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Thread: January '08 Acquisitions

  1. #301
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Dauros to be precise. How much did that set you back?

  2. #302
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007
    Dunedin, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Dauros to be precise. How much did that set you back?

  3. #303
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Thanks to Hasbro AU's TFs drought, my purchases were so limited (only six retail store items), most of my items for January were imported. Plus I also bought a couple of non-toy items, as well as a heap of toys that weren't TFs (not shown here).

    Retail items:
    SWTFs - Luke/Snowspeeder, AT-AT driver/AT-AT.
    Slammers - Cliffjumper, Jazz.
    Remote Control - Optimus, Bumblebee.

    Imported or non-retail items:
    Masterpiece Starscream and DVD Anniversary Optimus (from the same US dealer, so saved on shipping). Soundwarp sorta convinced me to buy DVD Anniversary Optimus, but I was only interested if it was cheap enough. Fortunately I found a dealer who was selling the pair, and made it just bareable to have a fourth version of this mould, only because it could be called 'cartoon/anime version' Optimus.

    G2 Blast Off - completes my G2 Combaticons.
    Euro Power Master Meanstreak - only need one more to complete the set of four.
    Euro Pyro - a rare figure that I got very cheaply from an AU dealer, which was fortunate because it broke while being transformed for the first time. The waist joint is the most load-bearing joint on the entire toy, and is made from gold plastic, the most brittle coloured plastic to plague Transformers toys throughout the late 80s and early 90s.

    JP Beasts - Bighorn (Bonecrusher with red colouring), Mantis (Manterror with blue colouring), Drancron (Skyshadow in red), Hardhead (remoulded Dinobot as a pachycephalosaurus), and Bigmos (Transquito with aqua colouring). Not sure about my luck with toys this month, as I also managed to break Bigmos on the first transformation as well. The mosquito legs on the robot arms are supposed to swivel around to get out of the way of the robot mode, but the left one on mine wouldn't move. I didn't even apply excessive force either (but would have it was still stuck), but it managed to break right off.

    So two toys I have to eventually re-buy, but are now on the bottom of my list due to being classed as replacements.

    Also acquired this month was something I was looking forward to getting from BigBadToyStore for about 2 months when I first saw it listed. I was just waiting for a sale or for some cheap items to buy with it to make it worth ordering. For those who read my BotCon 2007 report, you'd know that I lost the commemorative Movie screening ticket, and was really upset over it. It was never something that was on ebay (at least, on its own), so for US$10, I now have a mint commemorative ticket (the rectangle piece of card in the photo below with the Optimus Head on it) to put with all the rest of the BotCon stuff I have collected.

    The other non-toy items:
    Collector Card plastic sleeves - I've been wanting to put all my JP biocards in a proper folder like Trading Cards, but never remember to check the comic shops when I am in the city every 4-6 months. Finally I found a newsagent near me that was selling them, and bought a few packs. They are now in a white folder, and it just looks so much nicer to look at than just a stack of cards in a plastic envelope.
    I just found all my Armada and Energon cards, so I gotta go get some more plastic Trading Card Sleeves.

    Magic Pen and pad set - one of the best TFs merchandise items I have ever found. When I first got these, I spent about half an hour in the dark waving the black light pen at my TFs, being amazed and amused at what toys glowed. Especially ones with eyes painted with reflective paint. Something I recommend getting!

    Stamp set - a bit disappointed, as the ink pads are pretty pathetic, but the Autobot and Decepticon stamps are useful (if I can get a better ink pad).

  4. #304
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I was talking to a Myer toy dept staff member who also commented about the current TF toy drought. :/ He said that he wasn't expecting any more TFs in until Animated figures are out. Jeebus!

  5. #305
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    I do hope that guy was misinformed. I'd like end up buying FABs or something!

    Nice cards, Griffin. Makes me wish I had chased down more re-issues and Armada/Energon MISBs

    A very quiet for me though. Quietest in a long time. Only 23 TFs in the month. My few acquisitions for January:

    - Encore Ironhide (from group Melb. order)
    - Encore Ratchet (from group Melb. order)
    - RiD Skid-Z (courtesy of Iceburn)
    - RiD Towline (courtesy of Iceburn)
    - Machine Wars Junker Prime and Trailer (from Demonac, I love the transparent blue!)
    - G1 Guzzle
    - G1 Sizzle
    - G1 Fizzle
    - G1 Sparkstalker
    - G1 Cindesaur
    - G1 Flamefeather
    - Machine Wars Soundwave (from the Yankee Swap, which I completed with below mentioned Stalker's rocket)
    - Predator Stalker (from lhec)
    - Predator junker Falcon (from Demonac)
    - RM Burning Optimus Primal (really neat, grabbed him for $20 so I wasn't complaining)
    - G2 Deluge
    - G2 Junker Pyro base (not a TF but a decent enough accessory and it came at the best price. Free. (
    - My new laptop. I got it earlier than expected but that was due to the really good price I got it. Figured another month might mean prices might drop a bit but not by that much so I jumped on the bargain instead.

    Pretty depressing month for me all round 'twas. (The Melbourne meet was awesome though!)
    Last edited by STL; 4th February 2008 at 12:03 AM.

  6. #306
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I love that Rhinox and War Within Grimlock Statues. I now feel like buying them to display in my living room when I move

    STL, you are making me spend money!!
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 03:08 PM.

  7. #307
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Man 23 is a quiet month....... WOW

    I got a big fat 0!

  8. #308
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I can't even remember what I got this last month... without checking through the thread.

    I Remember my G2 Pyro when I was a kid. Griffin, mine has the same problem. I had no idea it was rare though. That's awesome.

  9. #309
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    I didn't know G2 Pyro was rare, is G2 Clench the same. These were pretty much the only 2 G2 toys I picked up all those years ago when they were first released.

  10. #310
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    NSW (southwest metro)


    Quote Originally Posted by Soundwarp View Post
    Man 23 is a quiet month....... WOW

    I got a big fat 0!

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