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Thread: The Clone Wars TV Series

  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks
    So far so good, but at the moment I prefer the Animated clone wars series from a few years ago.
    I think the Tatarkovsky series was aimed at an older audience whereas the Clone Wars movie was specifically targetted at a younger audience, and I think it succeeds at that and isn't quite as juvenile as say Transformers Animated (except for the characterisation of Ziro the Hutt, he's just downright annoying).

    I like how this series does focus more on the individualisation of the Clones which the Tatarkovsky series never really did.

    I do like how the voice actor for the clones in this series makes an attempt at received pronunciation approximating an Australian accent - although honestly the New Zealand accent is actually closer to a South African accent (both NZ and S.African spoken English having a strong Dutch influence whereas Australian English has more of a Cockney influence). But the Australian accent is closer to a NZ accent than an American one, so I much prefer it over the Yankee-sounding clones in the Tatarkovsky series.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burn
    The one thing that irked me about this week's episode is the amount of fire on the Malevolence. Given that it's a droid ship I seriously doubt there'd be enough oxygen to sustain such a large fire. Sure, there may be SOME oxygenated areas for any fleshbags that are along for the ride but that much? Trivial I know, but it's really the only fault I can find with this series so far.
    Is that in episode 2? I've only seen Episode 1.

    Anyway, the Separatist ships would still be primarily designed for organic crew rather than just droids. Remember that there are plenty of human and non-human (alien) peoples fighting on the side of the Separatists (e.g.: Neimoidians, Skakoans, humans etc.). In Episode I we saw Trade Federation vessels being crewed by a combination of droids and Neimoidians. In Episode III we saw non-droid characters such as Grievous, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Chancellor Palpatine moving about the Invisible Hand without the assistance of any additional breathing apparatus (meaning that they were breathing the air in the ship). The ship also had artificial gravity, which is arguably something that is more important for organics than for droids (droids like Artoo can happily move about on a metallic surface in a vacuum, as seen in Episode I). Even if Battle Droids don't have electromagnets in their feet like Astromech droids do, I doubt they would need Earth-like gravity (as the Clone Wars movie demonstrated Battle Droids are dense, meaning that they would be quite heavy - having lighter gravity would actually allow them to be more energy-efficient).

    Being a cyborg, General Grievous also requires oxygen to survive. Both Grievous and cybernetic Darth Vader are capable of surviving in a vacuum for a limited period of time but they both still need to breathe (Grievous' coughing and Vader's "khoo-haa" are manifestations of their artificial respiratory systems; Vader's is more advanced hence the relatively smoother breathing).

  2. #22
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by The_Damned View Post
    ep 3 is out fyi
    Okay then I expect to be brought up to speed with this and heroes this afternoon or no toys for you.

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

  3. #23
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Another good episode tonight. It had a few more annoying moments than the previous episodes since it was very droid centric but it did not dominate the fight sequences nor the main story so I can see passed it.

    If this level of quality is maintained, it will quickly become my favorite 21st Century cartoon series.

    Seriously. Why Animated couldn't have been like this? They are aiming at the same target audience so there is no excuses now.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    My biggest gripe with this week's episode, too much of a Anakin/Padme lovefest. Next episode however looks to be centred on Clones and definitely shows some promise.

    And for those who need a laugh ...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    The last episode was the closest one in vibe to the Prequel trilogy (Jumping around all hyperactive with droid comedy moments) However it did not deter away from the main story and Anakin is not the bitchy emo he is in the movies so I don't mind it.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Another excellent episode! I am also surprised at the amount of deaths in it something that cartoons of the past decade have been very careful to avoid. There was a lot of excellent clone characterisation in this one.

    This series is awesome and is single handedly reigniting my Star Wars enthusiasm after it was trashed by the prequels.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    4th May 2008


    Friggin Commando Droids kept shootin the 'Sarge'... that's harsh.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    This was a damn good episode this week.

    Clone characterisation, Commando Droids (they were new to me), and not much Anakin.

    Hard to believe Lucas is writing this and i'm enjoying it so much.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Burn View Post
    This was a damn good episode this week.

    Clone characterisation, Commando Droids (they were new to me), and not much Anakin.

    Hard to believe Lucas is writing this and i'm enjoying it so much.
    He is not writing it just producing it which means he just seats back and relaxes and let's others work on it.

    If Lucas was actually writing this do you think that it would be this good based on his track record as of late?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Might fine episode. I'm a little surprised it was aired since it was a rather dark and morbid episode, much more so than a TMNT episode that got cut a few years ago (Insane in the Membrane which only aired in Aus and the UK, no other market).

    Helps my theory that the less Anakin it has, the better the episode. Hopefully after a season or so Lucas will give the okay for less Anakin based episodes (also means he can sell more toys) and we can get episodes of this calibre on a constant basis.

    And Hevy now owns the top quote from the series, with a slew "Roger Roger" based ones coming in behind it.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

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