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Thread: Buster ROTF Prime

  1. #1
    Join Date
    1st Feb 2008

    Default Buster ROTF Prime

    I know the boat has well and truly passed with regards to Buster prime but I only opened him up recently [got the Jetfire/Buster Prime two pack]

    I am absolutely amazed by the toy!

    How would a 5 yr old be able to transform that? I think its masterpiece quality. Chrome paint completely wipes the floor with the original release and I'm glad that my particular version has the faceplate rather than the mouth. Its also nice to have the battle blades AND the gun.

    Poseablility is great and the proportions are awesome. From the front he looks sleek [unlike movie 1 prime] but bulky in all the right places. Best of all he transforms into a completely realistic truck.

    I really do think that toy is masterpiece level. My two cents
    "I am Supreme" [Magneto]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I got the 2-pack version as well, and it was the first TF2 Leader sized Optimus toy I transformed.
    The transformation is complicated, but only in the fiddley bits to make it all fit together. Overall (to me), the basic conversion seems quite straightforward (he bends over and touches his toes).

    Still haven't combined any of my Optimus's with any of my Jetfires yet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    14th Oct 2009


    Buster Optimus Prime is a really awesome toy, once you get him, the normal prime seems so dull and lacking

    I agree that the transformation in theory is pretty basic, but for me it's just tabbing his legs, arms and the front wheels together to form the front of the truck that is very annoying, not to mention I have to be careful to not chip anything (already a few places where there are minor paint chips on mine)

    the head without faceplate is actually pretty good if you have him in person, not as bad as I thought compared to when I was looking at pictures
    "sometimes the things you see might not be real and the things that are real you might not see"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2008


    I got the original buster prime and do dislike it without the mouth piece...but not too fussed and cannot be bothered to re-buy the 2-pack.

    Definately fiddly to transform. I think I attempted once and gave up! haha

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