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Thread: Solo: A Star Wars Story

  1. #61
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    I'm not so sure there is. Given how much everyone is citing "Star Wars Fatigue", I honestly think Disney will use it as a convenient out, rather than recognising that the real problem is that the glorified accountant they put at the helm of Lucasfilm is no doubt great at handling the financials, but when it comes to creative vision, she's clearly out of her depth (they really need someone like Dave Filoni in the role who does come from a creative background and rose to prominence because of it).
    I take it this 'glorified accountant' you're referring to is Kathleen Kennedy. It remains to be seen if she succeeds in doing to Star Wars what the greedy executives at Atari did to Atari and the golden age of consoles. Which was to send them into a tail spin from which they never recovered.

    BTW Did Mr. Lucas sell the Star Wars franchise because he nor anyone else would ever be able to restore it to it's former glory?
    Last edited by shockNwave; 30th May 2018 at 07:53 PM.

  2. #62
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by shockNwave View Post
    I take it this 'glorified accountant' you're referring to is Kathleen Kennedy. It remains to be seen if she succeeds in doing to Star Wars what the greedy executives at Atari did to Atari and the golden age of consoles. Which was to send them into a tail spin from which they never recovered.
    Yes I am referring to Kathleen Kennedy. Her role has always been as an Executive Producer prior to this, so her role was to handle the finances. Considering I've heard others refer to her as "George Lucas' coffee lady", I think "Glorified Accountant" is on the incredibly tame end of things she could be called.

    Quote Originally Posted by shockNwave View Post
    BTW Did Mr. Lucas sell the Star Wars franchise because he nor anyone else would ever be able to restore it to it's former glory?
    I've heard people say he was sick and tired of the fan hate. Personally I think the prequel trilogy's problems fall into two categories if what I've heard is true. I forget where, but I recall hearing that the plan with Jar Jar was for him to be a dark foreshadowing of Yoda (which if you actually stop to imagine it playing out with an open mind, is actually pretty awesome and leads you to hating the character for the right reasons - because of how cruel, sadistic and nasty he actually winds up being), but in a moment of shortsighted stupidity, Dennis Muren talked him out of it.

    The other thing is that while I think TPM would have worked better than it does if he'd stayed the course with the alleged Sith Jar Jar plot, he clearly forgot what worked with the OT. While George directed ANH, he gave the reigns over to others when the movies took on a different tone. I recently read that Irvin Kerschner would have jumped at the chance to direct one of the prequels and the one I think he should have directed, should have been AOTC and possibly even ROTS as well. I think that his directorial sensibilities would have probably done a better job of giving us the intensity Lucas wanted out of Christensen, but in a much more palatable way, which resonated with audiences more.

    I actually don't think it's impossible for Star Wars to find new glory days. However if the PT and the current Disney era are lessons of what not to do, I think that there are a couple of key points which should be looked at.

    Firstly, whoever does this needs to understand mythology and have such a profound understanding of it and the heroes journey that they can apply it to this vast sprawling universe. Anyone who challenges that and clearly can't see the forest for the trees, needs to be told to move to one side; they'll be proven wrong once it all hits the big screen anyway.

    Secondly, make sure the director is the right fit. ESB was what it was because Lucas recognised that his style wouldn't work for it, but Kerschner's would. That's the key here, someone whose style fits and who can put their ego aside long enough to recognise their movie's place in the larger scheme of things (yes Rian Johnson, I'm looking at you).

    If those things happened, I think there's no reason we couldn't see Star Wars heading back to it's former greatness.

  3. #63
    bowspearer Guest


    Since I know how crazy the whole thing I said about Jar Jar might sound, try this on for size.


    Anakin and Obi-Wan charge into the hangar bay of the caverns, expecting to find Count Dooku and confront him.

    To their shock, dressed in black sith robes and turning around to face them is none other than Jar Jar Bink.

    As the two Jedi stand dumbfounded at the unbelievable sight, Jar Jar addresses them.

    JAR JAR: [somber tone] Games up now huh?

    Before the two can respond and with the slightest move of his wrist, he force grabs Obi-Wan and slams him hard by the head twice against the ceiling, then drops him on the floor, before bringing that section of the ceiling crashing down on him.

    Anakin, confused and compromised, tries to plead with Jar Jar.

    Anakin: I sense the Dark side in you, but this isn't like you. It's not too late to turn back.

    Jar Jar adopts a seemingly sorry expression.

    JAR JAR: Oh no, meesa so sorry Ani, you so right....

    Jar Jar's expression then turns malicious.

    JAR JAR: You pathetic.

    Jar Jar's eyes gesture to the bludgeoned and unconscious Obi Wan on the floor.

    JAR JAR: Can't save Master....

    Jar Jar adopts a gleefully sadistic grin.

    JAR JAR: Can't save Ma-mi!

    Anakin is shaken, trying to regain his composure, the anger rising within him, starting to drown his gaze and his expression, struggling to maintain control. Before he can respond, Jar Jar's expression becomes even more sadistic, making it all too clear he was responsible for Shmi's.

    JAR JAR: How you like meesa gift?

    Anakin: No.....

    JAR JAR: Meesa feel yousa anger. Good. Strike meesa down, make meesa pay.

    Anakin: I wont fight you.

