Some of you that collected MP's from the beginning would have more experience with this than me. But with the recent and future + releases and impending V3 Prime, I'm starting to wonder what to do with my display when I suddenly have two versions of a character?

With Sideswipe, I'm going to display the original MP-12 in car mode in another cabinet and display the + version in bot mode with the rest of the G1 cartoon Autobots. With Red Alert I only have the + version opened for display so it's not a problem.

When V3 Prime eventually comes out, I will display MP-10 with the other MP-10 repaints I have recently collected.

So what say you? Will you simply not buy the new versions, satisfied with what you have?

Or will you, like me, continue to upgrade in search of the best version of the character? In this case, do you sell/give away your current versions? Will you set up separate cartoon and toy accurate displays? Or perhaps banish your original/inferior(?) versions to the shadow realm (ie packing them away or displaying them with your diaclone/G2 MP oddities?).