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Thread: SPOILER THREAD: SW: The Force Awakens

  1. #11
    Join Date
    30th Oct 2012


    Disappointed about the lack of Captain Phasma in the movie. Although that scene where Chewbacca tackled her to the ground and made her disable the shield gave me a good laugh.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    I thought the script was almost entirely original
    i loved it but come on young person leaves desert planet trying to get droid containing important information to freedom fighters so they can find a way to destroy super weapon in last ditch effort as time counts down to their destruction. along the way they discover the force and their mentor, whom they only just met, is killed. which movie am i describing?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    i loved it but come on young person leaves desert planet trying to get droid containing important information to freedom fighters so they can find a way to destroy super weapon in last ditch effort as time counts down to their destruction. along the way they discover the force and their mentor, whom they only just met, is killed. which movie am i describing?
    Yeah, my thoughts exactly, even down to the Resistance base looking almost identical to the Yavin base, It was starting to be a little too much by the final act.

    Originality is not JJ's forte, but when it comes to intense emotional flip outs, lens flares and lasers he's got us covered.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Film was good, hope they don't kill off luke in any of the following sequels

  5. #15
    Join Date
    19th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    Han + Leia = Jania & Jacen (Twins, and Jacen eventually turns Darth), and Anakin
    Luke + Mara Jade (Secret emperors assassin who turns good ) = Ben

    Hence my dislike
    Ahhhh I see now, I guess maybe cause they only went with the one offspring in this version (so far that is) they must have felt that particular name would hold the most meaning out of them all.
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  6. #16
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    19th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    i loved it but come on young person leaves desert planet trying to get droid containing important information to freedom fighters so they can find a way to destroy super weapon in last ditch effort as time counts down to their destruction. along the way they discover the force and their mentor, whom they only just met, is killed. which movie am i describing?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Yeah, my thoughts exactly, even down to the Resistance base looking almost identical to the Yavin base, It was starting to be a little too much by the final act.
    Add to that an opening scene where the good guys are caught by the bad guys, with the bad dude making his ominous appearance whilst the good guy hides the secret plans in a droid and sends him off to travel through a desert before being captured for interrogation, a canteena scene, a prison break/rescue mission, people after a certain smuggler for not delivering the goods, the young persons witnessing the mentor die at the hands of the bad guy, X wings having to travel through a trench to take out an Oscillator (aka exhaust chute) to destroy the "super mega force death star", with the addition of the new young force user traveling across the galaxy to find the last master Jedi to be trained how to become a jedi...

    Like I said its pretty much a remake of A New Hope with bits of Empire and Jedi thrown in, but to be honest I also kind of got that feeling from the trailers leading up to it so my expectations weren't really shattered in anyway (although I wasn't expecting that many similar attributes to the original).

    Regardless it still had its own unique parts and themes, and I definitely found the cinema experience thoroughly entertaining (was quite cool in 3D if I do say so myself), the characters were relatable and the story was told very well in my opinion (I'm intrigued and I want to know more about a lot of things, particularly Rey and Kylo), effects and cinematography were great although the score wasn't as memorable in my mind (other then when the old themes came out to shine), all up I came a way with a huge smile on my face and I can't wait to watch it again with my kids, not to mention I'm also left hanging to see what happens next, that indicates it was a positive experience for me so yeah, as far as I'm concerned well done Abrams on a successful reboot, now lets see how you go from here cause the next one will be make or break in my eyes and I don't think you will be able to hide in the comfort of repetition again, the next one definitely has to stand out on its own (story wise that is)
    Last edited by Meister; 17th December 2015 at 11:42 PM.
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    I loved it. Tired so can't say more for now. BB-8 and Rey were surprisingly awesome.
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  8. #18
    Join Date
    6th Aug 2010


    Yeah I dug it. Being an older fan I get the whole poetry thing happening with this and it didn't bother me one bit. Great flick

    Lots of laughs along the way....really having a good time......then something bad bad bad bad happens. Nausea followed by increased tearfulness followed by shakiness and then denial

    Holy crap. I felt bad all day today 😢

    I'm processing all of it
    Sometimes all you need is a little energon and alotta luck...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    17th May 2014
    Terra Australis


    Enjoyed it thoroughly and saw ALL the ANH story copies and then some of the ROTJ story copies BUT

    Solo dead at the hands of his son is excellent and Kylo Ren not being a fully fledged Dark Side user with uber strength in the force and weaknesses that Rey and Finn exploited I liked a lot.

    Definitely more interesting than the prequels.
    You can build a throne with bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long. -Boris Yeltsin

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  10. #20
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Definitely enjoyed it. Woke up the next morning struggling to believe Hans fate. I had a bad feeling about that. Basically everything I thought about the movie has already been said.

    I've been having with people, threatening spoilers then telling them that Kylo Ren is Jar Jar Bink's son

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

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