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Thread: Rise of the Combiners Booster Packs

  1. #11
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    2nd Jun 2011


    PART TWO of my Review of the RISE OF THE COMBINER BOOSTER PACKS is up now. You can view it HERE.

    My review looks at the new cards in play, specifically I pit MENASOR against METROPLEX.

    Some of the things you need to remember when deploying a Combiner (in this case Menasor):

    * First off, don’t worry about if some of your Stunticons are KO’ed. You can still make them into Menasor.
    * Unlike the G1 cartoon, to join all your characters together they all need to be in robot mode, even your KO’ed ones.
    * You need to employ the Stunticon Enigma card. If this has been thrown to the discard pile, don’t worry, being a green card, it can be retrieved and swapped with one of your own.
    * Once combined, Menasor will carry over any damage points taken by the individual Stunticons, so try to get him to combine before they get too hurt.
    * When combined, you will discard all the Utility, Attack and Defense cards your individual bots were sporting, except one from each catagory which can then be applied to Menasor.

    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    Haven't opened my Combiners set yet, so I can't help you, apologies.

    I can confirm that my box of boosters came with Omega Supreme.
    Yeah, I got an email from Hasbro asking to just spread around that that is the only way you get Omega Supreme (buying a whole booster box), they were worried about confusion regarding how to obtain him.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Quick question, as I'm still getting the hang of the rules... when it says that you can only have a team that is equal or less than 25 stars, how are you able to play with the Optimus Maximus team, in order to make their combiner, since their total stars equals 46?
    You have a couple of characters hang back, only putting out characters that equal up to 25.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    You have a couple of characters hang back, only putting out characters that equal up to 25.

    Okay... so is that the one exception (and they are only used when formingg the combiner, fresh with no damage), or could you do that all of the time? In other words, can you have one combiner card at the front with some non-combiners as your fighting team, and the rest of that combiner team as "extra character cards at the back", to then be activated when forming the combiner, as it appears to be with Optimus Maximus?
    (is all of this stuff covered in their rules updates on facebook, and I should just keep up with them?)

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    The combiner cards and this game have me really interested. Just a shame there appears to be no distributor here in Japan that I know of. Trev, find out for meeeeeee!

    Odd considering how much Japan loves card game things.
    I received a reply about this today mate, apparently no sadly, the cards will not be released in Japan and you would have to import them.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Okay... so is that the one exception (and they are only used when formingg the combiner, fresh with no damage), or could you do that all of the time? In other words, can you have one combiner card at the front with some non-combiners as your fighting team, and the rest of that combiner team as "extra character cards at the back", to then be activated when forming the combiner, as it appears to be with Optimus Maximus?
    (is all of this stuff covered in their rules updates on facebook, and I should just keep up with them?)
    As far as I know, this is the one exception as otherwise you could not make Combiner Characters whose Individual Component Characters had more than 25 Stars total. I don' believe you are allowed to use regular character cards in reserve.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Quick question, as I'm still getting the hang of the rules... when it says that you can only have a team that is equal or less than 25 stars, how are you able to play with the Optimus Maximus team, in order to make their combiner, since their total stars equals 46?
    And if you want to use Metroplex, you can't use any others (other than his three bots hidden under him), because he has the maximum 25 stars.
    And why limit it to 25 stars? Why not have an amount that is agreed to by both players (like 10-15 if you want a quick game, or 50 to 100 if you want a longer game that can involve more strategies to make the game more complex and interesting), and that is the limit in that game.
    Not Sure on the Op Max but there is room for for customisation in the game, if you and your opponent want to change the format limits/deck size thee is room for it

    WotC Sent me a little Care Package, whilst i haven't gotten enough team members to complete a combiner you can read my initial thoughts if you wish

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  5. #15
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharky View Post
    Not Sure on the Op Max but there is room for for customisation in the game, if you and your opponent want to change the format limits/deck size thee is room for it

    WotC Sent me a little Care Package, whilst i haven't gotten enough team members to complete a combiner you can read my initial thoughts if you wish
    Great write-up and pics mate!

  6. #16
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    2nd Jan 2018


    Woo, I get a mention - I'm famous!!

    Good write up mate.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008

    Default Rise of the Combiners Booster Packs Review

    First and foremost thanks Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) for the Rise of the Combiners boosters. WOTC were kind enough to send 14 booster packs for me to review. My household situation is not conducive to stellar photography so I also have to credit for the images I shamelessly ripped from their database for use in this review.

    Secondly I would like to state for the record that I am not a big card gamer and have not played maybe three games overall across Wave 1 & 2. Therefore my insights and opinions are only cursory in nature not evolved through many rounds of experience and probably come with a massive strategic blindspot that only a novice gamer could possess.

