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Thread: (JUNE-2013) Robots In Disguise Era - your best of the best

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default (JUNE-2013) Robots In Disguise Era - your best of the best

    Robots in Disguise was a quick filler series for Hasbro, after the quick axing of Beast Machines. It only lasted a year, and was reworked from the Japanese series "Car Robots".

    Details of this series can be read up here.

    In the Beast Machines era/series, what are you Ultimate top 3, best of the best, to recommend to others....


    Comic Issues/stories (are there even three?)

    Cartoon Episodes/stories

    At the end of the month, I might do up a tally, to see if there are any standouts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    In the Beast Machines era/series, what are you Ultimate top 3, best of the best, to recommend to others...
    Didn't we do this last month?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    14th Mar 2012



    - Railracer (Railspike, Midnight express, Rapid Run - hasbro version) Great as individual robots, awesome combine as Railracer
    - Fortress Maximus - even though some of the accessories have been culled from this version he is who he is and definitely a must have IMO (I'll get him one day )
    - Landfill (Wedge, Grimlock, Hightower, Heavy Load) Combiners are always fun and this guy has a unique limb rotation mode (seen in cartoon) where the three other than wedge can rotate their formation depending on the requirements of the situation

    Comic Issues/stories (are there even three?)

    Have never seen one in English. I think I may of seen comic/s back in the day for the Japanese Car/robots line but can't read Japanese so never bothered pursuing them.

    Cartoon Episodes/stories

    - The Decepticons - a well written introduction into the story for these guys
    - Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion - We finally get to see the much anticipated fusion of Prime an UM in this episode
    - The two faces of ultra magnus - An interesting way to introduce new powers for Sideburn, X-brawn and Prowl (and sell more toys )

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    - Ultra Magnus - looks a bit poor in robot mode but his vehicle mode rocks! About the most kick arse car carrier that I have ever seen
    - Build Team - first RID toys I got -great vehcile, robot & combiner mode
    - The Train team (or whatever they are called). Found these 3 in a toy shop in Munich, was well pleased with my find

    Comic Issues/stories (are there even three?)
    -Only one I know of is part of the Super Summer Spectacular by DW, which is worth getting for the G1 & Energon stories

    Cartoon Episodes/stories
    - Though I have downloaded the whole series, never got around to watching more than an episode or two, so if anyone can reccomend some to me I'd appreciate it. But from those I have seen
    - The first one where you get to see Optimus use his trailer as an actual battle station which seems to rarely happen
    - The one where Sky-Byte holds Wedge captive in his mouth - thought that was kinda cool

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    - Super Mach Alert
    - Build Cyclone/Hightower
    - Brave Maximus

    Comic Issues/stories (are there even three?)
    - "Ultra Magnus... to the Rescue?"
    There was one Car Robot manga that I read... but it's absolutely not suitable for children (or polite/civilised company), so... moving right along...

    Cartoon Episodes/stories
    - "The Final Battle! Fire Convoy!" <---I love and hate this ep. Hate how Brave Max's turns out to be powered by The Love of Children(TM), but love how Gelshark gets a cute happy ending.
    - "Quintuple Merge! Vuldigus" <---Transformers Cosplaying as other Transformers... lawlz!
    - "High Speed Battle! Gelshark" <--- "That's not a haiku, that's a senryu. And not a very good one at that." (pwn'd!)
    Also a notable mention to "Enemy? Ally? Black Convoy" just cos Black Convoy makes such a badass debut in that ep, especially with his first words being a mirrored reversal of Fire Convoy's motto.

    Fire Convoy's well known phrase is 「例え宇宙の果てでも、正義の呼ぶ声のあるところに私は現われる!」which kinda translates as "Until the ends of the universe, I will heed the call of justice!"; Black Convoy's first words are, 「例え宇宙の果てだろうと、悪を呼ぶ声あるところに必ずやって来る」("Until the ends of the universe, I will absolutely heed the of evil").

  6. #6
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    - Cheating here and saying the Team Bullet train group as one figure. Rapid Run, Railspike and Midnight Express in that order.
    - Scourge
    - Fire Convoy/Optimus Prime

    Could also place Cryotek and Air Attack Optimal Prime here...

    Comic Issues/stories (are there even three?)
    - Never read any.

    Cartoon Episodes/stories
    -The Decepticons
    - The final battle
    - The two faces of Ultra Magnus
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    what are you Ultimate top 3, best of the best, to recommend to others....


    I technically don't have any toys from this series except...

    -TFCC Sideburn (it's still not a bad mold, and translates OK to the character) personally though, I wouldn't know RID as a show existed if the club hadn't done this figure. it prompted me to research and follow up.
    -TFCC Scourge, even though this toy has G2 markings, it'll be my RID scourge. its the first version of this mold I've ever seen in person and I like it, it does some neat things in the transformation.

    Comic Issues/stories (are there even three?)
    -I've never read any of them that I'm aware of.

    Cartoon Episodes/stories
    - Like many others, the introduction of the Decepticons and Scourge.
    -I'm still gradually working my way through the entire series so I probably have preferred episodes to get to yet.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

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