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Thread: Massdrop - would it work for Transformers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th Jul 2015

    Default Massdrop - would it work for Transformers?

    So I've just come across and joined up to the Massdrop website ( For those who don't know, it's a way for members from certain hobbies(i.e. audiophiles) to approach a relevant manufacturer (e.g. Sennheiser) to produce an off-label version of an official product (e.g. HD650 headphones) at a MUCH reduced price. Some of these products may still even come with an official warranty from the manufacturer.

    I've been thinking about our wonderful community and wether we could get Massdrop to benefit us as Transformers collectors.

    My questions are:

    1. Has anybody approached Takara, Hasbro or Hasbro Asia etc with the idea of doing a Transformers-related drop before?

    2. Does anybody know if those official companies open to working with Massdrop?

    3. How many fellow OTCA members would be interested in joining Massdrop to get a drop going?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2010


    I'm not sure how this would work with collectibles honestly, it's easier with things that get used daily like headphones or TVs as with those one doesnt really care about details too much so long as it works.
    However when we're talking about things like MPs for example this could be considered the same as factory seconds or high end KOs, at least in my mind.
    My two cents anyway

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Yeah I agree that massdrop and collectibles wont be compatible together.
    I've bought from massdrop a few times, it works because they sell functional items for (semi)daily usage without always necessarily having the paint and polish of a retail item. But with collectibles you WANT that polish, so it kinda defeats the purpose.

    The only possible thing with this that could work is creating a cut down recolour of an existing mold, for use as an OTCA exclusive for example. But even then HasTak might have too high a minimum quantity.
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Borgeman View Post
    The only possible thing with this that could work is creating a cut down recolour of an existing mold, for use as an OTCA exclusive for example. But even then HasTak might have too high a minimum quantity.
    1000 units is the minimum

  5. #5
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    10th Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkHyren View Post
    I'm not sure how this would work with collectibles honestly, it's easier with things that get used daily like headphones or TVs as with those one doesnt really care about details too much so long as it works.
    However when we're talking about things like MPs for example this could be considered the same as factory seconds or high end KOs, at least in my mind.
    My two cents anyway

    Quote Originally Posted by Borgeman View Post
    Yeah I agree that massdrop and collectibles wont be compatible together.
    I've bought from massdrop a few times, it works because they sell functional items for (semi)daily usage without always necessarily having the paint and polish of a retail item. But with collectibles you WANT that polish, so it kinda defeats the purpose.

    The only possible thing with this that could work is creating a cut down recolour of an existing mold, for use as an OTCA exclusive for example. But even then HasTak might have too high a minimum quantity.
    Thanks for the input, guys. I can see where you're coming from.

    I am a little intrigued by your suggestion of an OCTA exclusive, though. What about MP-36 or MP-10 in an OCTA exclusive colour scheme? Or perhaps XTB's upcoming Monolith? Fans Toys' Terminus Giganticus? Lots of possibilities...

  6. #6
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    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunsurge View Post
    Thanks for the input, guys. I can see where you're coming from.

    I am a little intrigued by your suggestion of an OCTA exclusive, though. What about MP-36 or MP-10 in an OCTA exclusive colour scheme? Or perhaps XTB's upcoming Monolith?
    I mentioned that as probably the only angle that could be broached (ie a regional exclusive). And I can't see it working with 3rd party toys, given likely trademark/copyright risks that massdrop would not want to delve into.

    Also remember that unlike things like headphones and keyboards, where individual components like cables and keycaps have been produced billions of times over and have a long lifespan, the production cost of a transformer probably wont have much leeway given the comparatively limited lifespan of many molds. and with 1000 units minimum required (as per Gok's post) that would probably be the largest hurdle of them all. Considering how much larger the audiophile and tech communities are than TFs, few drops actually breach the 1000 sale counter. And in reality, in most drops you aren't saving all that much, rather you're obtaining a new/custom/product.

    You suggest a custom MP-10 (MP-36 wouldnt work in Aus, guns are bad remember ), lets brainstorm: an Aussie themed massdrop release, so the figure would almost certainly come with no accessories other than say his gun and maybe a matrix. Minimal paint, no chrome. No trailer. No manuals or bio card, no unique mp box (I was gonna say no mp box at all, just a plain packaged box, but I can't see Takara agreeing to that, so perhaps they reuse the MP-10b sized box).

    Would you find 1000 people willing to spend ~$180USD on that? Can't say I do. I think you'd have better luck convincing Takara to do a plain old limited release (like MP-10 EVA) without any corner cutting, and possibly use massdrop as the reputable platform with which to obtain the pre-orders (as you have to pay for the item in advance). That way, if its a bona-fide MP release, the worlds MP collectors/completionists would more likely jump on the wagon as well.
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  7. #7
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    10th Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Borgeman View Post
    You suggest a custom MP-10 (MP-36 wouldnt work in Aus, guns are bad remember ), lets brainstorm: an Aussie themed massdrop release, so the figure would almost certainly come with no accessories other than say his gun and maybe a matrix. Minimal paint, no chrome. No trailer. No manuals or bio card, no unique mp box (I was gonna say no mp box at all, just a plain packaged box, but I can't see Takara agreeing to that, so perhaps they reuse the MP-10b sized box).

    I like it! MP-10 in green & gold colours with something Aussie-related like a cricket bat for smashing those Decptipunks

    I'm gonna see if I can run with this...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    As I said before, it would require a minimum order of 1000 units.
    I asked Hasbro about this when I was organising the Sabretron convention and this was the min. number that I was told. Needless to say that I didn't go with this option, which is why instead we bought a case of Keychain Reissue G1 Mini-Cars (Autobot Chainmasters) and they were hand-repainted. Also, these toys were given away for FREE to convention attendees (and other OzFormer members at subsequent fan meets etc.) since they were unlicensed repaints. BotCon organisers also initially didn't acquire the rights for toys like Tap-Out and Rook, so those toys were also initially given away as free souvenirs to pre-registrants.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunsurge View Post
    I like it! MP-10 in green & gold colours with something Aussie-related like a cricket bat for smashing those Decptipunks
    We did this with the Autobot Chainmasters.

    * SPECTRE (repainted Bumblebee = green and gold
    * BREAKER (repainted Cliffjumper) = white, blue & red (AU flag colours)
    * MINESWEEPER (repainted Windcharger) = black, yellow & red (Aboriginal flag colours)
    * MUCKRAKER (repainted Brawn) = beige & brown (Outback's colours in reverse)

    And their background story and personas were all Australian themed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    10th Jul 2015


    Thanks Gok, for chiming in with your previous experience and knowledge. I don't quite understand why 1000 units is considered a killer. A firm challenge perhaps, but not a killer.

    Anyway I just did a bit more digging and I found a couple of Gundam drops. So that still leaves me with a little bit of hope that something TF-related should be possible:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2010


    I cant look without logging in but I'm assuming those are model kits?
    Thing is that Gundam model kits are a different kettle of fish to something like an MP as they are something that you have to assemble/paint/sticker yourself.
    So while I could see model kit sprues being sold without packaging, stickers, instructions or even completely made from only one coloured plastic that you'd have to paint yourself after assembly, I cant see this happening for Transformers stuff other then maybe those botcon diy assembly kits they had for the customization classes.

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