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Thread: 15 years of BotCon competition (ends 17th Aug)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default 15 years of BotCon competition (ends 17th Aug)

    15 years of BotCon (1994 was the first year, 2008 was the 15th year).
    15 prizes up for grabs.
    15 Questions to answer.
    15 Days to enter (Sunday 3rd August to Sunday 17th August 2008 Brisbane time)

    It's a bit like a scavenger hunt, so you don't need to know about Transformers to enter this competition. All you need to do is find the answers to the following questions for a chance to win the major prize, or just guess as many as you can for a chance to win a minor prize.

    15 entries will be randomly drawn (names on pieces of paper) from all submitted entries. The first entry drawn to have all 15 answers correct, will win the major prize. The other 14 will select a minor prize from the prize pool, in the order they are drawn out. If by chance none of the 15 entries drawn have all answers correct, the major prize will go to the first drawn with the highest number correct.

    Major Prize - Sealed BotCon 2007 attendee exclusive figure Bugbite (recoloured Classics Bumblebee, about 1000 produced)

    Minor Prize pool:
    1 of 4 US Target exclusive Movie Prequel Comic

    1 of 4 BotCon 2008 Autobot Post-it pads

    1 of 2 sets of Optimus AND Megatron Swipe cards (can actually be used if you have swipe card equipment)

    1 complete set of 6 Movie Lunchables (American snack-pack fold-open 'figures')

    Yellow=Bumblebee, Blue=Ironhide, Red=Optimus, Aqua=Blackout, Black=Megatron, Green=Starscream.

    1 of 3 sets double sided advertising mini-poster + BotCon 2008 promo card + 3 Lunchables

    The Questions.
    The answers can be found somewhere in my 2008 BotCon report (gets a little extra use out of it before it is archived)
    1 - Name the 3 Animated Voice Actor guests and one of each of their Animated Characters.
    2 - What toy was on display with the Seacons and Nightbeat at the Info Booth.
    3 - Hasbro's freebie item for 2008 at their display booth.
    4 - Name of the store with the pigs heads.
    5 - Name of the 'toy' next to Spudwave.
    6 - Name of the twin toy of Animated Jetfire.
    7 - My total travel time from Home to Hotel.
    8 - Which BotCon 2008 exclusive toy didn't have its own Biocard.
    9 - What Animated Character toy was revealed on the Sunday Hasbro Panel.
    (question 9 is causing some confusion, so won't count. you can still answer it though if you want)
    10 - What type of plane in the museum was pink.
    11 - The title of the script reading story played out on the Saturday.
    12 - Which Gen1 comic character was IDW not allowed to reproduce in any of its Marvel reprints.
    13 - How many members are currently in the Collector Club.
    14 - What does the Universe Powerglide have in its chest as a nod to the Gen1 Cartoon.
    15 - Where was Hasbro Designer Eric Seibernaler at the time of BotCon.

    I will email out notification of receiving your entry, and if you don't get an email from me before the competition ends, resend it. (don't wait until the last minute)

    All efforts have been made to make sure this competition goes without hassle or incident, but in the event of a problem, I reserve the right to make any necessary alterations, with as much notice as possible.

    Email your answers, or any questions, to my email address - griffin @
    Last edited by griffin; 15th August 2008 at 01:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Okay, I think I made this a little too off-putting by forcing people to read my lengthy report for a chance at a toy or insignificant trinkets.

    Below are some hints as to where the 15 answers can be located. If you already sent in your entry, you can resend it if you think you guessed any of the answers and now think they are wrong.
    If you already sent in your entry before this posting, and don't resubmit it, you will win something extra if yours is one of the 15 drawn (as a reward for plowing through my lengthy report).

