View Poll Results: Worth buying?

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  • Drawn to it like a robot to a forest fire (Yes)

    2 40.00%
  • Maybe if they fix the price (Only if cheap)

    1 20.00%
  • Maybe if they fix the stickers (Only if other)

    0 0%
  • I’ve been burnt before (No)

    0 0%
  • I’ll stick to my classic version (Not interested)

    2 40.00%
Results 1 to 2 of 2

Thread: Toy Review- Titans Return Laser Prime

  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th Sep 2014

    Default Toy Review- Titans Return Voyager Laser Prime

    Laser Prime

    Series – Titans Return
    Size/class - Voyager
    New/remould/redeco – Titans Return Voyager Optimus Prime
    Wave - Chaos on Velocitron
    Released here – ???
    Approximate Retail Price - ???
    Approximate Size -
    Allegiance - Autobot
    Alt-mode – Fuel tanker/cargo plane
    Main Features/Gimmicks – Titan Master, triple changer
    Main Colours – Red, black, grey, blue
    Main Accessories – Gun, sword, Titan Master

    I'm just going to point out at the outset that this guy looks better than my photography "skills" make him out to be. If someone who is actually competent with a camera wants to post some pics of him it would be appreciated!

    Laser Prime is a straight up repaint of Titans Return Voyager Optimus Prime. No new tooling, no new accessories, even an identical Titan Master. Pretty much everything you need to know about this mould is already covered in the review for that figure ( This time he is painted to reflect the G2 Prime figure released in 1995. And they do a pretty good job of capturing him. The black legs with red kneepads, the grey torso with blue grill and red windows, and the red arms. Things differ with black hands instead of blue and more gray around the shoulders, and the shade of blue used on the feet, grill and head. It’s an odd shade of light blue, but it does give off an appropriately 90s’ vibe. This mode does an impressive job of hiding the jet kibble, and the wings in particular fold away quite nicely. The lack of wrist swivel is a nuisance, especially for a figure with a sword.

    Truck mode is easily the most impressive of his two alt modes. The red paint blending into the black looks fantastic. The stickers give this mode a lot of character, boldly proclaiming Optimus Prime to all and sundry, as well as showing off his robot mode firing his gun. Not at trees this time around, but up into the air. There are also two G2 Autobot symbols at the rear of the tanker near the bottom. This placement makes them quite hard to see. Unfortunately while the images on the stickers is great, the quality of the stickers is not. My figure isn’t too bad but even so there are stickers at an angle, and stickers that overhang the edge of their sections. There are several slices made to some stickers to allow them to fit to the shape of the tanker that require very specific placement. They are not all placed as well as they should be and this does detract from the overall look. The stickers are quite thin and as a result attempts to peel them off to reapply them have led to crinkling and threat of tearing.

    I feel that this version of the figure manages a stronger jet mode deco than the original. The plain grey cockpit and wings together with the black fuselage give it a more utilitarian look. The truck cab sections are less noticeable at the back with a darker coat of paint than the red of the original. The cockpit windows really stand out, and the gold of the sides of the fuselage contrasts well to the rest of the darker parts. The red of the cab nose is continued on the grill piece on the fuselage that makes it look a little more cohesive.

    I passed on the original release of this mode and was unsure if I’d even pick it up as Octane. I wasn’t particularly excited about getting this guy as part of the set, but now I have him in hand I must say I’m enjoying it far more than I thought I would. Although the stickers aren’t the greatest, mine aren’t too bad compared to some others I’ve seen on-line. The colours are great and I like having an Optimus Prime in something other than red, blue and silver. If you are a fan of the original Laser Prime I’d definitely recommend this version of the mould. If you already have the original release I’d have a harder time recommending it to you, particularly given the price and availability.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    Got this yesterday via G1Optimal, and I ripped off the stickers before I even transformed it! I understand the relevance and they were actually fairly well done but he looks much more badass without them.

    This is my first go round on this mold too, and I was pleasantly surprised at how intricate it is for a modern voyager. Cool transformation in all directions.

    I find the jet mode looks heaps better with the blatant truck halves mistransformed so that the truck windscreen pieces end up facing backwards with the shoulder-pylon vents facing upwards - the bright blue of the windscreen makes them look like thrusters. As an earth based plane it's a big fail, but if you squint and pretend it's a cybertronian transport plane, it gets a pass

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