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Thread: OTCA Stop Motion Project?

  1. #71
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcee View Post
    (it's like saying you are proficient in Sanskrit...what's the point...)
    I'd be impressed if you were fluent in Sanskrit. I'd be BLOODY impressed if you were fluent in Classical Sanskrit! If so... if we ever do an OTCA re-enactment of Monkey, I wanna cast you as Tripitaka!!

  2. #72
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    (note to self: check out the stop-motion thread more often)

    I think a photocomic as a start might be a good idea, but it seems less like something that the whole group could contribute to

    I'm still suffering from severe writers block, but i swear that i will come up with something to contribute, even if it kills me

  3. #73
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    All in favour of a toy-comic? Say yay. All in favour of a stop-motion? Say nay.

    I say yay.

  4. #74
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    All in favour of a toy-comic? Say yay. All in favour of a stop-motion? Say nay.

    I say yay.
    Is it possible we could have both? (not at the same time of course)

  5. #75
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    Is it possible we could have both? (not at the same time of course)
    i dont see why not

  6. #76
    Join Date
    20th Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'd be impressed if you were fluent in Sanskrit. I'd be BLOODY impressed if you were fluent in Classical Sanskrit! If so... if we ever do an OTCA re-enactment of Monkey, I wanna cast you as Tripitaka!!
    (waving white flag as pathetically as one can be) I do know how to say goodbye in Russian if that helps?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    I'm still suffering from severe writers block, but i swear that i will come up with something to contribute, even if it kills me
    I know I'll kill myself if I fail to give anything good. Welcome aboard the suicide express!

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    Is it possible we could have both? (not at the same time of course)
    Before we know it, we'll be making a cartoon and a PC game as well. Maybe we can fit a different line into each one? For instance classics for stop motion, BWs for photocomics, etc.

    PS: Skywarp91 is your signature pic from 1997 CCTV version Three Kingdom, Xiahou Dun? Kick my tailpipe if I'm wrong...just thought it looks so familiar...

  7. #77
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    yep, dead on. Good ol' Xiahou Dun getting an arrow in his eye..

  8. #78
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I say yay to a photocomic... unsure if I can contribute to stop motion. I've made plenty of photocomics and I've made some stop motions -- and stop motions are a LOT more time-consuming and harder to make than a photocomic.

    It's just because I don't think I would have the time to contribute to a stop motion. For example, this stop motion is made up of some 450 shots and took, me 5 days to make - and that was while I was on holidays, so it was 5 days of nothing much but stop-motion making, sleeping, eating and toileting. And that was just for about 1 minute and 5 seconds worth of animation! That was _before_ my baby was born... don't know if I would have the time to make a stop-motion now. (if I did, it would take a loooooooong time :/).

    But a photocomic I can still make fairly easy enough. I just feel that we should be trying to walk before we try to run. Also, there are certain things that look better in a photocomic than in stop motion, like certain sight-gags.

    Photocomics allow you to tell a lot more story in much less time to make. But hey, if the rest of you have the time and resources to make a stop motion, don't let me stop you. But I think it'd be good to do a "test run" with a collaborative photocomic series first. JMHO.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    20th Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    yep, dead on. Good ol' Xiahou Dun getting an arrow in his eye..
    What happened next was just...please tell me you don't like that part because I had difficulty eating for a couple of days after seeing it

  10. #80
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcee View Post
    Thanks a lot GP, that is greatly educational! Atm I'm about...half way through G1? So it's still a long way for me to go before I ever reach BWs I suppose, and even so much longer after that... I'd like to think that I know everything about the new movies but then no one here likes them lol (it's like saying you are proficient in Sanskrit...what's the point...)
    I think you'll find a lot of people like th emovies, it's just that there are also some vocal haters.

    We're all fans of transformers, don't feel that any part of your interest is undervalued because someone else doesn't like it.

    given the rather commonality of the movie toys, using them for an aspect of this project may make interstate cooperation a lot easier, different shots could be compiled in different locations with the same characters.

    same goes for any of the more recent toy lines I guess
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

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