    Thirdly I have not been asked to nor recieved any input from WOTC regarding the content of this review. As such all content of this review is purely my owm creation (except aforementioned images of course)

    With those three points aside let us commence with the review!

    For those whose time is precious here is the skinny version of the review:

    Skinny Review

    -New game mechanics (and I'm not just talking about Combiners)
    -Gorgeous Artwork
    -Combiner card folds are visually concerning but mechanically robust
    -Some funtastic new characters are a joy to play
    -Improved deck control
    -Game encourages trading, though distribution will be a horror for completionists

    -Good luck collecting a full set of Combiner cards
    -Many characters abilities feel thematically generic or off
    -Game is still too much at the mercy of lady luck
    -Pierce mechanic is still overpowered
    -Combiner folds test sturdy but still concerning
    -Rare, Uncommon, Common no longer an indicator of card 'quality'. Just literally the distribution.

    Though it appears that I have a lot of CONS listed, qualitatively they are just minor quibbles compared to the weight of awesomeness that are the PROS

    Long Review

    Card distribution from my 14 booster packs.


    +14 Battle Cards


    +28 Battle Cards

    Silverbolt x2
    Alpha Bravo

    +56 Battle Cards

    So with my sample set you have about a 14/28/58% chance to pull a rare/uncommon/common character card and about a 14/28/58% chance to pull a rare/uncommon/common battle card. Nice and even!

    From the 14 boosters, 10 were Combiner Characters which equates to about a 70% chance of finding a combiner character.

    Battle Cards

    While the Combiner Character Cards that are the main-event of this wave of cards, I found it was the battle cards that added more exciting dimensions to the game.

    The green pipped cards like this Stunticon Enigma allow you to retain said card after it's been played by sacrificing another battle card from your hand. This gives a measure of control over your deck instead of relying on luck which was one of my criticisms of the wave 1 game. All of the combiner enigma cards are green pipped so you have more than just luck to pull of the combination.

    Cards that have effects depending on the faction, although very situational it CAN encourage players to build mixed faction teams or go pure depending on what battle cards they own. I look forward to more of these in future waves.

    Plan cards: Plan allows you to take cards from your hand and stack them on top of your deck. While Wave 1 did have cards that allowed you to do this, it's now a named mechanic and there appears to be a LOT more of these.

    Tech Research: A rather benign action card that's only purpose is to prequisite to playing some powerful upgrade cards. Which leads to....

    Starred Battle Cards: Battle cards that possess a star value. The result is that teams that are understarred have the opportunity to use some powerful abilities that would be inaccessible to teams that are milking every star of the 25 limit.

    Some of my favourites which I recieved are:

    Focus Fire: A card which allows you to keep playing more of itself to stack the Bold1 effect. Pretty much the Transformers TCG equivalent of armybuilding

    Bolt of Lighting: Does 3 damage. A deck of these cards would be devastating. Thankfully they have a 1 star cost meaning you can only have up to 20 of these

    Inverted: Transform a high defense battle deck into attack mode for one of your characters without sacrifice the defense of the rest of your team.

    While it was disappointing to see a lot of battle cards as rebranded versions of previous wave 1 cards and some, outright copies of wave 1 cards it fully makes sense from a marketing perspective as someone getting into the game in wave 2 would still need these basic battle cards to play the game. It should be stated that the cards that are not outright copies ARE distinctly new cards, for example Wave 1's Ramming Speed 'Scrap an enemy Upgrade' has an orange 'attack' pip while Wave 2's Vaporise has the same scrapping ability but has a blue 'defense' pip. Also some cards like Primary Laser and Rapid Conversion which were COMMON cards in Wave 1 are now RARE cares in Wave 2 which kind of breaks the correlation we saw in Wave 1 where the rarer the card, the better it's abilities. I would say most would have used this as an easy way to conduct 'equal' trades but I guess we are now in a free market. I can understand why this was done, because existing players might be annoyed to own even more Rapid Conversions.

    Select Character Reviews

    Before I begin some reviews of my favourite character cards I have to say, the artwork in this wave is awesome. I would have preferred if the character-side artwork of the combiner cards were foiled but hey, you can't have everything. Also some of the abilities matched to characters just felt thematically off to me. Silverbolt doesn't marry well with Bold, and Air Raid's Warfare Specialist doesn't really match up with Tough or Healing. Also Snarl+ Planning = what?!? For the sake of game balance it is understandable that not all abilities can marry well with popular characterisations. That said, this phenomenon is more the exception than the norm in this wave (refer Dirge - Doombringer.... nailed it!)


