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Thread: It's Official - MP-36 is a new Megatron

  1. #731
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Well no... the research and warnings meant that he wasn't surprised when it was taken, and was already aware of his options - he just chose not to pursue those options because of the time and money involved in NSW to have it released by Customs.
    If he'd been in QLD or WA, he most likely would have sent in the permit form as soon as he found out it was captured, without even needing to post here for someone to help him... and Megatron would have already been in his hands by now.

    The "I told you so", with some humorous tongue in cheek involved, was at the assertion that MP-36 wouldn't be nabbed at all (because it doesn't look as "replica" as MP-5), and that all my work updating the info page and posting up alerts was a waste of time.

    This may indeed be the unlucky one to be caught, or they might have only just started looking after the reissue and this was the first that we know about on this site.
    6 months later....

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Has there been a case of a second one nabbed yet?
    And yet another 6 months after that.... has even a single one more been nabbed yet?

    Does this mean that in 18 months it still equals only one MP Megs nabbed by customs? Making the single incident an aberration rather than the norm?

    Perhaps time to finally admit it was a bunch of needless worry-causing that, even if well intentioned (which I don"t dispute), caused many people a lot of needless stress?
    Last edited by BigTransformerTrev; 24th January 2019 at 08:33 AM. Reason: Removed term ‘scaremongering’

  2. #732
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    I would hardly call telling people this how you avoid breaking the law "needless scaremongering"

  3. #733
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
    Join Date
    20th Jul 2013


    Ur yeah my copy of 36+ requires the permit in wa, they asked for it and then release.

    I am sure a lot of you guys thinking just wing it. Good luck.

    I highly recommend not to wing it.

    My permit allows me to import till July 2019

  4. #734
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    I would hardly call telling people this how you avoid breaking the law "needless scaremongering"
    Telling people how not to break the law is not scaremongering no. Making it sound like almost a damn certainty you will get your toy nicked by customs when it turns out there was about one chance in a thousand is, though I’ll grant scaremongering was probably not the best term for me to use. Perhaps ‘causing unnecessary worry’ might be better.

    It was done with the best of intentions but it still doesn’t change the fact it caused a lot of people unnecessary stress and it would be nice if that was finally acknowledged, as well as it being finally acknowledged that the whole ‘danger of MP36 being impounded’ turned out to be practically non-existent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    I highly recommend having a Red Bull... then wing it...

  5. #735
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Telling people how not to break the law is not scaremongering no. Making it sound like almost a damn certainty you will get your toy nicked by customs when it turns out there was about one chance in a thousand is, though I’ll grant scaremongering was probably not the best term for me to use. Perhaps ‘causing unnecessary worry’ might be better.

    It was done with the best of intentions but it still doesn’t change the fact it caused a lot of people unnecessary stress and it would be nice if that was finally acknowledged, as well as it being finally acknowledged that the whole ‘danger of MP36 being impounded’ turned out to be practically non-existent.
    No offence Trev, but your dogmatic stance on this issue really does show how recently you became active in the Australian fan community, compared to those you accuse of "needless fearmongering". I notice you joined OTCA in 2011 - a good 4 years after all the grief and drama with MP-05 back in 2007.

    If you were approaching things from an open minded-perspective - which you clearly haven't been on this issue - you would have asked where all of that concern and anxiety was coming from, from people who had been active in the fan community a lot longer than you had been.

    Had you asked that question with an open mind, you would have found that based on what happened with MP-05, that nothing in the concerns people had over MP-36, could even remotely be described as "needless fearmongering".

    Had you asked that story, you would have heard stories about how MP-05 became a target for government fearmongering and how it was actively searched for and seized - with only those in WA and QLD having as painless a time as those of us in the ACT currently have.

    Had you asked that story, you've have found out that in addition to active searches and seizures, people were being treated like gun owners to actually own one - people were being made to join shooting clubs and store it like it was a working firearm (including having a gun safe and bars on windows - I kid you not). The situation was so insane that one board member here who was a solicitor, actually had to take the step of meeting with the NSW Police Minister on more than one occasion, to go about setting up a club, which the minister approved, for the sole purpose of owning MP-05.

    Yes, the situations with MP-36 and MP-05 proved to be like chalk and cheese, but none of us who lived through MP-05 had any reason to believe things would be different with MP-36 and had people not taken these steps, then by Murphy's Law, you can be sure that the same thing that happened with MP-05 would have happened with MP-36.

    So you can keep on with the "needless fearmongering" rhetoric all you want. However it isn't a good look in light of what happened back in 2007 with MP-05.

  6. #736
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    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    No offence Trev, but your dogmatic stance on this issue really does show how recently you became active in the Australian fan community, compared to those you accuse of "needless fearmongering". I notice you joined OTCA in 2011 - a good 4 years after all the grief and drama with MP-05 back in 2007.

    If you were approaching things from an open minded-perspective - which you clearly haven't been on this issue - you would have asked where all of that concern and anxiety was coming from, from people who had been active in the fan community a lot longer than you had been.

