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Thread: Toy review: Soundwave Linkin Park edition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2014

    Default Toy review: Soundwave Linkin Park edition

    Alright my first review, pardon my vocabulary since Dutch is my native language, although ill try my best to make this as understandable as possible

    When you open the box and look at the inlay, your breath will stop for a few seconds. The first impression is great; purple inlay with a fantastic looking Soundwave, in a great golden paint job, peering back at you. Accompanied by 4 of his companions. The first impression is the most important one, you cant go back and change it and on that matter... they did great. Looking at the inside of the box, i want to take him out and see how good he really is. So... +1

    Okay, i got him out of the box and stationed between Piranacon and the Autobot Arc and well he does claim your attention. Im not sure if its the classic G1 mold or the gold paint, but it does its job; getting your attention like a shy, beautifull girl. On that account... +1

    Time to dive in and take a closer look. The transformation of the 4 companions is easy enough, part from the head of Ratbat but once you get the hang of it, its doesnt give any problems. Although posing Ravage is impossible without him leaning against Soundwave. I wont go in to details about transforming Soundwave himself since its the classic G1 mold and speaks for itself. So considering its made by an older mold i give it again a +1

    So basiclly this is a great toy, although it wont fancy everyone. The gold paint and the Linkin Park factor have driven many fans away from it. So here it really drops a point -1

    So why should you buy this, you might ask?

    - If you dont have a classic or re-issue Soundwave
    - If you like rare toys, its limited to 2000 worldwide
    - If you like rare toys for cheap prices (check Ebay its really affordable)
    - If you like shiny or gold

    So there you have it. My thoughts about this toy and why i believe its worth it, no matter the negative comments about it. Let me know if you decide to buy one and what you think of the toy and/ or this review.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    30th Oct 2012


    Nice review!, I am still on the fence about this, the only reason I want it is because it's Soundwave!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2014


    I had the same thing and im not a Linkin Park fan either. But i never regretted buying it, its still the classic mold and its Soundwave. The gold just makes it fresh.

    Perhaps you should let faith decide, try winning it on Ebay instead of buying. If its destiny then youll win and get him for a low price. I believe he's really worth, especially since he is an underdog and well.. that can make him valuable in time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I used to be a massive Linkin Park fan, but that was near a decade ago now, but still like them enough to consider the figure. It's more I'm not keen on the paintjob - maybe it looks better in real life.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2014


    Ive found that positioning and lighting does an awfull lot for any Transformer.

    You know.. if you want i can make you a good deal on this one. Its MIB and the box itself is C9. Ofcourse everything is included. I would find it great knowing one of my figures would end up standing in Australia (atleast he would make it there then

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