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Thread: Lego Questions by newbies and Not-So newbies

  1. #11
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Phoenix View Post
    You lost them??
    Quote Originally Posted by JuzMel View Post
    Yeah how did you lose them?

    My holy grail for LEGO is the Carousel.
    I built them w/ an ex. When we broke up (which was only a few weeks later) they were behind. Not anything malicious, just no point taking emotional baggage, I figured. And I don't know, not like sitting there and breaking up those behemoths was a quick and easy task with someone who wanted to see your face as much as they liked looking at a toilet bowl.
    Collection Count (w/ a 12.42% upsize): 3053
    New Family Members: DA-15 Jetwing Prime, DOTM Leader Ironhide, Perfect Effect Reflector, DOTM Shockwave & Skyhammer, eHobby United 3-packs
    Current Desires: Japanese BW Optimal Optimus
    The Holy Grail: Ultmetal Optimus Prime

    Visit the Wonderful World of: The Iacon City Hub-Capital Collection

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Sunshine Coast

  3. #13
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Lint View Post
    1. Should be available online, but once you factor in shipping it may turn out roughly the same.

    2. Well I've been disappointed with lego pricing for about the last 2 years. But there are plenty of others who are quite happy to pay. Since you're such an Ancient Egypt nut I think the premium would be acceptable? If these stay a Big W exclusive (i.e Kmart doesn't get them) my advice would be to just buy them. Big W's toy sales/discounts are few and far between and a lot of stuff just disappears off the shelves once the season is over instead of making it to sales time. If you really want them, the risk in waiting may not be worth it.

    3. If I recall correctly Lego Adventurers about a decade back started with Egyptian themed sets. Nothing as awesome/extravagant as what we're seeing now though
    Quote Originally Posted by JuzMel View Post
    Yeah as the guys said, the Big W prices a tad cheaper than prices on the LEGO shop and if you factor in the shipping then it's definitely cheaper at Big W.

    I was rather disappointed that Big W didn't have any sales on these new Pharoah's Quest sets as well. I'm totally into ancient Egyptian stuff as well and these 6 sets are also on my WANTS list.

    I'm planning to just put the whole lot on lay-by on a separate receipt and then if there are any sales further on on these sets and they are available, then I'll just cancel the lay-by. It's sort of a safeguard that you have them rather than risk not being able to find them in future or at inflated prices.
    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    If you want them, buy them now.

    The Space Police sets from last years toy sales flew off the shelves, and I cant speak for all areas, but Western Sydney (from Liverpool to Penrith, to the Hills, Parramatta and Hornsby) did not restock after the sale, and all tha5t remained were the few unsold items (often in damaged boxes).
    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    fairly valid point from Trunksy. Other places like Target tend to have stock but always higher prices.

    That said, Target has more 20% off sales which means its quite cheaper than both K-Mart and Big W during sales as well as LegoShop.

    I'd recommend you get on board. I saw them and was kinda keen but decided against it. Given the current Lego track record, I expect a Pyramid at some point as one of their mega sets. Got Tower bridge and spewing I lost my Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower. Loved those.
    Thanks for all the info and tips guys as it is very much appreciated, if I end up with any money left after picking up the TFs I want - I'll be putting all of these on Layby as I really don't want to miss out but priorities are priorities.

    @Lint: As I'm unlikely to buy any Lego apart from these Egyptian themed sets, I'm ok with paying the overall amount but I've got to say that they're certainly not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
    I've had a look at those sets you mentioned from the 'Adventures' line, I agree that whilst cool they're not quite as cool as these new sets.

    @JuzMel: Glad to hear that there is another Egyptian fan amongst the board.
    I too think postage on these things would be a bit of a killer as their boxes are quite large really and would likely get banged up in the post.
    I also was a little annoyed that they weren't put on some sort of an introductory special for the Toy Sale, it really annoys me when they do that but I suppose what are you going to do? - That's an excellent tip with the Layby approach too!

    @i_amtrunks: A sound suggestion as I know how thoroughly the Toy Isles were destroyed at my local store during last year's sale and it was near impossible to find anything due to crap literally being thrown everywhere so even if they had what one was looking for - You'd have no idea if it was there or not, not to mention I would be really annoyed if I wasn't able to get all 6 sets as that is the whole deal behind them.

    @STL: I too very much hope that they go for a huge Pyramid set eventually, as I watched a vid review about the current pyramid set and apart from it not being a true pyramid, I was disappointed to learn that half the set is 1 plastic base that you build 'around' and 'over the top of' - I suppose you can't get everything you want initially but my imagination could run wild with the possibilities of replicating Queen Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple out of Lego...

    I'm also sorry to hear about the situation surrounding your loss of the Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower sets, not only would that be heart breaking for the reason you've specified and, as Jaydisc points out, expensive but it would really feel like you've lost whole days of your life - like a blackout or something.
    I hope you're able to reacquire those sets down the track mate.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Phoenix View Post
    It is an awesome set, but by god there are so many stickers!
    The build is also a bit repetative but you can alternated between steps pretty easily.

    Well worth it at the end.
    Wow you have it? For me now, it will just be a dream. $500 odd dollars is a lot to spend on one item when I can buy quite a lot of TFs and other LEGO sets.

    Quote Originally Posted by jaydisc View Post
    That's an expensive breakup.
    Yeah... +1 Let's hope at least she's a LEGO fan too and they are in good hands and well taken care of.


    @Hursticon - No worries, I'm surprise a lot of people don't think of lay-by. I guess it's all about the eagerness of wanting to bring home the item there and then. For me, space in our small place is a problem and so lay-by means I have some time to "clear" space and slowly pay them off.

    I've always loved historical, ancient stuff. I think the Big W lay-by is valid until the end of the toy sale, so you have some time to think about it.
    ~ JuzMel ~
    My son is taking over all my TFs!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Not exactly, lego but I figured if any crowd would have a good idea, it would be this. Anyone ever played with the Megablok Halo sets? I saw one of the carrier jets and they looked awesome. really tempted to get.
    Collection Count (w/ a 12.42% upsize): 3053
    New Family Members: DA-15 Jetwing Prime, DOTM Leader Ironhide, Perfect Effect Reflector, DOTM Shockwave & Skyhammer, eHobby United 3-packs
    Current Desires: Japanese BW Optimal Optimus
    The Holy Grail: Ultmetal Optimus Prime

    Visit the Wonderful World of: The Iacon City Hub-Capital Collection

  6. #16
    Join Date
    4th Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Not exactly, lego but I figured if any crowd would have a good idea, it would be this. Anyone ever played with the Megablok Halo sets? I saw one of the carrier jets and they looked awesome. really tempted to get.
    Ask SkyWarp91, if I remember correctly he collects the Halo Megabloks.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    7th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Not exactly, lego but I figured if any crowd would have a good idea, it would be this. Anyone ever played with the Megablok Halo sets? I saw one of the carrier jets and they looked awesome. really tempted to get.
    my son and i have most of the Halo sets and personally id stear clear theyre annoyingly poor quality and fall apart all the time. We were excited to get a heap of them all at once but i wont be buying anymore.

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