    Had you asked that question with an open mind, you would have found that based on what happened with MP-05, that nothing in the concerns people had over MP-36, could even remotely be described as "needless fearmongering".

    Had you asked that story, you would have heard stories about how MP-05 became a target for government fearmongering and how it was actively searched for and seized - with only those in WA and QLD having as painless a time as those of us in the ACT currently have.

    Had you asked that story, you've have found out that in addition to active searches and seizures, people were being treated like gun owners to actually own one - people were being made to join shooting clubs and store it like it was a working firearm (including having a gun safe and bars on windows - I kid you not). The situation was so insane that one board member here who was a solicitor, actually had to take the step of meeting with the NSW Police Minister on more than one occasion, to go about setting up a club, which the minister approved, for the sole purpose of owning MP-05.

    Yes, the situations with MP-36 and MP-05 proved to be like chalk and cheese, but none of us who lived through MP-05 had any reason to believe things would be different with MP-36 and had people not taken these steps, then by Murphy's Law, you can be sure that the same thing that happened with MP-05 would have happened with MP-36.

    So you can keep on with the "needless fearmongering" rhetoric all you want. However it isn't a good look in light of what happened back in 2007 with MP-05.
    Your comparing apples and oranges and virtue signalling all over the place. Stop acting like a Cultural Marxist.

  7. #737
    Join Date
    14th Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Ur yeah my copy of 36+ requires the permit in wa, they asked for it and then release.

    I am sure a lot of you guys thinking just wing it. Good luck.

    I highly recommend not to wing it.

    My permit allows me to import till July 2019
    So they asked for the permit. Which do you have, the permit to import or the permit to own a replica? What would have happened if you couldn’t provide the necessary paperwork?

  8. #738
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Your comparing apples and oranges and virtue signalling all over the place.
    No, I'm saying that it's absurd to claim that this was all "needless fearmongering", when based on past experiences, every concern was a valid and reasonable one and made with justifiable intentions.

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but blindly arguing through it can also be a fallacy

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Stop acting like a Cultural Marxist.
    ROFLMAO. You're seriously accusing me of acting like a cultural Marxist with the discussions I've had on here??????

    Ok, whatever floats your boat I guess.

  9. #739
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    6 months later....

    And yet another 6 months after that.... has even a single one more been nabbed yet?

    Does this mean that in 18 months it still equals only one MP Megs nabbed by customs? Making the single incident an aberration rather than the norm?
    As per below, make that 2. Fortunately Drifand had his permit in place and it was released to him no problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Ur yeah my copy of 36+ requires the permit in wa, they asked for it and then release.

    I am sure a lot of you guys thinking just wing it. Good luck.

    I highly recommend not to wing it.

    My permit allows me to import till July 2019
    The thing to note Trev is that it is 2 that we know about. How many more we’re like Drifand in that it was confiscated but because they had all the appropriate permits in place, it was released to them with no hassles? Maybe those people aren’t super active on social media. There could be many more out there.

    And bowspearer does have a point. Collectors had no reason to believe that Mp-36 would be any different to MP-05. If someone chose to import Megs without a permit and wasn’t caught, then good on them. But I would hardly call what griff and others did as scaremongering.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  10. #740
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    As per below, make that 2. Fortunately Drifand had his permit in place and it was released to him no problems.

    The thing to note Trev is that it is 2 that we know about. How many more we’re like Drifand in that it was confiscated but because they had all the appropriate permits in place, it was released to them with no hassles? Maybe those people aren’t super active on social media. There could be many more out there.
    Ok, thats a fair point.

    Look, in the end I really have no issue with what Griffin & Ralph Wiggum did. They have created a fantastic resource which can really help out anyone who has issues with importing MP36 or other gunformers. Good on them I say! Must have taken a lot of time and effort on their parts in order to try and help out the larger collector community as a whole. My issue has always been the tone with which it was done. Several of us argued from the start that 'all would be well' and we got drowned out by all the people making it sound as though this figure getting nabbed would be a near certainty. It would have been better for it to be worded as 'hey, just in case the same thing happens with MP36 as MP05, here is what you do:' In the end, that is my real and only issue with the whole thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    And bowspearer does have a point. Collectors had no reason to believe that Mp-36 would be any different to MP-05. If someone chose to import Megs without a permit and wasn’t caught, then good on them. But I would hardly call what griff and others did as scaremongering.
    I lived through the 'great MP-05 hunt of 07'. And I imported that Megs no problem with no paperwork

    And I have retracted the 'scaremongering' line and admitted that was a poor choice of words (even edited the original post) so I'm not sure why people keep quoting it.

    But out of interest, how many people out there have got their Gunformers locked in a gun safe? That was also something that was spruiked a lot, that we all need to do that otherwise the cops are gonna bust down the door and take our toys. Any cases of that happening yet (genuine question)?

    I actually do have a gun safe, I keep the kids Xmas and birthday presents in it so they don't find them. Megs is in a glass cabinet in the dining room

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