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Thread: The non-toy Star Wars discussion thread

  1. #61
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    1. Return of the Jedi
    2. The Empire Strikes Back
    3. A New Hope
    4. Revenge of the Sith
    5. The Force Awakens
    6. Attack of the Clones
    7. The Phantom Menace
    8. Clone Wars (movie)
    100. Holiday Special

  2. #62
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I recently came across a series of videos discussing, What if the Star Wars Prequels were good? The presenter talks about how, with a number of key changes, the Prequels could actually be a lot better than they actually were.
    What if Episode I was (sic) good?
    What if Episode II were good?
    What if Episode III were good?

    I personally find these ideas to be pretty interesting, and I think that it would have improved the Prequels significantly. A lot of what this guy talks about is actually how I personally imagined the prequel events to be before Lucas made them, especially with the character of Anakin Skywalker and his relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  3. #63
    Megatran Guest


    What's Rey's vocal accent?

  4. #64
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    What's Rey's vocal accent?
    I was thinking British? Not sure TBH.
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  5. #65
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    Both Rey and Fin are from London. So yes English.

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    Boyega and Ridley are from London, so they do natively speak with English accents. However, only Ridley uses her native accent for her character, Rey. Boyega performs with an American accent when he plays FN-2187. Boyega talks about it here.

  7. #67
    Megatran Guest


    London (UK). As in the planet Earth? That's a galaxy not far away.

    I was wondering how she came to have that British accent, then ended up at Jakku.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    London (UK). As in the planet Earth? That's a galaxy not far away.

    I was wondering how she came to have that British accent, then ended up at Jakku.
    A double decker bus spaceship?
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  9. #69
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    London (UK). As in the planet Earth? That's a galaxy not far away.

    I was wondering how she came to have that British accent, then ended up at Jakku.
    I've read somewhere -- and I don't know if this was ever official canon or just a fan theory (I'm assuming the latter) -- that in Star Wars, British accents represents how Galactic Basic is spoken in the Core worlds (e.g. English accent = Coruscanti accent), and that American accents are more akin to how Basic is spoken in the Outer Rim planets like Tattooine. The problem with this theory is that there seems to be insufficient evidence to really back it up.

    Because there are several characters from Core worlds who speak with non-English accents, such as:
    * Han Solo (Corellian; American accent)
    * Bail Organa (Alderaanian; American accent)
    * Leia Organa (Alderaanian; although she was born Polis Massa, she was raised on Alderaan since she was a baby; American accent)
    * Qui-Gon Jinn (Coruscanti; Irish accent)

    And then you have several people from Outer Rim worlds who speak with non-American accents, such as:
    * Cliegg Lars, young Owen Lars & young Beru Whitesun (Tatooinian; Australian accents)
    * Jango Fett (Mandalore Sector (Concord Dawnian); New Zealand accent)
    * Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru (American & English accents respectively)
    * Grand Moff Tarkin (Eriaduin; English accent)
    * Rey (Jakku; English accent - even though she may have originally come from a Core world and was abandoned on Jakku as a young girl, it's unlikely that she'd be able to maintain her Core accent after spending most of her life growing up on an Outer Rim planet. She would most likely have an accent shift, same as what happens to people who live in another country for a really long time, especially from a young age)

    And then, just to get more confusing, we have a variety of accents from people who are from Mid-Rim planets (e.g. Naboo).
    * Padmé Amidala (American accent)
    * Queen Jabilla (Indian accent)
    * Sio Bibble & Palpatine (English accents)
    * Captain Panaka (American accent)
    * Captain Typho (Australian accent)

    Then you have characters who shift accents! e.g. Leia originally speaks with a Cultivated American accent, but then later shifts to a more General American accent. Padmé uses an English accent when she assumes the role of Queen, but reverts to her native American accent when she's either being the servant girl or just her regular self (e.g. Episodes 2 & 3). I think that her accent shift was deliberate to help maintain the illusion that Padmé Naberrie and Queen Amidala were separate people. Her decoy (Kiera Knightley) spoke with an English accent. Anakin Skywalker speaks with a General Canadian accent (which is phonologically very similar to a General American accent; the Canadian accent that stands oot more from American English is, I think, a broader Canadian accent), but then shifts to a Cultivated American accent when he becomes James Earl Jones^Darth Vader.

    There doesn't seem to be any consistency between a character's accent and where in the galaxy that that character comes from. Hence I personally don't subscribe the theory that there's any correlation. Simply put, the English language in Star Wars represents Galactic Basic. I don't think that the accent really bears any canonical significance. See this post regarding the correlation of real-world languages and the languages of Star Wars.

  10. #70
    Megatran Guest


    Wow, a lot of thought went into that. And some.

    My gut feeling is that Ridley (Rey's character) uses her native accent cos it's easier than to fake an accent. Imagine Rey speaking with an Aussie accent. They'd have to write a dingo into the script.

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