    I just love the premise of this card. Every time he transforms to alt mode you get a 1 card, collect enough cards and you can instant KO an opponent. At 15 health he is likely to tank enough damage to KO at least one enemy right? This makes Bombshell a fun character to play with.


    A not too costly but awesome support character. The ability to stack his attack with another character is an incredibly mighty buff and at 11 health and 3 def in alt mode he's not exactly a cakewalk to take down as I will painfully learn in my first playthrough.


    His alt mode passive ability alone is worth the star cost and at 9 health he's guaranteed to last a couple of turns. Torox's enemies basically have to decide whether to take him down first because of this passive ability or focus on more dangerous targets and risk Torox getting upgraded into a A level threat. I'd really loathe to enounter this beast in an enemy's team.


    Both his alt mode and bot mode abilities are quite useful. The ability to basically ignore instant-damage cards AND control where your damage goes seems too good for the star cost. I'll be sure to pick this guy up if I manage to gather enough Stunticons for a team.


    Awesome stats and the ability to utilise both truck, car AND melee actions/upgrades makes her an absolute beast of a character. I really enjoyed playing this character in my first playthrough, even if I didn't get to reap every potential advantage. She has an appropriately hefty star cost.


    Team Mrs Lint = Silverbolt, Skydive, Swoop(wave1) and Thrust (25 stars)


    Team Lint = Bombshell and Autobot Novastar (23 stars)

    This is the game where I attempt to prove quality trumps quantity. We both prepared a battle deck of 40 to suit our teams flavour and strategy. My battle deck was focused on two things, getting cards for Bombshell to use his ability and keeping my tank Novastar alive via high defense and heals. My opponents deck was focused on plane abilities with some key pierce, damage and opponent hand trashing cards.

    Ultimately four versus two was too much. Thrust's ability was extremely powerful and was a formidable match against Novastar's high defense. Silverbolt's ability also had guaranteed damage against her and the canny use of pierce attacks meant I spent all my free Bombshell cards healing up Novastar. The investment in Bombshell never really paid off and his mediocre attack and defense ratings meant that he could not carry the game at all once Novastar fell. Novastar was a total beast though, being both a car and truck meant that I could stack trailers on her for extra offense and turbo boosters to untap for an extra turn. I got the trailers but lady luck never gave me turbo boosters into my hand. Still she single handedly took down both Silverbolt and Swoop. The game also demonstrated that although the combiners had individually lacklustre base stats, their abilities are quite potent (in this particular case resulting in guaranteed damage and extra longevity) which means they are generally great value for the star cost and you may not necessarily NEED to shoot for the combiner mode in order to win with them. This is great for the game as nothing would be worse than having the Combiner character's only value be the Combiner gimmick.


    Overall I really like what Wave 2 has done for the Transformers TCG. Although I did not have enough cards to form a combiner I feel there is more than enough new content to make dabbling in Rise of the Combiners worthwhile. Despite all this I feel like the game is yet to reach it's full maturity but given the amount of thought WOTC have put into this wave of cards I really look forward to seeing what is next in store for the Transformers TCG!

    P.S if anyone in Melbourne actually wants to play this game hmu
    Last edited by Lint; 19th March 2019 at 09:52 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2010


    excellent coverage on some of the new features, Lint

    i really like how the different reviews have focused on different things. and we all get a greater insight to the product.

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  9. #19
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I am also really liking the reviews on these guys... even if I'm still confused with a number of things that aren't described in official instructions videos.
    And the different levels of starts and power stats don't seem to make that much sense... and having individual characters having so many stars that you can only have two in a team of 25 stars (the maximum), seems way too much (why have a character that isn't that exceptional prevent you from having 1 or 2 other characters on your team who have less than half the number of stars).

    I'm still yet to find someone willing and able to play with me, to help work out the things I am not getting.
    I wonder if it would work, having a "gaming room" here on this site for the TCG, where each topic would be between just two people, who start by posting up their team, and take turns posting up their actions and updated damage/KOs. It would probably need the 'posting up of photos' feature of this site (for each player to see how each others team is looking during the game)... but I still haven't reinstated that yet.

  10. #20
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    16th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I wonder if it would work, having a "gaming room" here on this site for the TCG, where each topic would be between just two people, who start by posting up their team, and take turns posting up their actions and updated damage/KOs. It would probably need the 'posting up of photos' feature of this site (for each player to see how each others team is looking during the game)... but I still haven't reinstated that yet.
    I believe someone has created digital assets for the Transformers TCG on 'Tabletop Simulator' which is an application which allows people to play board/card games in a virtual 3D environment.

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