    Jar Jar sneers implyingly, with a gaze of mock concern

    JAR JAR: Then Padme go all bombad.

    Anakin explodes in a sea of rage, confusion and betrayal, charging in with his lightsaber ignited, ready to strike down his former childhood friend. As he lunges down with his lightsaber, Jar Jar trips backwards, sidestepping the blow, as he brings his own crimson lightsaber up, striking back with a force which knocks the young apprentice off balance. Anakin recovers, delivering what should be successful blow after blow, only to have Jar Jar make seemingly clumsy steps each time a blow is about to be landed - the Sith Master seemingly dodging each blow miraculously and striking back in a way which sends the apprentice off balance. After a few blows, a sadistic sneer forms on the Sith's face, not merely blocking this time, but scratching the jedi's leg with just enough of the end of the blade to scorch the skin.

    Anakin howls in agony.

    JAR JAR: Good meesa feel yousa hate; let it grow!

    Anakin, tries lunging again, this time his mobility greatly limited, only for Jar J to this time dodge, slice off half his arm and force throw him hard against the rubble next to Obi-Wan.

    Jar Jar's expression changes to one of seriousness.

    JAR JAR: Meesa sense yousa, old man.

    Suddenly Yoda walks into the room on his cane.

    YODA: Drops his mask, the fool does - I see. Ends now, your reign of terror does- Jar Jar Binks, or should I say, Darth Plageus

    JAR JAR: Meesa mask sure fool yousa - old bombad.

    Jar Jar flickes his wrist, only for Yoda to hurl the force to the side, cratering the side of the wall. Irritated, Jar Jar then sends a large wave of lightning at Yoda immediately catches it with his hand, the ball 3 times the size of his hand once he has collected it all, then fires the ball back at Jar Jar, who sends it exploding up into the ceiling.

    YODA: Strong with you, the Dark Side is, fight well you do.

    JAR JAR: Meesa see da force not settle this.

    Yoda sudddenly charges in with his lightsaber drawn, sommersaulting in with blow after blow, as Jar Jar stumbles out of the way, but before he can throw Yoda off balance with a blow, the Jedi Master leaps in the air and strikes from a new angle. The two are evenly matched; one cannot best the other. Suddenly as the two stand deadlocked with sabers clashing, Jar Jar brings a pillar crashing down upon Anakin. Jar Jar sneers.

    JAR JAR: Yousa so wise. Choose.

    Yoda focuses on lifting the pillar while Jar Jar escapes in the nearby shuttle.
    I'l admit part of it is rough as I was filling in gaps as I typed it, but this is basically how I envisaged AOTC ending if they went with the Sith Jar Jar plot - where Jar Jar is a cruel, sadistic and manipulative Sith, who passes those very mind games onto his apprentice - Darth Sidious - with great success.
    Last edited by bowspearer; 30th May 2018 at 10:39 PM.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by shockNwave View Post
    I take it this 'glorified accountant' you're referring to is Kathleen Kennedy. It remains to be seen if she succeeds in doing to Star Wars what the greedy executives at Atari did to Atari and the golden age of consoles. Which was to send them into a tail spin from which they never recovered.
    She's trying:

  5. #65
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    This movie is at least twice better than last Jedi. I felt it was better than Rogue one for me. And yes the twist in the end is a way to make people excited what’s next. I didn’t feel this in last Jedi one bit. Is a shame that their pr screwed up and to be still in the wondering why solo done so bad when people can just google and say why says a lot about denial.

    I feel sad for Star Wars. Transformers isn’t a worry, bay can stuff it up it doesn’t bug me a single bit as the cartoon will always remain intact and true.
    I can’t say the same for Star Wars as what is shown affects past and present.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    It's one thing to do a scene-by-scene impression, it's another to play the role independently.
    Same guy

    Also acted in flashbacks for Harrison Ford's character in a film but I don't remember what it is called and "Chewie get the pipes" is the example I'd go with anyway.
    Yeah voice acting is still different, but closer than an impression.
    As it is I though Alden was alright, though any chance of an objective opinion for this film went out the window the second that hologram turned on. Can't trust my own thoughts now because they are absolutely biased and I really wasn't expecting this character to cause that reaction after they've already done what I wanted to see done with them elsewhere.

  7. #67
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    Can we get a spoiler tag added to the title? Would really like to discuss the hologram scene without any complaints of spoilers.

  8. #68
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    Can we get a spoiler tag added to the title? Would really like to discuss the hologram scene without any complaints of spoilers.
    Note: It can also be spoiler for Episode nine.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Secondly, make sure the director is the right fit. ESB was what it was because Lucas recognised that his style wouldn't work for it, but Kerschner's would. That's the key here, someone whose style fits and who can put their ego aside long enough to recognise their movie's place in the larger scheme of things (yes Rian Johnson, I'm looking at you).

    If those things happened, I think there's no reason we couldn't see Star Wars heading back to it's former greatness.
    If I understand your second point correctly, it looks like bringing more of a dark feel to the proceedings is a breath of fresh air and if so, then Rogue One is a good example as it ends with many good guys dying and the rebel fleet being smashed (which is more acceptable thanks to the impact made by Game of Thrones capacity to turn storytelling on it's head).

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Note: It can also be spoiler for Episode nine.
    Probably not, the hologram "ends" in Star Wars Rebels.

    Its an epic arc and must watch.
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

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