I did these guys up a while ago. They were a lot of fun to do as there is so much detail to highlight. I masked off a lot of these guys in order to used silver spray paint.
Unfortunately i used old tape so some sticky residue was left on them. This ages to get off. There is still some on one of them, but I'm not saying which one.

Lead foot didn't get any paint, but the pother two got a few extra painted colours, (no paint pen or sharpies on this lot) a few sticker sets from Toy Hax and i've ended up with a bunch of bot ready to rumble. I packed away a lot of my movie collection fro a while, but these guys stayed out longer. I really like the way they look as a group.

Topspin turned out to be my favourite in vehicle mode (ill post pics of vehicles when i get more spare time, they make the vehicle modes look so much better) It was only this year year i realised how rare deluxe Leadfoot was.