad who bought a Transformers figure for his son’s third birthday – and now has the biggest collection in the WORLD.

    Louis Georgoui, 43, started his collection in 2011 when he bought a Dinobot figurine for his son Lucas, now ten.

    When his son unwrapped the gift, childhood memories of the cartoon robot series came flooding back and Louis started buying all the memorabilia he could find.

    Seven years on he’s got the world’s largest collection of Transformers memorabilia – a £40,000 treasure trove of 2,037 comics, figures and collectors items.

    He owns a fifth of the world’s entire collectable Transformers memorabilia.

    The collection is so big he’s moved it out of his six-bed semi-detached home and into a meeting room at his office.

    The sci-fi fanatic, of Altrincham, south Manchester, said: “It all started when my son was three-years-old and I was looking for a Christmas present.

    “I bought him a figure from the Transformer animated series, a Dinobot, a Grimlock, a Starscream.

    “When he unwrapped them it was nostalgic as I was into the Transformers as a child.

    “Before I knew it I was buying more and more.

    “There’s around 10,000 collectors items worldwide so I have a fair chunk.

    “My favourite figure funnily enough isn’t actually an official Transformers figure but from a third party company which makes high quality versions of them. The one I like is Leonidas based on the original ‘Lio Convoy’ figure.

    “A low point was missing out on a £8,000 eBay bid on an unreleased prototype of Generation 2 Menasor.

    “My best bargain was accidental. I bought a £30 Japanese ‘Breakdown’ figure from the “Transformers Prime series which is now selling for $500 (£370).

    “I did actually get my son into it. He has his own collection but they’re more toys than collectables.

    “Growing up he pestered me into getting some out of the box to play with but I always had to tell him no.”

    His collection is said to be so overwhelming housewife Faye, 42, fears she would be left with the daunting task of looking after the collection if Louis died.

    His most expensive item is a £500 Lio Prime figure.

    Louis, head of a digital company, also owns a bunch of rare Japanese figurines including Star Sabre and Victory Leo.

    He has a Megatron figure which transforms into a Sega Megadrive and an Optimus Prime figure which turns into a Sony Playstation.

    He is now pinning his hopes on becoming the Guinness World Record holder for Transformers memorabilia.

    He added: “My wife has wanted them out for ages.

    “In arguments she would threaten to shove them all in a black sack and send them off to the skip.

    “She even admitted that her biggest fear would be for me to suddenly die and for her to be left to deal with the collection.

    “I shifted them all out of my house six months ago and delivered them to the office.

    “They are now all out on display in a meeting room.

    “All the staff have had a look and when have meetings it becomes like a museum.

    “My goal is to get into to the book of Guinness World Records then I’ll stop collecting.

    “I was then thinking about selling them off but my brother-in-law who is lives in Hong Kong said the collection would go down well over there.

    “So I might look into shipping them over and going on tour over there.

    “I’ll keep a few of my favourites and then I will probably look to selling them off.”

    Last year AJ Ard from Eastvale, California made a bid for the world’s largest collection of Transformers items with 1,313 items.
    (there are some ripper quotes in the article )

  2. #32
    Galvatran Guest


    ... And not so impressive. (article may have been doing the rounds a few years back)

    Husband persuades wife to live with world's largest Transformers collection
    THIS man claims to have the largest collection of Transformers robot toys in the world and is proud enough to display them all over his house — although his long-suffering wife has reservations.

    Ex-soldier Zhang Wei, 38, said he became fascinated with the franchise ever since the original cartoon series first debuted and he reckons his collection of 380 toys means he has collected all of the official Hasbro robots ever made.

    Wei, who lives together with his wife Zhang Tsai, 33, in the Chinese port city of Qingdao, has managed to persuade her to let him put the collection on display in specially built shelving around their house.

    What's more, she has also supported him in allowing him to spend more than £20,000 since he started collecting in earnest in 2002 by buying up Transformers robots off the internet.

    He said: "I had a few of them years ago and was fascinated by the way they switched between being a robot and then into something else like car or plane, and that interest really developed after I left work and had more time on my hands.

    "I started to speak to other collectors and really build up my own set, and I'm really lucky that my wife supports me."

    Tsai said: "I don't know about support, but certainly when it comes to hobbies, there are a lot worse things that he could do to pass the time.

    When the shelves first went up and I saw them all round the living room I thought it was a bit creepy - but you get used to them, even if it's a pain when it comes to dusting."

