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Thread: How do you maintain your perfect physical specimen so they keep drooling over you? ;)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    I don't think physical bulk matters too much. They certainly do help but they're not the be all, end all. A friendly, approachable demeanour will work wonders. A lot of money would also help but most of us don't have that in bucketloads.

    With me, i'm fairly fit b/c I played sport from a young age and probably the right group of sports. I swam, played AFL, ran cross country, and cricket in my youth. That helped my body settle down into the right proportions which have been w/ me for most of my life so far.

    Most days, (as the Melb. guys will attest) I'm a fast food junky. My room/car is always packed w/ sweets and chips. However, I generally don't look it b/c I'm still training pretty hard and do have a definite set of meals that are always healthy. I always have a glass of milk a day as well as an apple or two (even if I've already eaten 7 boxes of Gobstoppers - and that actually does happen! ) .

    On top of playing footy I go to the gym about 3 to 4 times a week. I do weight training on 2-3 nights and ab work on 1 night. So it's not all about watching what you eat. My philosophy is "don't be left wondering". I'm not full on a athlete and as much as I enjoy having a decent figure, it's really secondary to other things.

    I see working out more as a relaxation thing too. Just me, my iPod, weights and exercises. It's not a requirement that I be a perfect physical specimen. I just enjoy the "me" time I get where I don't have to think about too much else and all the other shite that's going on)

    Oh, and I also don't brush my teeth. Mostly cos I'm up so late but dental hygience is starting to concern me even tho my dentist the other day told me I only needed one filling (i was expecting more given how much sh*t I eat).
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    Transforming my figures is the only exercise I get these days!
    If you have ultimate Bumblebee your upper half would be cut with wash board abs lol you athlete you.

  3. #13
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    at one with the matrix...


    Woah! I can't believe the serious tone most of you guys have engaged in your genuine responses...

    As you can tell from my first post in this thread, it was meant to be a gee-up but anyway...

    Quote Originally Posted by To Punish & Enslave View Post
    Dude Firstly brave thread to start.
    Don't cha know I'm a wannabe Stand-Up Comedian & this topic just "popped" into my head...

  4. #14
    junk is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    Personally speaking, got married, thus no pressure to maintain my once perfect physique.

    However, working in retail (800 square metre store) and playing touch footy weekly helps to relive the past to some extent.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Now, this topic seems to ask two things:

    1. How do you keep your figure.
    2. How do you beat chicks with sticks.

    I have no place commenting on the 1st, but since the 2nd was raised, I'll add something:

    If you are interested in attracting the type of perspective partner who is going to evaluate you based upon your figure/bulk, you need to be aware that there is absolutely no way that you will be able to maintain it (time and age are the first guarantee), and thus, you will eventually be old news. I would recommend you focus on aspects that are going to withstand the test of time should you expect the attraction of a partner to also withstand the test of time.

    Otherwise, you're just gonna be an old dude driving down Chapel Street (or insert non-Melbourne cheeseball strip) in a older WRX with a fake "For Sale" sign with your phone number on the back

    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Oh, and I also don't brush my teeth. Mostly cos I'm up so late but dental hygience is starting to concern me even tho my dentist the other day told me I only needed one filling (i was expecting more given how much sh*t I eat).
    No need for condolences, but my father died from a very difficult to diagnose, case of Infective Endocarditus, which is an infection of the heart valve.

    The doctors said he got it through his teeth and their lack of maintenance.

  6. #16
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    I have my women pretend they're with someone else.
    It's win-win. They get a buff guy and I get to maintain my perfectly rounded belly and B-cup man boobs.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Broomball and mess around games of cricket seem to keep my body mostly in check from an expanding waistline.

    Since I am not as physically active as I was in my Uni days I have cut back on the amount of food I consume, (but not the types). I eat fairly healthily, and working at Maccas throughout High School means I'm not a huge fan of fast food, but I have a rather large sweet tooth (Damn you Mr. Wonka and your Wonkalicious products).

    And as Gok said already, chasing after kittens is damn good exercise.
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  8. #18
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaydisc View Post
    If you are interested in attracting the type of perspective partner who is going to evaluate you based upon your figure/bulk, you need to be aware that there is absolutely no way that you will be able to maintain it (time and age are the first guarantee), and thus, you will eventually be old news. I would recommend you focus on aspects that are going to withstand the test of time should you expect the attraction of a partner to also withstand the test of time.
    Atleast we don't punish ourselves in order to keep roping them in...

    (unlike quite a few girls I'm sure we've all known who stick their finger down their throat... My ex Lisa Maree comes to mind [I hope she's ok these days])

  9. #19
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    *A stable diet of saturated fats
    *no exercise (in my defence I've got a buggered back, even if I didn't I'd still do none )
    *constant obsessing over TFs

    it must work 'cos my girl has no complaints (bar my stubborn refusal to get my back fixed, being in constant pain is fun, I swear!)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    3rd Jan 2008


    Surf on the weekends and drink beer for dinner on Fridays... I have no idea how this affects my health but I feel good.

    Urge to buy toys... rising... rising! TERMINATED DUE TO LACK OF FUNDS

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