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Thread: First FOC game DLC pack available

  1. #11
    Join Date
    18th Aug 2008


    Haha, wow. Perceptor is huge! Who decided is was good idea to make him a Titan?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    Wtf?? Releasing DLC the after day the game comes out?? Why not just include it in the game?? Oh that's right, then you can't charge any extra for it!!

    A friend of mine has a saying: "You know, in my day, DLC packs were free. And they were called patches."
    Back in my day, DLC was part of the game from the start, but unlockable.
    Quote Originally Posted by deadonarrival View Post
    Talks of next gen consoles already gonna be all online (to stop trading games and companys losing out on money). But if they are releasing dlc on first day for extra characters why should they be caring about losing a bit of money here and there they obviously have enough ways to make more, even if it is a joke
    I don't think online only game distribution will work too well, especially not here. I read somewhere that only about 50% of consoles were online. In a recent article from Capcom about OkamiHD being DLC only, but the Japanese getting a disc version, they stated that the Japanese weren't so crash hot on downloading games, so yeh.. Make of that what you will.

    The day that games are download only is the day I hang up my hat as a gamer.

    (Well a modern gamer, I have plenty of old games to play anyway )

    Back on topic. DLC in the first day is pretty poor form though, I wonder what the size of the DL is? If its about 100kb, then it's on the disc already. Just as bad as the Street fighter games, who charge for extra colour palettes!


    Just finished checking the pictures and two of the characters are in the game already. Perceptor and Blast off, so I'd say that it's already on the disc fer sure.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    30th Apr 2008


    I'm not entirely against on disc DLC, but when you're paying to unlock characters that are already playable in other modes, that's pretty sleazy. But hey it's Activision.

    I said I would never pay for Avatar gear, but goddamn I'm tempted to buy the Grimlock costume.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    8th Jan 2009
    Sunshine Coast


    Pfft. 'Day One DLC' would imply it's actually available on day one. Been checking the PSN all day only to find zip, zilch, nada, nothing.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    14th Aug 2009


    you're missing zeta prime? and yeah percepter is available in game in escalation and blast off... well is a combaticon and was in the game originally anyway.

    this on disc dlc is bullshit. and yeah, wfc dlc had more content like maps and did contain the 3 characters that were original pre-order exclusives.

    i preordered and got the g1 dlc free which was cool, i didn't mind missing out on the bruticus g2 colours or swoop unlock (someone tell me where that actually unlocks?) but this FOC DLC was on disc from the very beginning. Its not proper day 1 dlc which is DLC made during the time the game goes gold and has to go through the manufacturing process and distribution and the team working on the game have nothing to do in the meantime.

    Its outright disrespectful and disgusting. And even if its Activision's way of making money - I lose respect for HMS for being their b****.

    I bought all the damn dlc on PS3 for WFC, and that was because I enjoyed the game and thought the content was somewhat worth it.

    This havoc dlc is nothing but a big !@#$ you to everyone who plays the game.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2012
    Melbourne CBD


    The havok dlc pack is freaking 14.95 for aussies on psn

  7. #17
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Kazza View Post
    The havok dlc pack is freaking 14.95 for aussies on psn

    Oh my.

    If I do bother with this pack, gonna wait until is is cheaper than that! What a total rip off!!!!!

    Hopefully people stay well away from that! Then we can send a message that we ain't chumps!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    3rd Nov 2008


    Day 1 DLC is indeed an insult, it kind of turn me off purchasing the game at first release. I can wait a year or so for a price drop. In the mean time I can buy another game instead. Its multiplayer DLC so at least its not single player content, that would be worse. I would say boycott the game. I can't understand why they can't wait a couple of weeks to release DLC, as it always creates a backlash.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default DLC pack not working

    Has anyone else had any trouble downloading the DLC pack that came with the PS3 game if you pre-ordered from EB? I bought two games (1 is a surprise gift for a mate) and the codes on the sheets provided for both games did not work

  10. #20
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2012
    Melbourne CBD


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Has anyone else had any trouble downloading the DLC pack that came with the PS3 game if you pre-ordered from EB? I bought two games (1 is a surprise gift for a mate) and the codes on the sheets provided for both games did not work
    All the dlc codes are now active, was able to redeem my G1 Retro Pack which I had trouble redeeming yesterday. Try them again and it should now work for you.

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