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Thread: Four more Transformers movies after TF5 already greenlit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default Four more Transformers movies after TF5 already greenlit?

    A comment found buried in an article that looked at the Transformers Movies, and how well it is doing in non-American markets, makes mention of there being four Transformers movies after The Last Knight, currently on the books from Paramount... but be aware that this is a comment from an analyst who isn't from Paramount, so it could be just speculation, or he has came across official documentation during his review of the franchise.

    We already knew that Hasbro/Paramount had planned to have three movies in quick succession from TF5 to TF7, but if this info is true, that would be another two movies after TF7... which could also be each following year, to give Hasbro that annual boost to toy sales that they enjoyed during the 6 month period around the first four movies.

  2. #2
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    2nd Jun 2011


    Whether you like or hate them, the live action TF movies have proven a goldmine with all 4 movies still in the top 100 highest grossing flicks of all time.

    Combine that with the increased sales and brand recognition it provides Hasbro and there is no way they are going to stop making the movies any time soon. The most we may see is at some point they will do a reboot as they've exhausted/killed all the most popular characters and they don't want people to get bored with the series. People might be less inclined to see a movie referred to as 'Transformers 15'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I don't think anyone's ever argued against the financial success or influence of the live action films.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I don't think anyone's ever argued against the financial success or influence of the live action films.
    Never said they did. Was just using the point as an example of how we shouldn't be surprised if it turns out there really are another 4 flicks planned for after TLK - money is the biggest motivator for the likes of Hasbro and Paramount here so I don't think the movies will stop while that level of cash keeps coming in

  5. #5
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    Sydney NSW


    Fair enough. And I don't want the movies to stop. I just want them to get better.
    (I won't bog this thread down with yet another rant-about-Bayformers discussion - it goes without saying that we all know what needs to be improved )

  6. #6
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    2nd Jun 2011

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    (I won't bog this thread down with yet another rant-about-Bayformers discussion - it goes without saying that we all know what needs to be improved )
    Nice! Now teach that skill across the board and the news section will be truly newsworthy

  7. #7
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    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Nice! Now teach that skill across the board and the news section will be truly newsworthy
    There seems to be this misconception that our news posts, or this site in general, is often or mostly, contaminated/spoiled by Bay or Movie rants.

    I've now made sure that we have 30-40 Movie news topics started here per month since it was noted elsewhere on the board a few months back that we don't feature or promote the movie enough here, and the claim that we have a vocal majority or minority spoiling it for those who do like the Movie (or want to give this fifth one a chance).
    Very rarely do I see any of these large number of Movie news topics, have a rant or criticism posted - with most criticism posts actually being quite rational, restrained or objective, usually referring to past errors and contradictions to prove their objectiveness. That's either because they've been bullied out of being able to express any rightful objection to plot holes and character flaws in past movies (to give us no reason a fifth one would suddenly have better integrity to its story and flow after four attempts)... or they have given up on giving it a fifth chance, based on what the last four were like (for them, not everyone).
    In fact, I can't recall any recent unsupported ranting that stands out, so it mustn't have been prominent or backed up by a vocal minority/majority.

    We certainly don't want to see people having a mob mentality by going on and on about the endless list of problems with the four past movies (just look at the long list of errors on the tfwiki pages), but it feels like censorship or bullying to not have any commentary allowed here, just because it might put someone else off liking the fifth movie before they've given it a chance.

    Even the three poll topics about when, how, and expectations of the Movie were quite well responded and respected by the members here.

    Any suggestion that there is a anti-Bay or anti-Movie sentiment or movement on this site, would have to be from looking for the 1% of posts that actually are, or from misinterpreting the objective and warranted comments being posted by people not actually attacking this movie.

    (the dedicated topic for Bay bashing hasn't even been used in over a year... goes to show how insignificant it has become on this site)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I've now made sure that we have 30-40 Movie news topics started here per month since it was noted elsewhere on the board a few months back that we don't feature or promote the movie enough here, and the claim that we have a vocal majority or minority spoiling it for those who do like the Movie (or want to give this fifth one a chance).

    Very rarely do I see any of these large number of Movie news topics, have a rant or criticism posted - with most criticism posts actually being quite rational, restrained or objective, usually referring to past errors and contradictions to prove their objectiveness. That's either because they've been bullied out of being able to express any rightful objection to plot holes and character flaws in past movies (to give us no reason a fifth one would suddenly have better integrity to its story and flow after four attempts)... or they have given up on giving it a fifth chance, based on what the last four were like (for them, not everyone).

    Any suggestion that there is a anti-Bay or anti-Movie sentiment or movement on this site, would have to be from looking for the 1% of posts that actually are, or from misinterpreting the objective and warranted comments being posted by people not actually attacking this movie.
    Ok ok, fair enough. I stopped looking at the majority of news stories here a while back because of the off-topic rants - apparently the theme of people's posts have changed over those months.

    For the record I don't think anyone has been bullied out of yelling anti-Bay stuff. Besides myself I can think of only 2 or 3 other members on the site that have also voiced a 'oh geez, not this again' sentiment and that's usually only after a dozen off-topic rants have taken place. I'm the most vocal of that lot and even I've said:

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    I don't get how it's fun to constantly rehash the same complaints again and again about years-old movies personally, but it's not my place to try and impose myself over others and as said, I seem to be vastly in the minority.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Series: Movieverse

    3 things I don't like:
    *Character names used at random with their personalities and physical characteristics having bugger all to do with their namesakes (Hot Rod in the new movie looks like he will encapsulate this)
    *So much of the movies focusing on the humans - waaaay too much human focus!
    *Pretty much everything all the other fanboys have said over the past decade
    So I've done it too. But fine, I've said before I'd stay out of the movie topics but obviously lapsed so back to the depths I slink.

    What was the topic of this thread again? Something about 4 more movies?
    Last edited by BigTransformerTrev; 29th May 2017 at 08:55 AM.

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