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Thread: Whitening yellowed toys with Hydrogen Peroxide

  1. #261
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    No before pics but here's some after shots

    These were yellow/brown spares... I'm thinking of swapping them into the main collection now.

    Here's a before shot of Inferno's ladder. You should be able to see a clear line between the white and yellowing plastic

  2. #262
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    ...and here's the ladder after. Much, much better.. so much so that I couldn't tell which side I had originally photographed! It's a bit patchy, so I suppose being immersed in a liquid would overcome that.

    I also gave junker/spare Drag Strip and Breakdown a go. Breakdown does look a bit creamy but I couldn't tell any dfference with Drag Strip (altho it wasn't bad to begin with).

    I'e also noticed a couple of patches of dead/white skin on the tips of my forefingers, so be careful!

  3. #263
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by snaketales View Post

    I'e also noticed a couple of patches of dead/white skin on the tips of my forefingers, so be careful!
    Yeah I had Joker hands when I was doing it. They all look great. I should give my Firstaid a go too

  4. #264
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by bruticus View Post
    where the heck do you get glycerine

    Quote Originally Posted by bruticus View Post
    and xanthan gum?
    health food shop

    Quote Originally Posted by bruticus View Post
    it seemed cheaper and lot less less troublesome than H202 + glycerine + xanthan gum + oxy-action washing power. isnt it?
    Possibly, but I'm restoring a GIJOE USS flagg, so it's too big for liquid.

    Quote Originally Posted by snaketales View Post
    I'e also noticed a couple of patches of dead/white skin on the tips of my forefingers, so be careful!
    Yeah, I've already bought a set of rubber gloves for when I mix up retrobright and apply it, as that's something the wiki warns you about with handling hydrogen peroxide.

  5. #265
    Join Date
    31st Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Possibly, but I'm restoring a GIJOE USS flagg, so it's too big for liquid.
    huh? i was referring to the peroxide "cream" (not the liquid H202 bath method). Cos the peroxide "cream" from price attack should essentially be the same as retr0brite paste, except this is already premade.

    anyways, interested to see how you fair with the USS flagg whichever way you end up going.

    Snaketales - Man thats one yellowed ladder. glad to see it revitalised so much! also, were the wheels on firstaid rusty before you treated it with peroxide?

  6. #266
    Join Date
    14th Jun 2011


    Can anyone tell me if the creme peroxide affects stickers at all?

  7. #267
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bruticus View Post
    Snaketales - Man thats one yellowed ladder. glad to see it revitalised so much! also, were the wheels on firstaid rusty before you treated it with peroxide?
    Yeah, the wheels were like that when I got hold of that figure. The rusting wasn't from the creme peroxide, if that's what you're worried about.

  8. #268
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by Aqua Prime View Post
    Can anyone tell me if the creme peroxide affects stickers at all?
    Another thing I can test for you tomorrow. I assume it will, but I will see what happens.

  9. #269
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Well I have had some success with this miracle cream. Works fairly well on Slugslinger without any real damage to the plastic. I left them out in the sun for 3 hours, cleaned them off and reapplied for another 1 and half hours. Sunlight started to fade.



    What you can maybe see in the last picture is there is some streaking on the plastic, which could be from not applying the cream evenly. I used a brush. I am going to test using a sponge to try apply evenly onto another piece to test.

    The purple on the sticker was affected, but strangely not the rest of it.

    I think the grey plastic worked better because I caked on the cream more thickly than on the blue bit. All things I will look into more detail tomorrow.

    One other fun fact that we could use this cream for is rusted screws/metal. The screw in the foot seemed to clear up using it. Pity I didn't take photos of that before I did it. Another thing to test tomorrow.

    So testing for tomorrow will be:

    - more on the foot to see if I can make it lighter still, it was pretty bad to begin with
    - test another blue piece
    - put some on a rusted screw to see those effects better
    - use a sponge to apply cream and more thicker
    - earlier to get a better start on testing for more light

  10. #270
    Join Date
    14th Jun 2011


    Good to see it worked great ok 1AZRAEL1

    I tested the Creme Peroxide on another '87 Transformer, Rippersnapper. I didn't take any photos but he came up great. No issues at all.

    I use a thick decent paintbrush and coat it on nice and evenly. No issues with applying it on his stickers either.

    Up for test next is '90's "reissue" Classics First Aid.

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