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Thread: Comic Review: Drift - Empire of Stone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th Nov 2012

    Default Comic Review: Drift - Empire of Stone

    Never done this before (here, anyway, and so quickly) but hey, here we go-

    Issue #1

    Drift, generic action samurai robot man, does a big fight with someone. He's real cool but not TOO cool, because you know, that'd be embarrasing.

    Ratchet, a Doctor Man robot, tells him to come home. Drift doesn't wanna! ~internal conflict~ (But nothing to write home about because it doesn't matter really. )

    See, it's a pretty simple issue, but it doesn't really show any of the same promise the current ongoings did. Like, it's not as bad as people might've thought with Shane McCarthy at the helm again, but I think at this stage it really needs to lift it's game.

    Probably won't though. Arts nice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    The art is nice and as simple as the issue is, it is new reader friendly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Because my comic guy couldn't get half of these in I had to read them out of order while I got the others on ebay. So I actually read them in this order - #2, #1, #4, #3. But today after getting #3 I could finally piece the whole story together

    I actually liked this little mini-series, liked it a lot more than the first Drift one we got a few years ago. A lot of good points:

    * It had some humerous elements with the to-and-fro between Ratchet and Drift as well as some other characters. Knockouts incredulous reaction to Ratchets ruse was pretty good

    * It used/showcased some obscure characters - who would have thought they could make Grit a main character in this day and age?! Haven't seen that much attention given to a single Micromaster since Airwave was the bad guy in the ROTD comics.

    * It used characters from different continuties to very good effect without them feeling shoehorned in. At one point you see Ratchet (G1), Drift (Generations), Grit (G1mm) and Gigatron (Megs from the first RID) all charging in to fight Hellbat (Victory). Thats just plain cool!

    * The story popped along at a good pace for a 4-parter - it didn't try to cram too much in but at the same time didn't waste time with tons of backstory drama.

    So overall pretty good. I wasn't a massive fan of the artwork but neither did it bother me much. Besides that minnor quibble - well worth a read

  4. #4
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Absolute nothing of a mini with a boring main character, whose writer has once again made it as though Drift is incapable of learning or developing.

    This could've easily been a Spotlight issue and was a waste of a four parter. A story revolving around a Ratchet finding Drift would've been much better.

    Only positive from this is the possible inclusion of Gigatron later on in the larger IDWverse. The art was regen 1 sequel esque and very suitable.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

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