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Thread: Transformers Prime cartoon reviews/comments (spoilers)

  1. #171
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    I've got to say that I am really enjoying this series and I can't wait for a HD file of this episode to show up.
    Skyquake looks to be an interesting, if not necessary, addition to the Decepticon ranks and it is clear that some interesting story arcs are beginning to take shape.
    It is very easy to see why this show has been picked up for a Second season though, I hope there will be many more to follow too.

  2. #172
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    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    I've got to say that I am really enjoying this series and I can't wait for a HD file of this episode to show up.
    Skyquake looks to be an interesting, if not necessary, addition to the Decepticon ranks and it is clear that some interesting story arcs are beginning to take shape.
    It is very easy to see why this show has been picked up for a Second season though, I hope there will be many more to follow too.
    um i when i watched it, it was the 720p version

  3. #173
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    Yeah, it was neat. But nothing too spectacular.


    The new opening uses the sweeping orchestral Movie score, as opposed to a rehash of the G1 theme. I'm annoyed Skyquake died in his first appearance, that's my main gripe with the show, the second is trotting out the tired old "Damaged/Comatose Megatron plot" that we've seen a hundred (All right, like, five, but still) times before. I did enjoy the brief interaction between Ratchet and the human kids. That was amusing but Miko still has a ridiculous European accent, not a Japanese one, and that grates on me. .

    I'm not as entertained by Prime as I was by Animated. I'm holding out hope something will happen to make me love it. Fingers crossed.

  4. #174
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW



    I quite liked this ep. I loved Starscream's line of "I, Megatron's true heir, Lord Starscream, Emperor of Destruction!" -- nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    The new opening uses the sweeping orchestral Movie score, as opposed to a rehash of the G1 theme.
    Well it's about bloody time since we saw an Anglophone Transformers cartoon whose theme song is something other than a rehash of the G1 theme! Haven't seen this since Beast Wars/Beast Machines (although I don't think Phat Planet was explicitly composed for BM). It's not the greatest theme song, but at least they're making an effort to be different.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    I'm annoyed Skyquake died in his first appearance, that's my main gripe with the show, the second is trotting out the tired old "Damaged/Comatose Megatron plot" that we've seen a hundred (All right, like, five, but still) times before.
    I'm sure Skyquake will be back (especially if Hasbro are gonna make a toy of him)... after all, Skyfire was presumed KIA in his first appearance in the G1 cartoon too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    I did enjoy the brief interaction between Ratchet and the human kids. That was amusing but Miko still has a ridiculous European accent, not a Japanese one, and that grates on me. .
    Well we don't know where she may have learnt English. Perhaps she lived in Europe for a while. I once knew a Mongolian guy who spoke English with a Russian accent, because his father worked in a Mongolian consulate in Moscow and that's where he learnt English from. Pretty funky seeing an Asian dude speaking English with a strong Russian accent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue
    I'm not as entertained by Prime as I was by Animated. I'm holding out hope something will happen to make me love it. Fingers crossed.
    Prime Prime (heh) is a more "conventional" Optimus Prime insofar as being the seasoned military leader who commands respect from all friends and foes alike. Animated Prime was more like Optimus Primal -- started off as a non-military leader (Animated Prime = space bridge crew leader, Primal = expeditionary crew leader) who was unwittingly thrust into being a military commander... although Animated Prime had the experience of at least having had some Academy training. So from that perspective that can make such characters more interesting -- one difficult thing about writing a conventional Optimus Prime character is finding weaknesses in the character and exploiting it. That's something that the G1 cartoon did not do very well and the G1 Marvel Comics handled a lot better -- the G1 cartoon all too often portrayed Optimus Prime as a near-flawless Saviour archetype. And a flawless character is a boring character -- the hero is only as interesting as his (or her) weaknesses. Even Superman has his Kryptonite.

    Prime Prime is much like G1 cartoon Prime so far... the 'perfect' hero. They need to give him some character flaws to make him interesting.

    And WHAT is up with agent Fowler constantly flying around in military aircraft with NO safety equipment on (other than a seatbelt?)?? Whether it's a helicopter or jet fighter, he just wears a business suit. No flight suit, no helmet... just the kind of clothes you'd wear to the office. Rriiiiiiggghht...

    I did notice that this episode revealed Fowler's given name - William... perhaps a reference to G1's William Irving "Sparkplug" Witwicky?