    He is not alone in China in having a fascination for the Transformers toys. Blockbuster Transformers: Age of Extinction is now the highest-grossing film ever in China, notching up more than prior record-holder Avatar and well above the film's US totals.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    30th May 2011


    Look here's the real full legit styles of TJ McL….. oh I mean JITS.

    Griffin has the biggest confirmed TF collection at this time and has most likely held that title for a long time.

    My $1.50 to this ridiculous argument.
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

  4. #34
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post

    Same person (Louis Georgoui), another article (23 May 2018).

    This is where the journalist is one worth bagging out here for not doing their homework.
    For not spending just 2 minutes on google to search for Transformers collections (to come across sites like TFW and Seibertron that have sections for fans to post up their collection photos), and for not looking into the assumption that there is only "10,000 collector items worldwide" which they have included non-toy items in that figure.
    First off, there are now over 10,000 Transformers toys that have been released by Hasbro and TakaraTomy (some are identical out of packaging, but a collector of sealed toys can claim one from each company if the packaging is different). That's a fact that can be verified through some lengthy counting on tfwiki or a quicker count through Soundwave's Oblivion (which lists both).
    Licensed merchandise (which includes comics and "collector items" ) is beyond estimation, and would be impossible to count, because every year, every country, releases/approves of hundreds of licensed items.

    Its' a nice article for the non-fans out there to go "wow" over, but for us dedicated collectors, it is full of errors and exaggerations by the journalist.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    1st Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    This is where the journalist is one worth bagging out here for not doing their homework.
    For not spending just 2 minutes on google to search for Transformers collections (to come across sites like TFW and Seibertron that have sections for fans to post up their collection photos), and for not looking into the assumption that there is only "10,000 collector items worldwide" which they have included non-toy items in that figure.
    First off, there are now over 10,000 Transformers toys that have been released by Hasbro and TakaraTomy (some are identical out of packaging, but a collector of sealed toys can claim one from each company if the packaging is different). That's a fact that can be verified through some lengthy counting on tfwiki or a quicker count through Soundwave's Oblivion (which lists both).
    Licensed merchandise (which includes comics and "collector items" ) is beyond estimation, and would be impossible to count, because every year, every country, releases/approves of hundreds of licensed items.

    Its' a nice article for the non-fans out there to go "wow" over, but for us dedicated collectors, it is full of errors and exaggerations by the journalist.
    That's just the sad current state of journalism - facts are given second priority to being first with the news... or worse still - shock sensationalism designed to provoke a forced response!

  6. #36
    Galvatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    This is where the journalist is one worth bagging out here for not doing their homework.
    For not spending just 2 minutes on google to search for Transformers collections (to come across sites like TFW and Seibertron that have sections for fans to post up their collection photos), and for not looking into the assumption that there is only "10,000 collector items worldwide" which they have included non-toy items in that figure.
    First off, there are now over 10,000 Transformers toys that have been released by Hasbro and TakaraTomy (some are identical out of packaging, but a collector of sealed toys can claim one from each company if the packaging is different). That's a fact that can be verified through some lengthy counting on tfwiki or a quicker count through Soundwave's Oblivion (which lists both).
    Licensed merchandise (which includes comics and "collector items" ) is beyond estimation, and would be impossible to count, because every year, every country, releases/approves of hundreds of licensed items.

    Its' a nice article for the non-fans out there to go "wow" over, but for us dedicated collectors, it is full of errors and exaggerations by the journalist.
    Full or errors? What do you mean? In the other article dated in 2014 with the Chinese collector and I quote:
    he reckons his collection of 380 toys means he has collected all of the official Hasbro robots ever made.
    So what the hell have you been collecting Griffin?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    I havnt read the article, but are they saying biggest tf figure collection or biggest tf memorbilia collection?

  8. #38
    Galvatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    I havnt read the article, but are they saying biggest tf figure collection or biggest tf memorbilia collection?
    Make the effort man... worth the read. It’s spelt out in the article’s title.

    Have I told you you’re like a long lost brother. I prefer pics over text in magazines. Did so in high school & still do today.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Its' a nice article for the non-fans out there to go "wow" over, but for us dedicated collectors, it is full of errors and exaggerations by the journalist.
    Oh no, opening up a can of worms with the ‘dedicated collectors’ tag. I’d rather use the term ‘true fan’ myself.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    They aren't claiming that theirs is the biggest collection in the world, they are just obtaining the record at Guinness that no one else has yet claimed.