    1 - Name the 3 Animated Voice Actor guests and one of each of their Animated Characters.
    (Voice Actor Panel)
    2 - What toy was on display with the Seacons and Nightbeat at the Info Booth.
    (Dealer Room)
    3 - Hasbro's freebie item for 2008 at their display booth.
    (Hasbro Toy Display)
    4 - Name of the store with the pigs heads.
    (Wednesday Pre-Convention Tour)
    5 - Name of the 'toy' next to Spudwave.
    (Dealer Room)
    6 - Name of the twin toy of Animated Jetfire.
    (Animated and Hasbro Panel)
    7 - My total travel time from Home to Hotel.
    (Intro page)
    8 - Which BotCon 2008 exclusive toy didn't have its own Biocard.
    (Thursday pre-reg pickup)
    9 - What Animated Character toy was revealed on the Sunday Hasbro Panel.
    (Sunday Hasbro Designers Panel)
    10 - What type of plane in the museum was pink.
    (Thursday pre-convention tour)
    11 - The title of the script reading story played out on the Saturday.
    (Saturday night dinner)
    12 - Which Gen1 comic character was IDW not allowed to reproduce in any of its Marvel reprints.
    (IDW Panel)
    13 - How many members are currently in the Collector Club.
    (Collector Club Panel)
    14 - What does the Universe Powerglide have in its chest as a nod to the Gen1 Cartoon.
    (Sunday Hasbro Designers panel)
    15 - Where was Hasbro Designer Eric Seibernaler at the time of BotCon.
    (Hasbro Toy Display)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Okay, up first are the answers:
    1 - Name the 3 Animated Voice Actor guests and one of each of their Animated Characters.
    Bumper Robinson - Bumblebee, Blitzwing.
    David Kaye - Optimus Prime, Lugnut.
    Tara Strong - Sari Sumdac.

    2 - What toy was on display with the Seacons and Nightbeat at the Info Booth.

    3 - Hasbro's freebie item for 2008 at their display booth.
    Autobot Logo Post-it pads.

    4 - Name of the store with the pigs heads.
    Jungle Jims.

    5 - Name of the 'toy' next to Spudwave.

    6 - Name of the twin toy of Animated Jetfire.

    7 - My total travel time from Home to Hotel.
    26hours 15minutes.

    8 - Which BotCon 2008 exclusive toy didn't have its own Biocard.

    9 - What Animated Character toy was revealed on the Sunday Hasbro Panel.
    (question 9 is causing some confusion, so won't count. you can still answer it though if you want)
    Perceptor was the answer I was aiming for, but as it was noted, there were two Hasbro panels on the Sunday, and the Animated 'toys' revealed were only animation models, not actual toys. The wording prevented this question from being easy to answer.

    10 - What type of plane in the museum was pink.

    11 - The title of the script reading story played out on the Saturday.
    Bee in the City.

    12 - Which Gen1 comic character was IDW not allowed to reproduce in any of its Marvel reprints.
    Circuit Breaker.

    13 - How many members are currently in the Collector Club.
    About 2,500.

    14 - What does the Universe Powerglide have in its chest as a nod to the Gen1 Cartoon.
    A heart.

    15 - Where was Hasbro Designer Eric Seibernaler at the time of BotCon.

    And the winners, in the order that they were drawn in:
    Juz Mel (with all 14 questions that count, correct - wins Bugbite)

    I will contact each person in the next day for their postal address, and their preferred item from the minor prize pool.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    hay one question, Optimus AND Megatron Swipe cards looks like it suppose to be for target, what is it for?

    Lunch set - can i put a fruit salad in it or will it drip?
    Wanted items:
    eHobby Orion Pax and Dion

  5. #5
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Oh well at least i got the dificult Q right even if it doesn't count. Congrats on the win Mel.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Whee! Congrats to Mel and all the other winners

  7. #7
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008

    Thumbs up

    Never got around to complete all 15 questions. Congratulations to the winners.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by autobreadticon View Post
    hay one question, Optimus AND Megatron Swipe cards looks like it suppose to be for target, what is it for?

    Lunch set - can i put a fruit salad in it or will it drip?
    The Swipe cards were used at the four hotels at BotCon last year. The Target logo is only on them because they were a major sponsor at that convention.

    Lunch set? The 'Lunchables' are cheap plastic 'things' - 4.5cm closed up, and 9cm when folded open to reveal the Movie character.
    As merchandise, they are pretty pathetic to the serious collector, but weren't released in this country, so maybe novel enough to be of interest to some here.
    The term 'Lunchables' is the brand name of the snack-pack sold in US stores for kids to take to school, etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008


    Thanks Griffin and guys.. am really happy.. First time I ever won a major prize in a competition.. sooo happy..
    ~ JuzMel ~
    My son is taking over all my TFs!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Congrats Mel. I'm just stoked I won a minor prize.

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

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