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Thread: Jobs for Mel!

  1. #1
    TheDirtyDigger Guest

    Default Jobs for Mel!

    Hey Mel and anyone else that's interested.

    Toys R Us Chadstone are looking for people to fill the positions of Assistant Store Managers, Store Managers and Senior Store Mangers.

    Be a good opportunity to be our spy on the inside or just a fun job surrounded by toys until something better comes along.
    I would make the supposition that Asst. Managers salary isn't too high but Store and Senior Store Managers should do quite well.
    Also Mel it's relatively close to your new residence.

    I'd actually jump on it myself if I didn't have a stake in my own business.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    dirty what business do u run?
    Wanted items:
    eHobby Orion Pax and Dion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Chadstone has a bunch of "dumbo" staff...even if i'm unemployed, i won't want to be their supervisor there!!

    customer: Hi, I would like to purchase this Movie G1 repainted Starscream as your catalogue says there's a discount for Voyager-sized Team figures

    TRU staff: I don't think I can give you any discount? Wait, I'll have a look at the catalogue

    TRU staff: Sorry, it's different. The catalogue shows a helicopter (Blackout) but yours is a Jet (Starscream). It's different so we can't give you a discount.

    customer: But it says Voyager-sized and this is the same sized toy!!

    TRU staff: I'll have to ask my Manager

    TRU Manager/Supervisor: Sorry, it's different...we can't sell it!


  4. #4
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by autobreadticon View Post
    dirty what business do u run?
    Freelance mercenary outfit.

    Here's a link to our website...

    It's a Dirty Business!

  5. #5
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    at one with the matrix...


    If I told you guys what type of business I owned, I'd get banned.

  6. #6
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Pulse View Post
    If I told you guys what type of business I owned, I'd get banned.

    Then PM me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Toys R Us all over Sydney also have attrocious costumer service and barely know what a toy is. It seems as if they hire people who are either inbreds or mentally handicapped.

    The scary thing is that most of their shelves are a giant mess often with stuff falling off and toys littered all over the floor. The problem is not just isolated to one store but all of them so their issues are systematic.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    I went for a job interview for a nightfill position with my local Toys R What and it was ridiculous. Some lame ass group interview. "Plan to build a bridge to the moon everyone" they told us.

    I was sitting there thinking "WTF? I know more about toys than most of the chumps here, I don't want to be a manager or "go farther" in the "team." All I want is a frikkin' night fill job!" So I got up and left (mid interview) after thanking them for wasting my time.

    Obviuosly I didn't get the job

  9. #9
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    I went for a job interview for a nightfill position with my local Toys R What and it was ridiculous. Some lame ass group interview. "Plan to build a bridge to the moon everyone" they told us.

    I was sitting there thinking "WTF? I know more about toys than most of the chumps here, I don't want to be a manager or "go farther" in the "team." All I want is a frikkin' night fill job!" So I got up and left (mid interview) after thanking them for wasting my time.

    Obviuosly I didn't get the job
    I think that those interviews are designed to root out smart people. You did the right thing.

    However if I were the manager, I would actually have hired you because you walking out signals that you have initiative and will not listen to crap but do what you have to.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Toys R Us don't seem to employ all that well.

    I don't so much blame the staff, but everything is controlled from the Head Office. The stores don't know what stock they're receiving until it arrives, and the discounts are almost always set by the head office. The staff seem to be there purely to process sales and keep the corporate look intact, rather than to really be there to serve customers.

    Few store managers show any real initiative clearing stock or setting up store displays. Which would suggest to me that TRU employ managers who can run a tight ship in terms of expenditure, rather than someone who can actually run a business.

    From what I can see, TRU's business model is based on markup rather than high volume. Which relies on ignorance or exclusive lines. Unlike say, Big W, who generate far more sales, with a MUCH broader customer base, albeit with lower margins. The latter is more sustainable, long term.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

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