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Thread: SPOILER THREAD - The Last Jedi

  1. #51
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Wouldnt the ships keep going at the same rate when it runs out of fuel as it is in space? The chase would never end
    you imagine there is something called the tractor beam.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by acz83 View Post
    Is Snoke dead? Was he just a projection like Luke... if he was truly the bridge between Kyle and Rey talking through the force how could they do it at the end of the movie if he was dead?
    He was split in half on screen! C,mon.....he be dead!

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gouki View Post
    This is Return not Empire.
    I did say "...little did I know there'd be more than that." That's a reference to Return of the Jedi.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
    also once she ropened the bridge’s doors, technically everyone on the other side should have been sucked out into space...;
    The Star Wars universe has some kind of shielding that stops this from happening. This is why the Death Star in the Original Trilogy has open hangars but things aren't sucked out. So as something that's been long established in the Star Wars canon since 1977, I'm willing to accept this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
    also there is mention that during the space pursuit that there is only 18 hours left of fuel, 18 hours in a space pursuit isn’t really that long when you think about it,
    I have to agree with you there. For a big ship like that carrying only 18 hours of fuel is pretty stupid. Unless something happened before and that ship wasn't fully fuelled when the pursuit started... but the movie didn't state this so the audience can only reasonably assume that it was running on a full tank rather than fumes. It's okay to have the ship running on near empty, but at least tell the audience why. Yeah... it's pretty dumb.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
    Sorry just thought it was a hereditary thing, I guess the exertion of giving birth to twins must have also caused Padme to expire as well
    I used to laugh at this whole dying from sadness thing... until Debbie Reynolds (Carrie Fisher's mum) passed away a day after Carrie Fisher! Family members said that after Fisher passed away, Reynolds said, "I don't want to live without Carrie," and 15 minutes before Reynolds actually died she told her son, "I would like to be with Carrie again."

    So, uh... yeah... apparently you CAN die from a broken heart.

  5. #55
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    Rey’s “nobody” story doesn’t add up with what was depicted in ForceAwakens
    I mean if as Kylo says she was sold on Jakku then why was she so free to scavenge for food portions and refuse to give BB8 to the fat guy who clearly was the one holding her arm when she was left on the planet? Didn’t the slaves like Anakin and his Mum have tracking chips that would blow you up if disobey or try to leave?
    I think Kylo is lying about the vision he saw of Rey’s parents hoping that it would turn her... but instead it strengthened her resolve against him...

    Merry Christmas!
    Last edited by acz83; 25th December 2017 at 07:10 PM.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by acz83 View Post
    Rey’s “nobody” story doesn’t add up with what was depicted in ForceAwakens
    I mean if as Kylo says she was sold on Jakku then why was she so free to scavenge for food portions and refuse to give BB8 to the fat guy who clearly was the one holding her arm when she was left on the planet? Didn’t the slaves like Anakin and his Mum have tracking chips that would blow you up if disobey or try to leave?
    I think Kylo is lying about the vision he saw of Rey’s parents hoping that it would turn her... but instead it strengthened her resolve against him...

    Merry Christmas!
    Unkar Plutt was clearly shown in TFA as being in charge of the community where Rey was left.

    Rey is not ever shown as a slave. To the best of my knowledge she's literally described everywhere as a scavenger.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by acz83 View Post
    Rey’s “nobody” story doesn’t add up with what was depicted in ForceAwakens
    I mean if as Kylo says she was sold on Jakku then why was she so free to scavenge for food portions and refuse to give BB8 to the fat guy who clearly was the one holding her arm when she was left on the planet? Didn’t the slaves like Anakin and his Mum have tracking chips that would blow you up if disobey or try to leave?
    I think Kylo is lying about the vision he saw of Rey’s parents hoping that it would turn her... but instead it strengthened her resolve against him...

    Merry Christmas!
    Yeah, no. Rey isn't a slave. Nice try, she's a junk scavenger. She wasn't sold into servitude. She was simply sold.

    As it stands, unless Abrams introduced a recon, Kylo Rennes 100% telling the truth as far as he and Rey are aware, hence why he she tearfully admitted it was true. This, her parents being absolutely nobodies and her lack of connection n to any famous families, was heavily hinted at with Max in Force Awakens and all but confirmed on screen in the cave reflection scene.

  8. #58
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    I agree she was never shown as a slave or being “Sold you off for drinking money.” More she was abandoned and her parents left in a hurry from the planet not “They're dead in a pauper's grave in the Jakku desert”. -Kylo

    I say Kylo is lying and like Dooku “Joined the Dark Side, he has. Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are his ways now.” -Yoda

    Then again could just be falling into JJ’s box, in a box, in a box trick and “This is not going to go the way you think” -Luke

  9. #59
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    After watching the movie, I tend not to over think it.
    Is a basic Beauty and the beast in sci-fi.

    I say Kylo isn't lying and Rey knows it. < Yes she is nobody

    The next episode is either JJ turns Kylo to Ben in the end, or simply the end of any Skywalker line. As Luke is dead, I actually can't see any much more hate from Kylo and he will soon let it go as he isn't really angry with Rey or he would have killed both Snoke and Rey in the last Jedi.

    Obviously if Leia has the chance to face her son, this would be flip of the coin whether Ben will turn back to light or fall into darkness.

    Too early to speculate at the moment as I think JJ either starts reading feedback on Last Jedi and take on board what the fans would have love to see for the next episode or just finish the chapter.

  10. #60
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    Remember that there are many different types of slavery. Anakin and Shmi Skywalker were chattel slaves, which is the typical image that many of us have of what slavery is. This is where slaves are literally treated as property to be bought and sold as commodity. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade which prospered in the United States until Abe Lincoln delivered Emancipation was chattel slavery.

    "You're a slave?"
    "I'm a person and my name is Anakin!"

    The kind of slave that Rey is described as having been is a debt-bondage slave (aka bonded labour). This is where someone is working to repay a debt. It is possible that Rey was a slave for certain period of time (say a few years) until she paid off her parents debt, then her parents would have been free to come back and collect her. Only that they never did.

    Abraham Lincoln was a bonded slave when he was a child. In his youth Abraham was frequently coerced into hard labour on neighbouring farms to help pay off his father's debts. It was during this time that Lincoln got a taste of slavery and learned to really, really hate it. Later when he visited plantations in the South (especially that owned by the family of Joshua Speed) that Lincoln witnessed how chattel slaves lived, and it was shortly after that that Lincoln proclaimed that all men are created equal and vowed to abolish slavery (although it was as much a military/tactical decision as it was a humanitarian one).

    Anyway, I think that Rey was more of a bonded slave rather than a chattel slave. So after the debt was repaid she was freed... to be a scavenger. :/ Chattel slaves like Shmi and Anakin Skywalker can never be freed unless their master chooses to free them, as Cliegg Lars did to Shmi. Presumably it's only when a master frees a slave that their microchip is then removed from their body. Rey didn't explode when she left Jakku, so I'm assuming that she was no longer a slave at the time (if indeed they ever bothered to chip bonded slaves). I doubt that she would've been allowed to go too far away from the borders of the Niima outpost (just as Anakin and Shmi couldn't venture far away from Mos Espa.

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