Series - Generations
Sub-line - Combiner Wars
Size/class - Voyager
New/remould/redeco – Remould of Silverbolt
Wave – Wave 5
Released here - not yet
Approximate Retail Price - $45
Approximate Size – 18cm
Allegiance – Autobot (Technobot)
Alt-mode – Cybertronian Space Cruiser
Main Features/Gimmicks – Can become a gestalt torso
Main Colours – Red/White
Main Accessories – Gun/Shield

Robot Mode
The mode he is most recognizable as Scattrrshot in. Good proportions and articulation. His colour scheme is far more reminiscent of the Technobot Lightspeed than it is of Scattershot and could have used some more brown. Also it is a bit lazy they didn’t tint his visor at least a slightly different blue to the rest of his face – it just looks like one blue blur.

Cybertronian Space Cruiser
Well the original Scattershot figure looked like a Cybertronian Space Cruiser – bristling with gun ports and the like. This looks like a flat square with a big gun sticking out the front. They’ve tried to make it futuristic looking by the gaps in the jet wings but all that does is let you see the big square underneath better. At least they made his tailfin a gun sorta like the original toy.

Same as Silverbolt and Cyclonus – you wont bust a gasket figuring this out.

The G1 Scattershot is probably my favorite Scramble-City’esque figure just because he looked so great in all modes and had (for its day) a really neat transformation. This just doesn’t measure up in any way whatsoever. From the colour scheme to the transformation to the crappy alt-mode to no cannon-emplacement third mode it’s just a phone-in (I wont even bother talking about his combined mode – it just looks like Superion recoloured which is exactly what it is and without the rest of the Technobots who besides kids is gonna bother anyway) . I’m amazed that 28 years after the original toy that they’ve made something worse instead of better.

I’d say get this figure if – like me – you want to get a CHUG version of as many different G1 characters as you can. If not, then go by 1987 Scattershot, not this one.