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Thread: The Computer/Console Gaming Thread

  1. #111
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2008


    Play Gran Tursimo psp and Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops PSP, finding both very entertaining!

    Ordered FF7 Crisis core too.

    Just bought CS: Source for $5USD off Steam to relive childhood memories

    And was playing Devil May Cry 4 and Saints Row 2 on PC but kind of cbf playing them anymore...

    Also stopped playing Street Fighter 4, mainly because my area only has ADSL1 and that sucks balls; but need to get back into it!

  2. #112
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Note: I am judging this game based on its contemporaries (2004) not the latest releases.

    I bought Halo 2 for PC and played it from begining to end for the first time. I didn't want to buy it before at full price because I thought that it was rotten and stupid for Microsoft to use it to 'force' PC gamers to upgrade to Vista in order to play it - Halo may be a great console game but its just ok by PC FPS standards and certainly will not force anybody with half a brain to upgrade to Vista and slow down their performance just so they can play Halo 2.

    Anyway Rant over

    I bought it on sale for less than $20 and played it. I have heard all the criticisms of a convoluted story because you play the game from two initially opposite perspectives (Master Chief and The Arbiter) but aside from that it has universal praise with some people calling it better than its predecessor and at the time, best FPS ever.

    Personally, I thought that playing from two perspectives was clever and added variation to the story and makes the world and story much more immersive with added depth but unfortunately playing as the Master Chief or the Arbiter is exactly the same - There is no variation in gameplay. The story is generally easy to follow but it becomes heavily convoluted at the end because it feels as if there is a mad rush to end the game in a similar way as when a TV show/comic gets a last minute notification of cancellation and they need to wrap up the series in just a couple of issues or episodes. By the end I was confused as to why the Elites had suddenly gone against the Prophets and had to look that up outside of the game. On top of that you get a very frustrating 'To be continued' in the middle of the story like the Matrix sequels which leaves you with an empty 'WTF?' feeling.

    Overall gameplay wise it is just a rehash of Halo 1 - The gameplay is identical in every way and by this point it is incredibly repetitive and that includes the level design. It got to a point where I could predict what was behind a closed door simply because I had cleared several similar buildings and corridors before giving it a very artificial and less dynamic feel. However the gameplay is still fun but nothing truly memorable and its not a game where you would marathon through since you get bored quickly because of its gameplay repetitiveness but good for short bursts of gameplay.

    Despite the convoluted end bit, the real motivator to keep playing is the developing story, particularly being able to play as the Arbiter adds to that considerably. Too bad that the Arbiter is no different to the Master Chief in any way gameplay wise but its good to see things from the opposite perspective for a change. Personally I feel that they blew a huge opportunity to diverse the pace by keeping the Arbiter gameplay and level progress exactly like the Master Chief's.

    Overall just an average game not worth the hype at all. Halo 1 was much more superior and innovative for its time while this is just a rehash and repetitive too - It's really not that good as a stand alone game and should have been more of an expansion.

    They say that Halo 3 is much better but I am skeptical on that since many console gamers also said the same thing about this game even going as far as calling it best FPS ever. This is 'ok' at best, at least from a PC gamer's point of view. However my bias comes from me liking narrative in games, if I only cared about the gameplay elements of the game, I would say that the campaign is mediocre bordering on 'sucks'.
    Last edited by kup; 14th December 2009 at 11:37 AM.

  3. #113
    MV75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    Just finished up Zeta. The ended was awesome, but the whole thing felt too... I dunno linear and repeatative. It basically played out like a normal FPS.

    Ah well, back in the Wasteland now...
    Oh yea, the end was mega cool eh? Even ignoring the HUGE plot hole. I also really liked the "buttercups". Pretty sinister looking plans they had for them too.

    Also try killing the Samurai guy. His armor is pretty sweet. But I stuck with the winterised t51b anyway. Love power armor. Especially indestructable power armor.

    Oh yea, I think you'll really like Broken Steel too. HUGE evil opportunity in it. Just remember to save the game when you get to input the targetting coordinates for the orbiting nuke array.
    O o 
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  4. #114
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    I was doing some roaming around and it looks bad for Aliens Vs Predator gae that was due out in February next year.

    First I was excited by watching how cool it was, then saddened by the lame ass ratings we have in Australia which insist games ae played by people under 18years old. Despite the fact that I know for a fact that I play games and am much older than 18 (physically )

    Official linky (from Sega Uk website as the Aussie one doesn't work)

    And Report from Gamespot about the rating dilemna.

    Looks like an import jobby to me.

    Damn you Atkinson If you think the Wii is so great, why don't you go about banning all other game systems.....
    Sorry, to bring this post back up "but" i thought this might be interesting....

    R18+ Classification for Computer Games - Public Consultation

  5. #115
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Played some of the latest Ratchet and Clank on the PS3 over the weekend, that is one stunning looking game.

    Weapons aren't as cool as as the third PS2 game, but they are inventive and different.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  6. #116
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    1st Jan 2008


    PS3 Gamers don't forget to download Gran Turismo 5's latest demo from the PSN today.

    The new Demo features the physics engine for GT5 (not GT5P), however damage won't be available till the full game arrives in May 2010.

    Check out for all the news.
    MEGATRON Without PRIME is like Bacon without Eggs.

  7. #117
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    8th Jan 2009
    Sunshine Coast


    Amazon has put up a pre-order page for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver and given it a release date of March 14, 2010. The US boxart shows the PokeWalker peripheral is included.

  8. #118
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    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by Sleeve View Post
    Amazon has put up a pre-order page for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver and given it a release date of March 14, 2010. The US boxart shows the PokeWalker peripheral is included.
    So we'd be looking at an April release yes?
    After playing through SoulSilver's story mode with traded 'mons I'm still only in the mid 60's, gonna take a very long time to reach the mid 80's that I'll need to stand a chance against the final boss....
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  9. #119
    SGB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    I was doing some roaming around and it looks bad for Aliens Vs Predator gae that was due out in February next year.

    First I was excited by watching how cool it was, then saddened by the lame ass ratings we have in Australia which insist games ae played by people under 18years old. Despite the fact that I know for a fact that I play games and am much older than 18 (physically )

    Official linky (from Sega Uk website as the Aussie one doesn't work)

    And Report from Gamespot about the rating dilemna.

    Looks like an import jobby to me.

    Damn you Atkinson If you think the Wii is so great, why don't you go about banning all other game systems.....
    Aliens Vs Predator has been unbanned.

    Ban lifted, Aliens Vs Predator can now invade Australia

  10. #120
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SGB View Post
    Aliens Vs Predator has been unbanned.

    Ban lifted, Aliens Vs Predator can now invade Australia

    S**t just got real.

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