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Thread: Rogue One

  1. #51
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    7th Oct 2015


    I found it interesting in that the significant loss of Rebels during the Scarif battle, including all of Rogue One, Blue Squadron and a large part of the fleet (including the flagship) made it seem more of a pyrrhic victory than an all out victory. Certainly the opening crawl of A New Hope made it look better than the outcome of Rogue One:

    "It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire.

    During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet.
    The cost in obtaining the Death Star II schematics and the Emperor's plans to be present were clearly alluded to in RotJ when Mon Mothma states that "many Bothans died to bring us this information."

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    .... Mon Mothma states that "many Bothans died to bring us this information."
    Awww.... poor old Manny

  3. #53
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    So what's next rogue two on why second Death Star is still
    Poorly designed?

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    So what's next rogue two on why second Death Star is still
    Poorly designed?

    You realise for #2 they flew into the reactor itself... no exhaust port...

    and the plans were "ok"... to the emperors eyes... everyone who knew of Galens "flaws" is dead by the time the Medal Ceremony commences... so they just go... "Get the plans, fix that trench Vader says they aimed for... and make it bigger"

  5. #55
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    One of the things I love about this film is how it contextualises a lot of what comes after it the Original Trilogy films.

    • The Battle of Yavin makes more sense from an in universe point of view now because the Rebel fleet was smashed about two days before hand, which is why there was no cap ship support. Red and Gold Squadron arguably get wiped out so quickly probably because they're so combat fatigued.
    • The Tantive IV being over Tatooine at the start of ANH isn't a coincidence anymore - Leia was swinging past to pick up Obi Wan on her way to Alderaan.
    • Obi Wan teaching Luke, leaving Tatooine and the Death Star sequence is more meaningful. The way Rogue One portrayed it was that the Rebellion leadership knew that Bail knew where Obi Wan was, but that he wouldn't go to him unless things got particularly dire. Taken with Rogue One in context, Obi Wan arguably knew that the fact they were reaching out to him meant that things had gotten really bad so he knew it was time to accelerate things.
    • The Return of the Jedi stolen shuttle gambit being an entirely predicted and failed trick on the part of the Rebels has greater meaning now too seeing as that's exactly how Rogue One managed to sneak into Scariff.

    As a fan of the Star Wars EU some of the biggest thrills in this film for me came from seeing things I'd read about committed to film.

    Y-Wing bombing run on a Star Destroyer like in the X-Wing books? Check

    Darth Vader absolutely wrecking everything in his path like in The Force Unleashed or Dark Lords of the Sith? Check

    Starfighters completely smoking AT-ATs like in Isard's Revenge? Check (I am aware they're actually AT-ACTs in this film)

    Suicide mission led by a tough as nails female to steal the Death Star plans, just like at the end of Rebel Dream? Check

    Bizarre TIE variants that we'll likely never see again, just like most EU books? Check

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    So what's next rogue two on why second Death Star is still
    Poorly designed?
    The Death Star 2 was still under construction. The whole point of that entire gambit was to have the station look like it was still under construction, leak the location and that the Emperor was on board to draw out as many Rebels as possible, and then have the superlaser operational to wipe out the Rebel fleet.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  6. #56
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    Yeah iirc Death Star II once completed would've been impervious with no outward weaknesses. The path into the main core I assume would've been sealed up once construction was completed.

    Hence why the Emperor allowed the Rebels to find out the location of Death Star II, knowing it was too tempting a target (or the only chance to take it down) whilst under construction.

    The Battle of Yavin makes more sense from an in universe point of view now because the Rebel fleet was smashed about two days before hand, which is why there was no cap ship support. Red and Gold Squadron arguably get wiped out so quickly probably because they're so combat fatigued.
    Actually the pre-battle Yavin briefing in ANH makes it clear that capital ships would be decimated by the Death Star's main defenses consisting of turbolasers (can't be bothered digging up the quote). I'm sure the Rebels had other fleets in reserve but starfighters were clearly the way to go.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    As a fan of the Star Wars EU some of the biggest thrills in this film for me came from seeing things I'd read about committed to film.

    Y-Wing bombing run on a Star Destroyer like in the X-Wing books? Check

    Darth Vader absolutely wrecking everything in his path like in The Force Unleashed or Dark Lords of the Sith? Check

    Starfighters completely smoking AT-ATs like in Isard's Revenge? Check (I am aware they're actually AT-ACTs in this film)

    Suicide mission led by a tough as nails female to steal the Death Star plans, just like at the end of Rebel Dream? Check

    Bizarre TIE variants that we'll likely never see again, just like most EU books? Check
    Speaking of things like this... i so thought the Hammerhead was going to do an X-Wing game run through the control towers on the SSDs...

  8. #58
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post

    You realise for #2 they flew into the reactor itself... no exhaust port...

    and the plans were "ok"... to the emperors eyes... everyone who knew of Galens "flaws" is dead by the time the Medal Ceremony commences... so they just go... "Get the plans, fix that trench Vader says they aimed for... and make it bigger"
    Yah what? I think is still silly weakness imo. Especially big enough for a falcon to fly in. Of course my opinion.

    Come to rethink it, the chances of you hitting a bullseye is a lot harder than the second Death Star. Luke had the force to get the shot, not many pilots can ace it. Second Death Star is basically get the shield down and is just a matter of getting pilots in. No Jedi skills required as shown.
    Last edited by drifand; 19th December 2016 at 04:39 PM.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    Yeah iirc Death Star II once completed would've been impervious with no outward weaknesses. The path into the main core I assume would've been sealed up once construction was completed.

    Hence why the Emperor allowed the Rebels to find out the location of Death Star II, knowing it was too tempting a target (or the only chance to take it down) whilst under construction.

    Actually the pre-battle Yavin briefing in ANH makes it clear that capital ships would be decimated by the Death Star's main defenses consisting of turbolasers (can't be bothered digging up the quote). I'm sure the Rebels had other fleets in reserve but starfighters were clearly the way to go.
    I suppose there is the "It's defenses are designed around a direct large-scale assault" line.

    In a way though I suppose it does give greater meaning to the ROTJ assault then, and explain that line better - the audience had no idea before ROTJ that the Death Star could do low power ship destroying shots.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  10. #60
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    Even the path into the Death Star II wasn't an easy thing for the Rebels to get to; only two of the fighters managed to make it to the reactor without being destroyed.

    Because we didn't see capital ships in ANH, and saw them gathering at the end of ESB and attacking in ROTJ, I had assumed that the rebellion had a much smaller number of big ships at the time of ANH - and the events of that film helped more rebel and add their forces to the mix. So seeing the big armada jump in during this film surprised me. (Even though I've played games like Xwing where there was a big fleet for game purposes).

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