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Thread: I need to vent!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    i know whatcha mean kup

    in my Sydney house

    their rabbit, that they let run around the streets, married our rabbit and decided to stay in our yard.

    One of those ruffians just kept barging into our yard, whever they felt like owning the rabbit.

    Fortunately we kept him in a hutch for a week and they thought he was gone.

    But yeah, when i become President of the Republic of Australia i'll put a stop to any misbehaviour.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by shazam View Post
    I realise you probably don't want to talk to them. But I think that's your first point of call. If that does you no good, you can try going through a mediator (the Fair Trading website has some information on this). If you can prove that your neighbours are doing something wrong you can report it to Strata Management. If their is a concierge you can report it to them as well. I think your last resort is to goto the cops and make a noise complaint. But understand that this kind of complaint is pretty low on their priorities list.
    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Tober, any legal avenue you want to pursue would take awhile given this is nuisance that we're really talking about. I'd recommend that you contact them as a first port of call, and then if that didn't work, write a formal complaint, then if that doesn't work, follow it up with the relevant authorities. The police will be able to pop around if the times they do this are at ridiculous times of the day - like at night or whatnot. If not, the police should be able to advise you as to how to proceed to take the matter to court. Generally though, the court process takes awhile.
    Thanks guys

    I really dont want to talk to them untill I fully understand what my rights are. And even then I would rather simply hit them with an abatement order or similar at the same time. I gonna have to speak to strata and council apparently.

    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    I have been experiencing dodgy neighbors too - its a long story ... [snip] ... its only a matter of time.
    Sorry to hear about it Truly feral.

    Make sure their kids dont see your TFs

    Quote Originally Posted by roller View Post
    i know whatcha mean kup

    in my Sydney house

    their rabbit, that they let run around the streets, married our rabbit and decided to stay in our yard.

    One of those ruffians just kept barging into our yard, whever they felt like owning the rabbit.

    Fortunately we kept him in a hutch for a week and they thought he was gone.

    But yeah, when i become President of the Republic of Australia i'll put a stop to any misbehaviour.
    Arn't you Emperor of Oz yet?
    Which brings us to where we are today...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I know that after a certain time at night you're not allowed to make loud noises that disturb the peace or you can call the police. Back in my undergraduate uni days my friends and I would party on till odd hours of the night (and following morning) and a couple of times we had cops come and tell us to shut up because we were too noisy and neighbours had complained.

    I can't remember what the time is exactly - maybe midnight? But yeah, there are laws regarding not disturbing the peace at certain times; find out what they are and contact your local police if you think those people are in violation of this law.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    I was gonna invite Paulie to a housewarming with a gay TF fan whose a friend from Perth, but it wasn't my house and we had some troubles with gatecrashers so it's prolly better I didn' time I'm over that way and there's a party I'll see what I can do.

    Now to vent: Alright, it's gotta be said, besides the beautiful scenery Tasmania is really, really dull and insular. I've been here in Devonport all of 2 days and I'm going out of my mind, especially after having as blast in Melbourne. The weather's cold, the women where I am are all young-skanks-with-kids or jailbait-soon-to-be-skanks-with-kids, the beer is costly...get me outta here goldurnit! I thought Perth was bad but geez...this is like THE major port and it's tiny, expensive and there are hardly any TFs to be found. Totally the 'holiday isle' 'cos to live here would be suicide-inducing.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    9th May 2009
    Norff'cote, Melbourne


    Feel the love for Paulbot!

    Time to vent right now...

    My girlfriend's group for a uni project got an absolutely atrocious mark for their powerpoint presentation they had to email their tutor - she stated there was no content at all, and it was a pathetic assignment considering that it was the end of semester 1. She had attached the submitted (original) powerpoint document they had sent her, which had the marks annotated digitally.

    So I had a quick look at it. The damn thing was nearly completely blank, except but I could see text boxes and a few headings. So I highlighted inside. I saw outlines of text present. So I changed the colour to black, and whaddayaknow, all the content IS in the assignment. The lady must have spent a while trying to mark this document, enough to write comments and all that jazz. I don't know why or how she didn't attempt to do this, considering she had written the comments in RED. She knew how to change font colours.