    I finally had a look at the process for applying for a Guinness World Record, and it is a lot of work... it's no wonder no one has tried to claim the largest Transformers collection record yet.

    These are the requirements...

    Please make sure you follow ALL these rules:

    a. The assessment of the collection must take place in a public place or in a venue open to public inspection.
    b. The collection must be assessed and counted by two independent witnesses at least one of whom must be a representative from a relevant, established and recognised society specializing in the subject area of the collection submitted.
    c. The record is based on the total number of different individual items in the collection.
    d. Duplicates will not be counted.
    e. All items must be, or have been, commercially available. Homemade items will not be counted towards the final total.
    f. If items are usually paired (i.e. earrings or cufflinks) the number of matching pairs must be given.
    g. A concise, clear and audited inventory must be submitted for all claims either including thumbnail pictures of all the items, or labelled with photo names, so as to allow the log book to be cross referenced with the images.
    h. Claims must be submitted by the owner with a brief history of when (year) and why the collection began. It is also of interest to know where the collection is housed and if there is a particular favourite, giving reasons why.

    Please make sure you supply the following evidence:

    • One cover letter explaining the context of the record attempt. Please indicate date, time and exact location of the record attempt. Also please provide full details of the individual including name, age, nationality and background. Explain why you decided to attempt this record, and a brief history of when and why the collection began. It is also of interest to know where the collection if housed and if there is a particular favourite, giving reasons why.
    • Two witness statements confirming the exact number of items in the collection, that the guidelines above have been adhered to and that all the items in the collection are relevant to the subject matter. The witnesses must list the points that they have verified during the attempt.
    • A concise, clear and audited inventory must be submitted for all claims. This may come in the form of a spreadsheet or log book. The total number of items in the collection must be clearly stated on this inventory, which must be counter-signed by the two witnesses.
    Photographic evidence of all the items of the collection, individually or in groups, should provide evidence to confirm the size of the display.
    Video evidence of the person(s) counting the collection showing the objects being counted, to confirm the final number of the collection. Video evidence must include the whole counting process.
    Media articles (newspaper, online, TV or radio) should be submitted as part of the evidence requirements. This is not compulsory evidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Many of Guinness's records aren't absolute, as definitely the best/biggest/most in the world... it's only what that company are able to verify, relying on the general public to submit/claim the record. And most people probably don't care about, or value, the concept of Guinness Records to waste time applying for an official record.

    One of the requirements on the application page is that they will only accept personal records that can be beaten... so even though the initial application for Transformers collection is quite low, Guinness would be preferring a low entry first, so that they can make more mileage out of several breakings of that record over a period of time.
    The Guinness site also notes that there is no current record holder for "Largest Transformers Memorabilia Collection", but they are currently processing a claim for 2,111 items. Considering they note that their processing time is 12-15 weeks, the person in the first post of this news topic was probably just a matter of days away from being officially awarded with the Guinness Record.
    (they have a priority processing option of 5 days, if you pay about AU$1000 - you'd definitely want to get the record with that sort of expense)

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    (I've been thinking about submitting my collection for about a year now... not because I think it is the world's largest, but because I want it to smoke out collections that are bigger than mine, to find out just how big a collection can possibly be.)
    I made an enquiry, but as I had noted in the quote above, I want it to be a catalyst for the true largest collection(s) to be revealed to the world... as I will never claim to have the worlds largest. A Guinness Record would be a nice thing to say I once had (if I get processed), but I would happily surrender the title if I can see how big a privately owned Transformers collection can really be.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I honestly think that you should attempt the record, griffin. Even if others have a larger collection, you are one of few collectors with a mega-sized collection who has bothered to put in the effort of cataloging all of your toys and keeping track of your collection as it's grown. And I wholeheartedly agree with your motivations; it would set a good benchmark for someone else to beat. Yes, records are made to be broken, but I personally don't want to see the record start at such a low point that half of us here could easily break it. And seeing records being broken can be quite exciting, as many of us witness during sporting events etc. - but it's only exciting because it's so unimaginably and unobtainably high for most people.

    And you may very well inspire others to reach or break your record.

    P.S.: Interesting to see that multiples don't count. Way back when we were discussing and voting on the initial rules for the Universal Counting Method, I was one of the few who voted in favour of multiples not counting. But the majority voted in favour of counting them, and of course the UCM is based on majority consensus.

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