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Thread: Reprolabels Display Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Reprolabels Display Thread

    This thread is for posting photos of toys that have been accessorised with Reprolabels. Preferably on official toys please - there appear to be plenty of threads dedicated to unofficial toys that I'm sure people can post photos of there. So to clarify, the purpose of this thread is for photos of unofficial reprolabels used to enhance/augment official HasTak toys. Thanks.


    A friend of mine gave me a free set of Reprolabels for TR Skullsmasher. I didn't use all of them, as I thought that it was just a bit too much and makes the toy look too 'busy.'


    What I used
    * Metallic fuchsia stripes along the sides of the neck
    * Circuitry stickers on the lower forelegs (forearms in robot mode)
    * Circuitry stickers along the sides of the tail
    * Circuitry sticker on the top of the tail
    What I avoided using
    - The green stripe for the head. I prefer having the toy's black forehead as it's a neat nod to the G1 toy. I understand that the green sticker makes the head look more uniform, but I'll stick with the original black thanks.
    - Alternate stickers for the side of the torso. I think that Hasbro's already done a great job with the existing tampographs which I actually prefer over Toyhax's reprolabels.


    Added the control panel sticker for Grax.


    What I used
    * Metallic red eye stickers - I really love the look of these. They really make the eyes pop out over the original black. I just wish that it was a long red sticker piece that also covered the nose ridge, making it look like he has a visor. But maybe it doesn't look as good because of the protrusion of said ridge. Still, a huge improvement over the original black eyes.
    * Decepticon sticker on chest - I got this from another sticker set that I got for free - one of those sheets 'o logos.
    What I avoided using
    - The tech specs meter sticker on the chest is a nice touch, but doesn't make sense to me since it attaches on what is the outside of Skullsmasher's chest. Weirdwolf would benefit from a tech specs meter style sticker since his chest actually opens up. Alas Weirdwolf's labels don't have it.
    - Circuitry stickers for the chest and biceps. Again, just makes the toy look too busy for my liking. Sometimes less is more.


    Added the Decepticon logo sticker to cover the screw. It was a pain in the buttocks to apply such a freakin' tiny sticker!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Hrm, cockpit stickers!!! That's a good idea. I remember seeing some labels for CW Ultra Magnus and he had cockpit stickers. Looked damn good.

    I would like some more hey. However, I won't be buying as I think they are expensive and I get the TT versions. But them cockpit stickers!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    I wish I had Goktimus's restraint - for me, it's a case of "see sticker, place sticker". Mostly anyway.

    Here's a couple of sets I bought recently:

    TR Doublecross Twinferno

    I was initially unsure about the wing "scales" - I really liked the smoky clear plastic of the wings. But they really look good.
    Also loved the small touch of the "sparks" on the dragon chest, near the fake "wheel", a clever homage.

    Then there is TR Getaway Breakaway

    Some neat additions in vehicle mode, and to the robot legs.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    Imgur's having kittens at the moment... not all the pics are coming out properly. I'll fix it later if I can.

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