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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Haha you guys and your nerdiness...

    So yeah... how awesome was the season finale :P

    Can't wait to see where they go with it now. Martha was my fave companion but tbh I feel more for Donna's fate, back into the life of nothing on Earth where before she had the time-lord consciousness. Seems a bit rough.

    Guess the next part they need to get into is River Song. That arc interests me to no end.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    You're on a board full of grown adults who play with toys dude. It's agiven.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin
    I just noticed that the actor himself picked up on this as well, wondering if this could be seen as using up one of his regenerations, but will be something they will probably worry about later. Footnote 18 - 'Now, whether this means the Doctor has used up one of his limited regenerations or not is a matter for some future debate, I suspect'

    At least someone official has it on the record that this could/should count as a regeneration, because as I keep saying, a physical change is not required for a regeneration to save the life of a Timelord 12 times.
    Yeah, David Tennant himself is a long-time Doctor Who fan IRL. When Chris Eccleston played the Ninth Doctor, the ending credits had his character listed as "Doctor Who." David Tennant on the other hand insisted that his character be listed as "The Doctor," and not "Doctor Who" in the credits.

    Yeah... I've always found it kinda lame out the Sixth Doctor regenerated into the Seventh Doctor after a mere bump to the noggin'. (-_-) Some fans have speculated that the Doctor was unhappy with this incarnation so when he slipped into unconciousness, he willed himself to regenerate. But yeah... strange how he'll regenerate after a tumble, but can stop himself from fully regenerating after being slain by a Dalek.

    I think it's as you said, the writer was looking for an excuse to create an edge-of-your-seat cliffhanger without realising the impact that it may have for overall continuity. Blarg. Hopefully it'll be retconned later as Tennant eluded to.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Out of interest whats everyone fav Doctor?
    For me its Christopher Eccleston. He be awesome!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Traditionally my favourite Doctor has been the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker), but the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) is coming close to being equal fave! I think it's only a matter of time before the 10th Doctor will equal and supercede the Fourth Doctor in my heart!

    I also quite like the Seventh Doctor.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post

    At least someone official has it on the record that this could/should count as a regeneration, because as I keep saying, a physical change is not required for a regeneration to save the life of a Timelord 12 times.

    No no noooooooooooooooo! I shall not count it as a regeneration

    The hand doctor is a freak!

    we need a nerdy smiley for this thread

    Its sooooo hard to find the good Dr who toys in Australia, we mainly get the shelfwarmers, if you fellahs wants the the toys check this primo site

    i want the 'Classic' Doctors toys and a 9th doctor with moveable legs

  6. #16
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    The Tenth Doctor is starting to edge ahead of Tom Baker as my favourte doctor, but he's been aided by some excellant writting. I also have a certain fondness for Sylvester McCoy as he was the new Doctor on the block when I was a kid. Also the first Doctor to be chased up some stairs by a Dalek, That's gotta be the seventh Doctors coolest cliff hanger.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    9th Mar 2008
    Mannum, South Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post
    Out of interest whats everyone fav Doctor?
    For me its Christopher Eccleston. He be awesome!

    I think Eccleston had a lot to offer. I loved the latest series, bit of a sad ending though. (wipes tear from eye)

    Some Eccleston Magic:
    Last edited by Vector Sigma 13; 30th September 2008 at 09:33 PM.
    Collecting transformers- a good way to get poor
    Transformer count= too many

    Currently in search of:
    G1 goodness

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    I liked the Ninth Doctor as being this "dark" Doctor... emotionally scarred from the Time War - fans commonly speculate that the Eighth Doctor was killed during the Time War, thus regenerating into the Ninth Doctor. The Tenth Doctor did say that the Meta-Doctor was like himself when he first met Rose as the Ninth Doctor; full of anger and emotional trauma from the Time War... and that Rose helped him to heal from that, and that she would do the same for the Meta-Doctor.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    25th May 2008
    Mount Barker, South Australia


    My favourite is the 3rd doctor John Pertwee. When ABC started rerunning the Docto Who series from the beginning right to the end i watched it all i even have a Doctor Who costume based on the Tom Baker version.

    Know for my small rant i had watched all of the new Doctor Who series except for all of he last one i only watched a couple. Now the current doctor is probally my 2nd favourite of the lot. But i was finding that alot of episodes they had a good strory and would spend the whole episode building up the story usually about how the world was about to end or whatever the situation and then they had to quickly finish the episode and in the last 5-10min the Doctor would just suddenly think of something that would end the coming disaster it all just seemed very rushed and it really put me off it. Maybe i just liked the old ones better where you would see 5/6 episode arc but hey thats just me. I am however going to watch after it all comes out on DVD though.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    My wife thinks that David Tennant is too skinny - and I like how the series actually makes fun of that. They also make fun of it in Doctor Who spoofs that Tennant appears in. Although I'm inclined to agree about Tennant's lanky appearance, I reckon he's got a pretty nice pair of legs on him (as can be seen here*).

    I like this spoof. The actor playing Tony Blair is Jon Culshaw who also plays the Fourth Doctor in other spoofs like (this one*).

    *Parental discretion advised

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