    The document displayed fine on the PC before it was sent off, so something must have happened on the tutor's end. My girlfriend just sent off an email to the tutor telling her what I had found, and the instructions to prove that they had completed it as they were supposed to. She also attached the edited document with black font so she can cross-check her own.

    Why am I venting? Because the person didn't contact them to ask questions as to WHY it was mostly blank. Plus they displayed the powerpoint presentation a week before it was due. ()*S)*)DS

    Anyone have any experience with situations like this?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    19th Aug 2008


    A few people have personally heard this vent.

    Afa figures shipped to wrong address.

    Wrong address doesnt exist.

    Tracking shows apparently shipped.


    Its sorted out now, but the entire fiasco was an absolute joke.

    EDIT: another graded figure was completed crushed and the casing crushed, usps returned the package back to the seller, who just filed an insurance claim.

    Double nice....
    Last edited by jgon2098; 27th June 2009 at 07:50 PM.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    19th Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by enforcer888 View Post
    Feel the love for Paulbot!

    Time to vent right now...

    My girlfriend's group for a uni project got an absolutely atrocious mark for their powerpoint presentation they had to email their tutor - she stated there was no content at all, and it was a pathetic assignment considering that it was the end of semester 1. She had attached the submitted (original) powerpoint document they had sent her, which had the marks annotated digitally.

    So I had a quick look at it. The damn thing was nearly completely blank, except but I could see text boxes and a few headings. So I highlighted inside. I saw outlines of text present. So I changed the colour to black, and whaddayaknow, all the content IS in the assignment. The lady must have spent a while trying to mark this document, enough to write comments and all that jazz. I don't know why or how she didn't attempt to do this, considering she had written the comments in RED. She knew how to change font colours.

    The document displayed fine on the PC before it was sent off, so something must have happened on the tutor's end. My girlfriend just sent off an email to the tutor telling her what I had found, and the instructions to prove that they had completed it as they were supposed to. She also attached the edited document with black font so she can cross-check her own.

    Why am I venting? Because the person didn't contact them to ask questions as to WHY it was mostly blank. Plus they displayed the powerpoint presentation a week before it was due. ()*S)*)DS

    Anyone have any experience with situations like this?
    Sounds like my former thesis co-ordinator. Does everything by the book, no grey-area for compromise. If this happened to me back then, I would've been told too bad, it is up to the student to ensure their work is appropriate for submission. You get dicks like that all the time. In our department we had a case where the tutor changed the solutions of people's mutiple choice answers (those who answered in pencils), because he thought it was funny. He got caught out in the end. That is the definition of an academic tool.
    Last edited by jgon2098; 26th June 2009 at 08:17 PM.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    25th May 2008
    Mount Barker, South Australia


    okay my turn

    well ive been trying to do the whole internet dating thing cause im sick of being single so i thought i would try a certain internet site easy....NOOOOOOO

    you search through the profile find some you like and make contact sounds easy well you would be WRONG i have actually made contact with people and they have contacted me we both accept, and does the other person actually talk back.... well apprantely NOT!!!!!

    i mean how hard is for the oppposite sex to actually to chat back with you aaaaaaargh!!! i introduce myself say hi etc etc and nothing but they dont actually remove you from their contact list WTF?!! talk or not just do something!!!!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I long for the days when you could club a woman over the head and drag 'er to the cave.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by loophole View Post
    okay my turn

    well ive been trying to do the whole internet dating thing cause im sick of being single so i thought i would try a certain internet site easy....NOOOOOOO

    you search through the profile find some you like and make contact sounds easy well you would be WRONG i have actually made contact with people and they have contacted me we both accept, and does the other person actually talk back.... well apprantely NOT!!!!!

    i mean how hard is for the oppposite sex to actually to chat back with you aaaaaaargh!!! i introduce myself say hi etc etc and nothing but they dont actually remove you from their contact list WTF?!! talk or not just do something!!!!
    From what you say, I have a feeling that most people consider those dating services as some sort of Glorified chat room or Myspace page in which you add dozens and dozens of 'buddies' even if they don't know who they are just so they can say to have 'friends' on their profile.

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