  5. #175
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    2nd Mar 2010

    Default SPOILERS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    I quite liked this ep. I loved Starscream's line of "I, Megatron's true heir, Lord Starscream, Emperor of Destruction!" -- nice.
    Oh yeah, his Voice Actor hit that one perfectly IMO - Felt very much like a true Starscream.

    Well it's about bloody time since we saw an Anglophone Transformers cartoon whose theme song is something other than a rehash of the G1 theme! Haven't seen this since Beast Wars/Beast Machines (although I don't think Phat Planet was explicitly composed for BM). It's not the greatest theme song, but at least they're making an effort to be different.
    I agree here too because the more people tend to 'play-around' with the G1 Theme, the more in tends to loose it's charm, IMO, so like Beast Wars - It's nice to see Prime trying to make it's own thing.
    (Though obviously the show owes alot to the Movies )
    I'm sure Skyquake will be back (especially if Hasbro are gonna make a toy of him)... after all, Skyfire was presumed KIA in his first appearance in the G1 cartoon too.
    Oh he'll be back, and in greater numbers!

    Well we don't know where she may have learnt English. Perhaps she lived in Europe for a while. I once knew a Mongolian guy who spoke English with a Russian accent, because his father worked in a Mongolian consulate in Moscow and that's where he learnt English from. Pretty funky seeing an Asian dude speaking English with a strong Russian accent.
    Meh, I don't mind the tweaked accent - though that case you describe Goki would've been really odd to hear the first time.

    Prime Prime is much like G1 cartoon Prime so far... the 'perfect' hero. They need to give him some character flaws to make him interesting.
    Oh but Truck was SO better than Monkey...
    I reckon we've only scratched the surface with Prime: Prime and I'm personally hoping he grows a little bit of a mean streak like his Big Screen counterpart , I like me's some Robo-Dismemberment!

    And WHAT is up with agent Fowler constantly flying around in military aircraft with NO safety equipment on (other than a seatbelt?)?? Whether it's a helicopter or jet fighter, he just wears a business suit. No flight suit, no helmet... just the kind of clothes you'd wear to the office. Rriiiiiiggghht...
    When they go to that first shot of him in the cockpit I was like: "So he's heading to work I guess? ".
    I think it is probably an oversight, but I hope we don't see a continuing trend with him 'just happening to be in the vicinity' all the time.
    (I think that is probably my only gripe with this episode )

    I did notice that this episode revealed Fowler's given name - William... perhaps a reference to G1's William Irving "Sparkplug" Witwicky?
    It's possible but... Writers Lie!, He's A Robot In Disguise!

  6. #176
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Oh yeah, his Voice Actor hit that one perfectly IMO - Felt very much like a true Starscream.
    What I meant was that I liked its reference to Japanese G1 where Megatron's function is Hakai-Taitei (破壊大帝), which means "Emperor of Destruction."

    In Transformers The Movie where Starscream says, "How do you feel Mighty Megatron?", in the Japanese dub he says 「ねぇ、ご気分はいかがですかな破壊大帝メガトロン様?」("Nee, gokibun wa ikaga desukana Hakai-Taitei Megatoron-sama?") which means, "So, how do you feel huh, Emperor of Destruction Lord Megatron?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon
    When they go to that first shot of him in the cockpit I was like: "So he's heading to work I guess? ".
    It's a heck of a way to beat rush hour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon
    I think it is probably an oversight, but I hope we don't see a continuing trend with him 'just happening to be in the vicinity' all the time.
    That and with CGI animation they prefer to make character models look the same -- changing wardrobe means making a new model. But still... totally makes no sense to see someone repeatedly operating military aircraft in a freakin' suit and tie.

    But then again, even in cel animated Transformers most human characters always wore the same clothes in every episode. All we need now is some people wearing blue jeans, beige button-up shirts with yellow boots and hard hats!
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 14th February 2011 at 03:41 PM. Reason: fixed code tag thingie

  7. #177
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Did not particularly like episode 6. To be fair the bits with Starscream in them were very good but apart from that it was a bit gash - not much of any worth went on.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  8. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    Did not particularly like episode 6. To be fair the bits with Starscream in them were very good but apart from that it was a bit gash - not much of any worth went on.
    i liked the battle between optimus, bumblebee and skyquake

  9. #179
    Join Date
    29th Apr 2008


    Episode 7 was far better than 6., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

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